~ War with Iran No Longer Possible ~

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War with Iran No Longer Possible

2012 January 15
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

David Wilcock has written a comprehensive and well-thought out overview of what he aptly describes as “financial tyranny.” His analysis of the “super-entity” that owns most corporations, the fact that derivatives are still being floated after already dooming the international economy, and the size of Illuminati holdings and theft stagger the imagination.

I’m still reading through and digesting the article personally, as time allows. But I did want to comment on one statement, lest new readers particularly feel anxiety over it. David writes:


“Simultaneously, very aggressive and blatant moves are being made to start World War III in the Middle East — with imminent, ever-increasing threats from Israel and the United States to attack Iran.


1/15/2012 -- EARTHQUAKE ALERT -- 6.6M, 6.6M, 6.7M, 6.7M, and a 6.2M FIVE IN A ROW !

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The 6.6 magnitude :


The 6.2 magnitude:


Attempting to get the rest of the feeds… ironically.. USGS is dropping the others…

Simply put… this movement is insane.

Here are a series of links to monitor global seismic information:

Message 84~ Claim Your Gifts

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Message 84

Claim Your Gifts



We are here, streaming energy, offering suggestions and gentle reminders that you are a multidimensional being of great skill with a great desire to serve. These are miraculous, wondrous times. Humans are expanding into their full powerful potential as the multidimensional beings they truly are.

Sharon's Take ~ January 2012 Taking a Stand~

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Sharon's Take ~ January 2012 Taking a Stand


Here we are at the beginning of a grand new year that many of us have been waiting for for a long time. I often get asked what is my take on what will happen in 2012 and so doing a reading of this year has been ongoing for many years. I do think we will see great changes and shifts this year. I don't believe there will be a magical event over a few days that will drastically change the earth and those of us left on it, however a part of me would still like that to happen. When I have asked my guides previously about this they always remind me that when we view events out of space and time they seem to happen very quickly, while we are in them they happen more slowly. Although I do think there has been a quickening where things are happening faster than say, 30 years ago, and sometimes feel too fast for those going through them, I do think things are happening and there is less lag time in our creations in the physical realm as more of us awaken to great possibilities and higher compassion.


~TWO Large EarthQuakes Shetland Islands 15th jan 2012 ~

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A LATE AMENDMENT. A THIRD LARGE EARTH QUAKE of 6.2 magnitude has been reported by the usgs . Might be a mistake. They have up graded the 6.5 to 6.6 magnitude. less than an hour after the second Large earth quake..Two Large EarthQuakes Shetland Islands 15th and 16th jan 2012 ..No reports of damage at this stage.. Our hearts and thoughts go to the people of this region and all regions experiencing "events" LOVE AND KINDNESS.. Namaste....
the list of links are below and i am grateful for their service...http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes...
http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake and http://www.geonet.org.nz/earthquake/quakes/recent_quakes

Visionkeeper ~ Observing Life, Not Falling Prey To It

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Visionkeeper ~ Observing Life, Not Falling Prey To It


One World Rising | January 15 2012

Times are definitely going to ratchet up in the coming weeks and months as the dark fights hard to hold onto what they have tried to create for themselves. It is important for us to be like the owl who sits and observes life from its perch. We must pay very close attention to what is going on. But like the owl with all his wisdom we must NOT become involved with what we are witnessing. Do not fall prey to the fear that will undoubtedly be served up on a silver platter.


Fear is a grand illusion of the dense and restrictive 3rd dimension. Do not go there. There is no fear if we are living in our heart and living love. All the turmoil and chaos we see taking place is occurring in the 3rd dimension. It is not taking place in 4th or 5th or anywhere else.


~My dream of loving the darkness away to dissolve in Love~

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Andrea~


~My dream of loving the darkness away to dissolve in Love~




I went to bed at about midnight, and as every night I put on my headphones with my Delta Wave meditation "Association with Wholeness", it lasts about 45 minutes and I put it in loop cause usually after a few minutes I'm already "gone". I woke up at at the end of a loop... took out my headphones, looked at time 2.00 am... wow, quite late... looked again 2.00am... yes, well, turned off my phone and went back to sleep.

Started dreaming very fast, was in a dark room with a corridor, it was almost completely dark... I knew I had to go down the corridor "Ok, nothing to fear of, dark is not real anymore. Even if my eyes believe it's dark, i KNOW it is not." So I went down, into the dark. Almost enjoyed it... no fear. Even when  something came out of the dark, looked at it and spead Love... just a dog... Got to the end of it, where light was completely cut off and laughed out my lungs!!! I did it! Got to the center of the dark with no fear and... wow... nothing happened.



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