"Love asks You, Can You Feel Our Love?"

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The New Earth is about coming together in Each of Our Unique Grandness with Love and Compassion.Its about Building the bridges connecting all
of US together. The New Earth is about making the Choice to choose Love in every moment.That is our Oneness together.


Awakening is expressed as Love is Present in every moment, this is the connection
and is shared equally, through our Hearts, Love is the source of ALL...AWAKENING INTO THE LOVE YOU ARE...The journey of Life connected
directly to SOURCE, Through the Heart= ALL LOVE IS.

If You can feel Us, Connect in~


We Love YOU


Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff

1.23.12 Multi-dimensional YOU in the Multi-dimensional NOW~Judith Dagley

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1.23.12 Multi-dimensional YOU in the Multi-dimensional NOW~Judith Dagley





Hello, again, Beloved!  We tansmit our  frequencies in a most exhuberant embrace, for we are so delighted to connect with you!


Can you feel our energies of delighted love surrounding you? Can you feel them connect with your own energies, and even infuse you with a bit of our fizzy Light if you allow them to?  The image of how your eartly beverages might experience being infused with carbonation came to our Judith’s mind as she attempted to translate this feeling into words for you, and although we all had a good laugh at the mundanity of the comparison, we like it, nonetheless! So, we are promting her to share it with you as well.  For one thing, the frequency of laughter is always worth sharing, and for another, the image is one that translates a feeling that is very far from mundane into  a familiar frame of refenence that might serve to make it more accessible. It is a “bridge metaphor,” so to speak.


~ God Is Here~ No Limitations~

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Ignorance can be lost, Brilliance cannot. Ignorance has had Humanity focus on the bad, or let's say the lie, because they knew if You Ever Focused On The Good=The Real Truth, You would never Look at the bad again, and Your Attention would Be On the Light.


Guess What, For Humanity There is Something Very Big, Very Grand, and Very Uplifting Occurring. See, it just takes a Moment for Humanity to See the Glimmer of Light. Once the Connection Is Made, We Feel It as It goes through US, and then Pings Back to You! Love Everywhere Present Equally.


Humanity has made a Choice to Be a StarSeed Nation. If this Choice had not been made, We would not Be Here. In True Reality, Humanity is not dumb. As a StarSeed Nation, You receive ALL of The Above, Everything Within The ALL, ALL Love IS, and Star Travel.



Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff

2012 ~ The Saints Of Love and Truth Come Marching IN~

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~The Saints= The Same Of Love Come Marching INTO Planet Earth=Heart is NOW~


Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, From Galactic Central. WE are Your Family of Light from the Stars, Your Earth Allies, working on Your Behalf for Total Freedom and Full Consciousness. WE are Your Hosts From Heaven, The Elohim. WE are The Ground Crew Medical Team for First Contact . Also Present Going through the Experience with You Is US, Mother and Father God.


You See Humanity, Your Grandfather Is the Unknowable, Your Grandmother Is Love, and Father God and I Are Your Parents. We are Honored to be Here On Planet Earth, Mother Earth, The Emerald and Heart of This Universe and Participating in Your Awakening, and Your Graduation Into Godhood. Humanity was Told that We were going to be Here for Their Graduation. Who receives the Diplomas? The Real Being, and that IS ALL of You.

Acceleration of Ascension 2012 by~ Inelia Benz

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Acceleration of Ascension ~ 2012


The past two years have seen quantum jumps in the collective expansion of awareness (ascension), and the awakening of the masses.

Words such as Karma, chakras, manifestation, and all sorts of other words that are normally the vocabulary of those who are in a path of self discovery, are now used in society at large.



This year it accelerates a thousand fold.


A few days ago, I was chatting with three women I am collaborating with in a journey beyond mysticism, and after the call, I had the "instructions" from Source that it was time to stop walking on the planet with cotton gloves at an energy level, and to "let it all out", become unlimited. I looked at the instructions and decided to go ahead and apply them.  Of course, the instructions are not just for me, but for everyone who is reading this article too.


Solar Flare Update~M9 Solar Flare Expected to Arrive Tuesday 8am CST.+/-7 Hrs.

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Solar Flare Update.
All links are @ http://www.mrcometwatch.com
RADIATION STORM IN PROGRESS: Solar protons accelerated by this morning's M9-class solar flare are streaming past Earth. On the NOAA scale of radiation storms, this one ranks S3, which means it could, e.g., cause isolated reboots of computers onboard Earth-orbiting satellites and interfere with polar radio communications. An example of satellite effects: The "snow" in this SOHO coronagraph movie is caused by protons hitting the observatory's onboard camera.

Wake Up Call ~ Horus ~ 23 January 2012 ~Obama's Hidden Message's in the State of Union Adress~

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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus ~ 23 January 2012 ~Obama's Hidden Message's in the State of Union Adress~


I am here today for a short message about what is to take place in the coming few days. As President Obama reports to the world about what is to come for the nation and then reverberate out into the world, it is up to everyone to see the hidden message that is broadcast for each and every one of you.


There will be something that is to speak personally for each of you, and as it does you will understand better what is taking place. You will see that there is a connection between all of us, and that it will have effect on how the rest of time enacts the measures that are necessary to bring the world to a state of individual power and creativity that will translate into a wonderful, free world for everyone.


I encourage each of you to keep an open heart and mind for what Mr. Obama says, and to see it as a deliverance of truth that knows no bounds. It is a time right now for forthcoming events that will parade the ideas of love and family connection to the far reaches of the planet. We are all one, family in Spirit and in Soul. Reach out and touch someone and see their smile radiate back to you as a blessing for all that you do. You are indeed a gift to humanity and all life on this wondrous planet Earth.

Mars Retrograde: The Beginning of Ascension

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Mars Retrograde: The Beginning of Ascension


This year’s Mars transit through Virgo will teach the spiritual importance of meaningful labor and serve as a herald of the coming purification of the planet Earth; true natures will be revealed through the medium of service. The potent and dynamic energies that the planet Mars imparts will manifest in a variety of ways unique to the domain of Virgo and to the celestial composition of each one of us. There is opportunity, if properly aligned, for newfound progress and achievement to be obtained in the arenas of health, service, and spiritual growth. The retrograde begins during the twilight hours of January 24th and ends the same on April 14th of this revolutionary year of 2012. For those who seek maximum life success and heightened global awareness I welcome you to my intuitive analysis of Mars’ transit through the House of Virgo, beginning with its retrograde phase.


~The “D” Word: More Speculation on the State of the Union Address~

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~The “D” Word: More Speculation on the State of the Union Address~



2012 January 23
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow and a Commentary from Steve~

 Steve~Why do I feel almost apologetic for posting this? And why am I even posting it at all? Because Disclosure is going to happen one of these days and a State of the Union address could be the ideal occasion for it. And the rather abrupt manner in which the SOTU address was announced has led to speculation. And you wouldn’t want Disclosure to be announced and we didn’t post it.  But don’t bet the farm on it.



Chinese National TV reporting impending UFO/ET disclosure by Obama government

Alfred Lambremont Webre, Seattle Exopolitics Examiner, January 21, 2011



Chinese National Television Xinhua news is now reporting an impending extraterrestrial disclosure by the Obama administration.


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