~An Hour with an Angel ~ Dec. 19 Show Summary and Audio Link Steve Beckow~

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~An Hour with an Angel ~ Dec. 19 Show Summary and Audio Link Steve Beckow~

2011 December 19

Jesus was our guest on the Dec. 19 Hour with an Angel.  Below is the audio link.  Ellen is working on a  transcript.


Jesus told us that the time to ascend is now and that we have the power to create and bring forward not only Ascension, but what we desire here and now on a soul and personal level. He talked about his life teachings, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam, the Bible, the Trinity, Enlightenment, and Immaculate Conception.

He described how part of the Bible is written in code and looked at some examples, such as the light always burning on the altar (the Christ light or soul), Moses’ journey up Mt. Sinai as a metaphor for the kundalini mounting the spine, and the parables of enlightenment (treasure buried in a field, pearl of great price, etc.).

Review of News Events Relevant to Disclosure and Open Contact, 2011

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Review of News Events Relevant to Disclosure and Open Contact, 2011


A UFO appeared over the Dome of the Rock in April 2011

Waiting for Our Cosmic Family (Part 1): Review of News Events Relevant to Disclosure and Open Contact, 2011

Hui Sun Kim, Bridge to Earth, December 19, 2011


The year 2011 is coming to a close. It’s a good time to look back and review some of the news events relevant to disclosure and open contact that took place this year. By “disclosure,” I mean the public announcement by our governments of our involvement with extraterrestrial beings.

~12~20~11~Space Weather Update~ Just In, Comet LoveJoy's Tail~

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This just in! The ghostly tail of Comet Lovejoy was sighted this morning, Dec. 20th, shining through the twilight glow of dawn over Australia. Peter Sayers sends this picture from Devonport, Tasmania:



"I was surprised to be able to see Comet Lovejoy in our Tasmanian summer early morning twilight with the waning Moon," says Sayers. "The comet's tail was just barely naked eye and perhaps a degree long."


The visibility of the tail could improve in the days ahead as the comet moves away from the sun and the background sky darkens accordingly. Early rising sky watchers should be alert for this rare apparition. [finder chart]


Sekhmet's Preview: Celebrating the Solstice

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Sekhmet's Preview:
Celebrating the Solstice
"Greetings, Beloved Family!" We have a most important date coming soon upon your calendar, and we shall be in discussion, preparation and celebration of it when next we gather!* I am speaking, of course, of that which you call the Solstice, and it shall be to celebrate the longer days in the north, even as the days grow shorter in the south.
"No matter where you are in residence upon Planet Earth, Mother Gaia is well organized into her cycles of light a

A Allendale to Aninadzija ~ Why we Don’t Come to You?

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A Allendale to Aninadzija ~ Why we Don’t Come to You?




December 20, 2011


[Hello Allendale] Hello there. How are you today? [I am just fine, thank you, I understand you have a communication for us?]'


Yes, I have. Things are on the move, the changes are putting things into perspective for the cabal. The cabal believes it can run away, off planet and take over their precious gold and goods with them. Along with technology borrowed or stolen, of course. Now, my lads, we can assure you. They are going nowhere! For that you have my very own word! They will have to respond for their crimes.


Jesus: The Focus of Your Intent is Where You Place Your Attention

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Jesus: The Focus of Your Intent is Where You Place Your Attention

~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman~



Waiting, expectantly, as you are doing, is important because it means that you are focusing on your intent to awaken into your natural and fully-conscious state. The focus of your intent is where you place your attention, and that is how you bring your desires into being.  In order to do anything you have to place your attention on it, and you do want to awaken.

However, many get distracted by the increasing stresses that the illusion presents to them in their daily lives, and they forget that they need to keep restating their intent to awaken.  If you do not keep restating your intent it changes, which is part of the peculiarity that is the illusion.  You are aware of this in your daily lives and many of you make to-do lists to help you ensure that things you consider important get done. Well, your intent to awaken needs to be placed high up on your to-do list, and not down at the bottom where it is all too easily forgotten.

~The New World Order of Service: Remove, Contain, Create~

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Leaps in spiritual growth occur when what was unconscious is brought to your awareness and shown to you as something you are ready to elevate in some manner. This begins at the Soul level first when your Higher Self knows it is in your best interest to receive new information that will greatly contribute to your expansion of personal power by healing Soul lessons that you agreed to master before arriving in physical form. When something is brought to your consciousness it is because you are ready to focus on this area of mastery.

2011 Winter Solstice: December 22, 2011 by Galactic Love Reporter Barbara Hand Clow

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view chart for winter solstice december 22 2011 at 12:31AM EST, Washington DC

The Winter Solstice has arrived north of the Equator, a time of deep contemplation and mystical immersion following nine months of setting goals and then creating them in your world. [And for those of you living south of the Equator, it is the Summer Solstice, a time of expressing fully the goals set three months ago at your Spring Equinox.] Now it is time to consider the meaning of your work in the greater world and in the universe.


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