Message from the Galactic Federation 1/14/12 Final preparations have already been made throughout the Galactic fleets.

Greg_ Giles's picture


News stories will begin to trickle through to the viewing public concerning matters which we have already discussed with many of you concerning our presence in your skies and of matters concerning your governments and financial systems. Soon, all truths will be quickly and efficiently shared with you concerning all matters of your world, but for now, just a slight crack in the wall of secrecy will allow pinholes of light to begin to shine through. We are here. Many of you already are quite aware of this fact. With the cooperation of some of your media outlets, considerably more of your world will learn of our presence and begin to question why we are here at this time and what this has to do with the year and prophecies of 2012. Pieces will begin to snap together, and soon a picture will begin to emerge from all the scrambled information. It will not take long for many of your forward thinkers to see that incredible changes to your civilization are at hand. Please see to it that many of the missing pieces to the puzzle are offered to help them see the entire landscape before them. This is your task.


~An Update from Horus~ Activities increase from the Hollow Earth~

Lia's picture


I am Horus, and I am here today to tell you of a development in the activities of the Inner and Hollow Earth beings. We are going toward a discovery that has been made in the industries of earth that is incorporating the indefinable elements with those that have already been defined as organic and helpful to your system. Those that are being defined, as I speak, are the ones that will be incorporated into the ecosystem that is in place. Together with the elements that have been defined and seen as being helpful to the climate they will be undergoing a melding in purpose that will bring together the powers of intent and potential to bring about a huge wave of cleansing in the energies of the earth’s atmosphere.


Dear world…thank you! ~ Galactic Love Reporter by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

Lia's picture


Dear world…thank you! ~ Galactic Love Reporter by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)


Dear world,

Thank you for continuing to keep your Light “bright” and your energy fresh…it’s a big cleansing, that which our lives have become…together we are removing over 13000 years of darkness, or perhaps much much more!


Thank you for keeping your emotions in check, for the smile on your face that is genuine and heartfelt.


Thank you for your healing and peaceful nature.

Thank for sharing your excitement with me.

Thank  you for delighting in life, in my presence.

Just Ask "The Power of Prayer"

World-Bridger's picture

Greetings all,



The last 3 years has been very heavy for many including myself. I have been through some heavy clearing, that manifested in the physical as sickness that in many cases could not be diagnosed by doctors. I literally spent 2 years being sick, it wasn't until I realized why I was living in pain and sickness that I was able to release the causes within myself. I was clearing all the muck that I had created for myself, I was preparing for the great event that is at our doorstep. My plea's for help and understanding were being answered once again!


The last 4 months have been wonderful within myself, "not nessesarily in my environment or home life" I have reached levels of clarity unparalleled in my lifetime(s). Last month I had a huge awakening, as I was practicing what I preach. I just stood up walked to the window in my living room, I started to pray, when I pray, I pray to Mother/Father God of my being, "my creators" Yeshua, my Higher Self, my Higher Selfs family, my guides and all who make up my support Team. As I stood there praying, I was naked,"not literally" I asked for forgiveness for all my shortcomings, I stated only choose Love, I told em all how much I loved them all.


'S*** New Age Girls Say'... or at least she thought so...

AnaShyNa's picture

So, our lovely 'Patty the Universe' shares so much that I had to watch video more than once... 


Some of US, we need this kind of poking and triggering, as the regular Main Stream Media guys, do not believe anything they see on TV.... Or is it?...


In every word, in every joke there is seed of truth... and if you only change the angle that you hear and see these videos or writings... You can see truly amazing humor that penetrate in deepest pores of our humanity, and while you are laughing or judging her, you still getting the message...


And I got this one: 'So you beloved friend, I am so happy to put a show about how we standing tall and taking actions in our own hands... 

~Occupy The Dream ~ #J15 Candlelight Vigil for Martin Luther King Jr.~

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~Occupy The Dream ~ #J15 Candlelight Vigil for Martin Luther King Jr.~



"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


In a few days the Occupy Movement will be engaging in global actions centered around the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The heart of Dr. King’s vision offers wonderful inspiration for the movement – one that is deeply rooted in love.  King’s approach to activism was all about “love in action.”



Lia's picture

~Galactic Love Reporter Felix C Lopez~






~I honor the place where you are, when you’re there and I AM WITHIN myself. WE ARE ONE. ONE GOD. ONE LOVE. ONE UNIVERSE.


AND ONLY ONE LANGUAGE, the heart really matters.

We will become one, but only if your EGO dies, WHICH IS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and you allow your spirit to soar into the infinite.


In this place there is no pride or prejudice, no racial differences, no discrimination, no hatred, no misunderstandings, no disagreements, no envy, just PERFECT LOVE, COMPASSION AND HARMONY.


~All that we are is the result of what we have thought~ ~Buddha~

Lia's picture




~All that we are is the result of what we have thought~ ~Buddha~



~ True beauty comes from within, Physical appearance only enhances the reflection of ones conscious perspective.. Because The most beautiful people have an inner light shining through their physical reflection,


~ The beauty of a dream exists in reality only when it is processed through a cause. The completion of task is felt as a gratifying joy within and this reflects to those around us as inspiration. Your beauty inspires many people in many ways, But the most powerful reflection you have to others is that of your happiness and your joy for life ..~~♥~



~ The heart is the conscious souls container, the vessel of the universal energy’s transformation.


Mike Quinsey: The Command Ships of the Ashtar Command

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Mike Quinsey: The Command Ships of the Ashtar Command

2012 January 14
Commentary through Steve Beckow

Mike Quinsey published this article in 2004, taking the material not from his own channelings but from two books by Tuella and a source called Cloverleaf Connections, with which I’m not familiar. Tuella is a now-transitioned channel of Ashtar. Thanks to Kauila.
Below Mike’s article is one on Tuella.


The Command Ships of The Ashtar Command

Posted Nov. 10, 2004


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