~ Saul ~ Judgement Adds To The Pain And Confusion Of The Illusion ~ 25 January 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman ~ Saul ~ Judgement Adds To The Pain And Confusion Of The Illusion ~ 25 January 2012



The awareness that something big is shortly to occur is rising into the consciousness of nearly everyone on Earth.  And so it should!  You have been praying and intending to awaken for a very long time, and now the progress you have made is becoming visible all over the world in the form of people’s concern for the well-being of others.  It has been a long journey to arrive at this point in your spiritual evolution, and from here there is no going back.  You are all set to continue, and your progress is accelerating as you become ever more aware of your divine spiritual essence and of your desire to be truly Yourself – the being of infinite value and integrity that God created eons ago.


1~25~12~The Opening of the Next Portal~ Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas

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1~25~12~The Opening of the Next Portal~


Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas


I knew the energy of this new moon coupled with the intensity of the sun with it meant something big… hell I could feel it all in my body, and it was exciting. But without the first morning connection/reading… I would have never in a million years understood what I do now.

My first reading of yesterday was for someone I never read for before that lives in New Zealand. Phew baby, she should have come in with a warning! I got fried before I even started… which is sooooo exciting.


Many of the original inhabitants of Lemuria made their way to New Zealand, and even today, their bloodline… their true DNA still lives.

When I started the connection to her. phew baby! I could see and feel something new in the field. An opening. It was not a vortex, no spinning funnel like energy, but the opening was clear and intense. It filled out most of what I call “the field” that high vibration 6th dimension we are all getting used to and learning to work and play within.


~Space Weather Update~ Subsiding Storm~ Wind Speed 593

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SUBSIDING STORM: A geomagnetic storm caused by Monday's M9-class solar flare and Tuesday's CME impact is over. The aurora watch is cancelled for all but the highest latitudes around the Arctic Circle.


STORM RECAP: As expected, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 24th at approximately 1500 UT (10 am EST). The impact produced a G1-class geomagnetic storm and bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. As the storm crested, Göran Strand of Östersund, Sweden, took a panoramic photo and wrapped it 360-degrees to create this composition, which he calls Planet Aurora:



Highlights of the State of the Union Address, Jan. 24, 2012 with Steve Beckow

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Highlights of the State of the Union Address, Jan. 24, 2012

2012 January 24
Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

No, I could not find references to Disclosure in the State of the Union address, unless you consider as references the mention of innovations back-engineered from the Roswell spacecraft such as the silicon chip and Kevlar (1) or statements like “don’t let other countries win the race for the future.” 

So much of it testified to the relative powerlessness of the President to actually bring in decisive legislation that could impact the situation America finds itself in. 

Statements like these communicate it:

Bill Ballard ~ ~ Doing The Dimensional Slide ~ 24 January 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter Bill Ballard ~

~ Doing The Dimensional Slide ~ 24 January 2012


The Dimensional Slide. It sounds like some New Age dance step and in a way it is. As frequencies rise and spiral into the center many are experiencing contact with parallel dimensions and other realities.  As frequencies elevate the veils become thinner and we find ourselves shifting into alternate realities – all happening in the now.


We know thought creates reality and vibrations allow access to various dimensions. However, as we near the center of the 2012 spiral (coming ever closer to the point of oneness) there is something else also happening. Various possible realities are conjoining. Multiple possibilities of All That Is are manifesting before our eyes.


There is a choice that each must make. It is, “What do I wish to manifest from this illusion for my own future self to experience?”

~Message from The White House~ State of Union Address~ W~Commentary from The GFP~ Lets Blast Them With Love~

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The White House, WashingtonCommentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Lets Beam Him and everyone there with Lots of Love~  WE ask that everyone Pay attention to the Key words throughout his speech~ All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


Good afternoon,


In just a few hours, at 9:00 p.m. ET, President Obama will stand before Congress to give the State of the Union Address. He'll talk about where we are as a nation, and he'll lay out a blueprint for an America built to last.

For weeks, we've been working to this point.

The Collective Consciousness ~ Earths Frequencies

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The Collective Consciousness ~ Earths Frequencies

Earth is a sea of vibrations and frequencies. Mankind is skilled in creating and inventing devices in which there is an energy frequency and vibration. These waves of energy are always moving through you.

Imagine for a moment all the electrical devices in just your home alone - every light and lamp, the phone systems, all the kitchen appliances. Each device gives off a certain frequency. The television is one of the major contributors of discordant frequencies. Most people a not aware of these frequencies. They have tuned them out; their energy field has adjusted and learned to live with them.


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012


Dear one,
We are the Arcturians!


We take your experience not to be able to convey messages as usual because of computer problems as an example.

Dear one, writing messages will not be forever part of your service to humanity, as the energies will change.


There will be a time when all your computers and your internet on your world will not work properly because of the interference of the incoming new frequencies on your world. Although you will probably feel at first uneasy with it – what perhaps also others might feel when they are no longer nurtured and informed by messages, such as yours and of  the many other channels – be assured though that this interference serves a greater purpose.



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