~The Galactic Free Press~ Update~ The Transforming Energies of Love~Dragon Love~ Everything Changes~Brain Shift in Progress~

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~The Galactic Free Press~



~ Update~ The Transforming Energies of Love~ Dragon Love~ Everything Changes~Pole~Brain Shift in Progress~



taken from astronomologer.com


Planet Earth is Transforming and So are all inhabitants, this is inevitibale. As we entered the Chinese New Year with the dragon, there is no denying that an increased amount of transforming Love Energy has indeed arrived. This is a Powerful Energy, that has truly blessed Humanity with the arrival of Several Strong Cme Impacts, that are adjusting everyone and the Planet's energetic systems. Although this is the Year of the Water Dragon, the Fire Dragon is also Prominant~


~Paradise~ ~Galactic Love Reporter Polona~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Polona~



Dear Family of Light! I was guided to touch my oak tree on my meadow today, and I exchanged a beautiful energy with it, as I was looking in the Sun at the same time. I felt this guidance coming to me then and I AM sharing it with all of You.

~Occupy San Francisco Gets Down to Business~

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Occupy San Francisco Gets Down to Business


Warren Langley: from stock exchange chief to occupier



Gary Kamiya, Salon, 01-20-2012


After a brief hibernation, a refocused movement takes aim at corporate America


SAN FRANCISCO–Act II of the Occupy Wall Street movement, San Francisco version, kicked off on a rainy, blustery Friday in the heart of the city’s financial district.

~The Pegasians, The Freedom is Within~

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Hello to you,

We greet you in kind in the kindest of ways we meet you. We meet you in the heart space and we ask you to relax there, here in this moment, we ask you to relax there, and to be in this natural flow of being that we speak to you of.


This natural state of being is your natural way to be upon this Earth and to be in all reality..
To be in this reality is the way to be natural here. To be natural is how it should be here..
It feels that it is not always so..

Power Path ~ New Moon Update 2012

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Power Path ~ New Moon Update 2012 with Pat Liles


 Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Lena Stevens~



Dear Friends,

The New Moon was at 12:42 AM Mountain Standard Time on Monday January 23 and we are still in its influence. This is a time when depression could hit or you could become overwhelmed with the disruption and destabilization around you. This is a good day to pull your energy in and focus only on the tasks at hand. Don't get distracted by others and their process. You will likely have many things on your plate. They can all wait. Take time for yourself and yourself only even if it is just to watch a bad movie. Stay out of judgment about events and situations, as they are all just temporary. Take a break.


Beings Of Light ~ Embracing Oneness ~ 24 Jan 2012

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BEings Of Light ~ Embracing Oneness 24 Jan 2012



"Don't give your power away" is the mantra that I hear all over the internet. But we forget that to be able to perceive power is to be in duality consciousness. As in reality there can only be one 'intent', 'will' or 'purpose' in the universe which is one in oneness and works for the benefit of all. I have started to perceive this one intent. To realize this Oneness of purpose you simply have to follow the synchronicities.



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