2012: The Year of Transformation
a message from Galactic Love Reporter Owen Waters
Sunday, 1 January, 2012 (posted 6 January, 2012)

2012 is the Year of Transformation. On December 21st, 2012, several major cosmic cycles all converge and end on that very same day. Then, they all restart in one super-positive swing to the upside.
Get ready for the new cycles at the end of 2012 by saying goodbye to any outdated ‘baggage’ that you’ve been carrying around for too long. Downsize and simplify. Clear out the old physical clutter. If it’s too much bother to sell, give it to a good cause.
Clear out old emotional patterns that no longer serve you. People say there’s some kind of Murphy’s Law that says you can never change another person’s ways. Maybe they’re right so, if you’ve been trying to prove Murphy wrong, quit trying and see what a huge difference it can make in your life. It also helps to say, “In a hundred years, what would it matter any more anyway?”