~Be Prepared/2012~

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Eric Breault~


~Be Prepared/2012~


Hello Beloved ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Divine.  We have noticed a lot of drama and major challenges playing out in the past few months.  They are intensifying as we go through the early part of this New Year.  It is vital that you be prepared for the major changes that are ahead of you.  These changes are best to be dealt with through daily prayer, meditation, diet and excercise.  You will be noticing a lot of changes in people around you throughout this year. Along with changes in people, you will also see big changes in the climate.  You will see a major jump in the melt of the sea ice this year.  The landmasses and ocean will start to change as well.  This is all part of the natural process of the purification happening on your planet.  This change will give humanity the opporutiny to redirect their thought patterns to a harmonious and balanced one.  There is no doom or gloom that will happen to you.  It is your choice as humanity to either live in a fear based world or a harmonious one.  As a collective, you  will decide which direction you want to go on.


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Story starts some time ago, when doubts were nonexistent; when we knew that flat earth was 'true' reality... when we have been 'educated' the rules that God 'can' only communicate with priests, strictly assigned by religious structures... when we have been 'happy' when we paid all our dues, and not thinking about what left for our children and spouse... when we have been executed when questioning reasons or even publicly teaching that earth is not flat... being imprisoned when scientifically proving that Earth is fully round... when feeling that there is more of God, than written in the bible...


~The Legions of Light Beings stand in line to replace your politicians. ~ by Valerie Donner

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The Legions of Light Beings stand in line to replace your polititians


By Love Reporter Valerie Donner:

Dear Ground Crew,

Happy New Year and a post Merry Everything for you! I pray this is a most wondrous time for you and that all of your dreams are manifesting.


What I am noticing is that we are going through what Archangel Gabriel (through channel Karen Cook, www.benutoo) our “mini life reviews.” It doesn’t feel like an overnight accomplishment for most of us. It can come in lucid dreams with unfinished business with others, emotions, issues, healing crises, and old memories that creep into your consciousness. If you have done inner work in this incarnation it could appear as putting some finishing touches on your soul’s journey of wisdom, love and knowledge. For others, it might be an onerous process. In the main, we will all benefit from this gift from our Creator and our planet will be a better place.

Scientists Prove That All Religious Books Are Man~Made Nonsense

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Scientists Prove That All Religious Books Are Man~Made Nonsense


By B. Delaire

"Fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths, and miracles as poetic fancies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing." - Hypatia of Alexandria (370 - 415 AD)

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Scientists at the Institute of Historical Research have finally released their findings after five years of dedicated research.

The scientists headed by Doctor Julius Sanreso, welcomed the research findings and said that it would be in the interests of those who believe in such nonsense as organised religion or creationism to accept the fact that religious books were written by men as a control system.

"The 2012 Express ~ A Train Is Coming" ~ The Requisite Shift to Crysto-Electric Field ~ Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

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"The 2012 Express ~ A Train Is Coming"


The Requisite Shift to Crysto-Electric Field

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn




Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ James makes this very complicated, when something you read sounds complicated this is a filter of information from the left side of the Brain, The Right side of the Brain which is the Divine is a true source of information that is always clear, and simple. We are Posting this, as there is relevant and important information here. We Love You, Being in joy Is your only Mission. Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


~Allendale to Spike on the Protection of Light~

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~Allendale to Spike on the Protection of Light~

[Hello, may I speak to Allendale.] Yes, my darlin, I'm right here. What would you like to talk about? [Protection. Energetic, etheric protection.] Yes, what's on your mind? [You said the tribe was very protected and that my protection extended to my neighborhood. Is that true for all lightworkers?]

No, there are some who are on the path, but whose light is still a bit dim. Protection and light go together. The more light you generate, the wider the circumference of protection. You and your group are generating quite a bit of light. Generally, the lightworkers who have developed themselves and can hold the light create a wide circle of protection. This is true for your immediate group and for a wider group who reads these messages.

Keeping your light high, strong and shiny is the best thing you can do to usher in the new age and to defeat the forces that want to stay put. I usually call them the dark ones, the cabal, but really, they're just afraid. Little bitty mousies are they, deep down inside. Why else would they need to accumulate so much external defense? So much money, so much political and economic influence? Dominion over the resources of the world? It's because they have no center. They are empty, hollow people. They look for themselves in their goods, their possessions, and there's no there there! Nothing but emptiness, so they scramble for more, always more.

Chapter 3: We Live In A Conscious Universe

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~Galactic Love Reporter Ben~Arion~




It has been shown a couple of times that humans have either closed their eyes to what they have seen or chosen to write or tell about their experience and sights. Meanings with these small signs are to slowly raise higher the human level of consciousness.


Why have they not just landed right in front of the white house and said: “We are here, now we will change the world”? The answer is easy; First and foremost they never use force to change things over, it is we who choose, we have a free will. True changes can´t be forced from the outside, they will come from the inside, from the heart and the soul. They are not coming to save us but to wake us up to full consciousness, and that is love. Everything that is happening has a purpose even if you wouldn´t always believe it for example because of all the terrible things that happen. Everything is a part of a higher plan.



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