~12~19~11~ Space Weather Update~ Wiggling Comet and Growing Sunspot~

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COMET LOVEJOY IN THE MORNING: Noted astronomer John Bortle urges observers (especially in the southern hemisphere) to "begin searching for Comet Lovejoy's bright tail projecting up out of the morning twilight beginning at dawn. The tails of some of the major sungrazing comets have been extraordinarily bright. Comet Lovejoy's apparition has been so bizarre up to this point that it is truly difficult to anticipate just what might happen next ... [including] the exact sort of tail it might unfurl in the morning sky." [finder charts]


SPIRAL COMET TAIL: As Comet Lovejoy recedes intact from its Dec. 16th close encounter with the sun, researchers are pondering a mystery: What made the comet's tail wiggle so wildly in transit through the sun's atmosphere? The effect is clear in this sequence of extreme UV images recorded by NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft:



The Council Of Twelve ~ 19 December 2011 ~ Balance is Key~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Radio Ann ~


The Council Of Twelve ~ 19 December 2011


The Council of Twelve: Many people are wondering what’s real, who can be trusted, where are we headed? No one has the full picture. You need a higher perspective for that. So 3D has its limitations. That’s why its 3D and not 5D.We encourage you to indulge your imagination. Imagination is the doorway to reality, and that my dear, is one of life’s little paradoxes. You make it real in your head, then you make it real outside your skin. That’s the process in all of creation. You need to think of a chair before you build a chair. You need to picture a peaceful world before it will appear before you. The world of your imagination is not only real, it is the incubator for all that is real. There is a danger of going out of balance. The word for that is insanity. We counsel balance, moderation in all things. If you are too much in your imagination, you will neglect your responsibilities. If you are focused too much on your responsibilities, your life will lack joy. Balance. It’s not a fixed point, by the way. It’s a moving target. Every day has different demands and opportunities.


Ben Fulford ~ Some Personal Information You Might Find Of Interest ~ 18 December 2011

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Ben Fulford ~ Some Personal Information You Might Find Of Interest ~ 18 December 2011


Benjamin Fulford ~

I have been reading the most incredible transcripts from Jeff Rense interview with Benjamin Fulford discussing the Illuminatti. I have checked Benjamin out on the net and he is a rather impressive person. The information in these transcripts will blow you away. It realy puts all the things going on in the world in a different perspective. Donald

Montague Keen ~ 18 December 2011~ Its Time for the Masks to Come Off~

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Montague Keen ~ 18 December 2011~ Its Time for the Masks to Come Off~



Everything is speeding up now and people are coming forward to reveal the truth. Yes, it does take courage, but the knowledge that your actions will assist in the removal of the Cabal that have been destroying your planet and your fellow man for nearly 2000 years, is what drives them forward. Though the Cabal will use every trick in the book to prevent the Awakening, ultimately there is absolutely nothing that they can do to prevent it. There are many who consider themselves to be AWAKE. They do have problems accepting that the religion they followed and the history they had studied was complete fiction. For some, it is a step too far. They are still clinging to the past as they cannot get their heads around the fact that it is all based on lies. They must learn to free their minds, so as to enable them to see through the smoke-screen of deliberate misrepresentation of truth. 

~ We Ignite The Last Candle ~ A Christmas Tale ~ 18 December 2011

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Lucas ~


~ We Ignite The Last Candle ~ A Christmas Tale ~ 18 December 2011



Watching the skies seeing the flickering stars talking to me I write this tale. The stars say with their light that the new beginning is right at our doorstep. The brightest star on the heavens starts singing her song of Oneness. Soon to be followed of  choirs to join in. Oneness that was denied the earth through  the greed and power struggle of the dark ones will be manifesting.

Soon we open the door and see that what was always on our doorstep just hidden from sight. We will invite it in and see the change it will bring in our lives. The truth, understanding of the real history, the new overflowing world of abundance will be brought in our lives. We do not need anymore to follow stars and pray for guidance to find the spiritual light born in us again. We are the stars that shine upon family, friends, neighbors and strangers.  We Illuminate everything.



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