~Ascension ~ Your Missions & Agreements~

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 Written and Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Mysticalflame



~Ascension ~ Your Missions & Agreements~



It amazes me how many souls~ can't want to ascend and get off the planet.


Do you not realize, that your very souls asked and volunteered to come here, to this planet during this time because of an incrediable love to serve  the divine will and the highest good of all. You volunteered to assist Humanity and Mother Earth in their awakening and the ascension, playing many roles and taking on many responsibilities.


MESSAGE FROM MY GOD-SELF (3)~ Through Galactic Love Reporter Ute~

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MESSAGE FROM MY GOD-SELF (3)~ Through Galactic Love Reporter Ute~

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012

I AM your God-Self,
Speaking to all humanity ~

Things occur not yet in your outer world because you still hold on to your old limited consciousness.
You cannot change your outer world experience while you still live and breathe as you have done for so many millenniums.

The Pleiadian High Council: “You are Undergoing a Master Ascension”

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The Pleiadian High Council: “You are Undergoing a Master Ascension”




~Galactic Love Reporter  Wes Annac~


Wes: Hello to the Pleiadian High Council. How have you been, friends? It has been quite a minute since we have chatted.


Pleiadian High Council: Hello dear Wesley, we are feeling wonderful as always. It pains us to watch you go through what you do, but if you had our perspective you would know that the lessons which are turning you inside out, are serving to expose demons in yourself, that you grew comfortable with and acquainted yourself with whilst in the low vibrations of Earth. These demons originally came to you as incarnate people on Earth, who were and still are of a very dark nature. You befriended them and grew a relationship with them for survival purposes. You have been told that you spent incarnations in Illuminati families, yes?


Wes: Yes dear friends I have, though I do not remember much about it.


~The Galactic Free Press ~ Truth Transmissions ~ 2012~The New Earth=Heart is in Manifestation=Balanced Harmonics~

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~The Galactic Free Press~



~Truth Transmissions~


~ 2012~The New Earth=Heart is in Manifestation=Balanced Harmonics~



The New Earth is in Manifestation, with A Firm Foundation of Unconditional Love, the Only Law that Exists, can exist, Will exist, and has Ever Existed.


The Highest Vibrational Thought of Love Everywhere Present is the Perfect Balanced Harmonic Chord Within Creation. Each and Every Being on this Planet has within them, their own  Unique Note.  Currently, This Note is Being Sounded Within all of Humanity's Dna Structures as we work dilegently to raise the Entire Planet UP into Higher and Higher Frequencies.


HEAVEN #4069 ~ Love, Like Cream, Comes to the Top ~ 15.01.12

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Heaven #4069

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff


Love, Like Cream, Comes to the Top

Heavenletter #4069 Published on: January 15, 2012

God said:

In the Fullness of Love, We ARE. There is no getting away from it. We are One. We are One lovely Loving One.

In the world, there are many diversions, many by-paths, many digressions.

Hilarion's Weekly Message, January 15~22, 2012

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Hilarion's Weekly Message, January 15~22, 2012


Beloved Ones,
Many of you are discovering that as you each stand in your Light and in your truth without fear, without anger, that you are being supported by the new energies that are permeating the entire atmosphere of the Earth. Those who try to work in the old paradigms, in the old ways of doing business on
Earth are beginning to find that they are not being supported in their endeavors. All that has been done in secret and behind the scenes now comes to the Light and scrutiny of Humanity as a whole.

~ You Are Frequently Feeling The Disquiet Of Others ~ 15 January 2012

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~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman ~ Saul


~ You Are Frequently Feeling The Disquiet Of Others ~ 15 January 2012



Many of you are finding this period in the divine plan stressful with your doubts and skepticism  intensifying as you wait expectantly for the moment of awakening.  This is very understandable because all the channels and all the guides have been encouraging your expectations, and yet most of you have very little, if any, sense of the enormous changes that are actually occurring worldwide.  However, I can assure you that your intent to awaken, coupled with your intent to embrace only loving energies, and release all others, is intensifying and strengthening your connection to and integration with the divine energy field that is enveloping the planet


Some of you, who are more conscious of holding these intents, are experiencing unusual tiredness, even exhaustion, as your old and ancient disabling and limiting attitudes and beliefs storm into your awareness to be released.  Others among you are releasing more general issues from many who are still deeply asleep, that you have, at a deeper level of your being, volunteered to help with, and which as a result are being channeled through you.  For this you are greatly honored.


Visionkeeper ~ Hold The Light ~ 15 January 2012

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Visionkeeper ~ Hold The Light ~ 15 January 2012



Okay, I am sure some people reading this post are saying “what does she mean hold the light?” Sounds a bit odd I know, but believe me it is imperative we do this, especially at this time.


To hold the light on the planet is to hold love in your heart and your life. To think loving thoughts, to perform loving actions towards others, to feel love in your heart for all, to be rid of your ego, to stop all judging of others, to stop the blame game and take full responsibility for your actions and to stay positive in your thoughts. This is how we should be living our lives all of the time. This is the new life we are being asked to live now so we can raise our consciousness out of 3D into 4 and 5D.


When the mass consciousness does finally shift out of 3rd dimension love and compassion will be what we feel in our hearts and minds at all times. It will be a very exciting and monumental shift and the outcome will be glorious. As with everything, it will take our hard work and deep committment to pull this off. It really isn’t work if you think of the outcome. What a wonderful world it will be to live in.



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