SaLuSa 21~December~2011 All that Now remains is the removal of the one's who would spoil the Celebrations ~

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  SaLuSa  21~December~2011

Your normal life expectancy is very short compared to Beings like ourselves, who are in the higher dimensions. Nevertheless you pack so much into it and virtually everyday brings new challenges, which all together make for experiences that speed up your spiritual evolution. There is no other place exactly like Earth that constantly offers such a multitude of experiences, and they can be exceptionally testing and call for strong powers of endurance. The people of Earth astonish us with their determination to succeed, by overcoming each challenge that presents itself. You are truly the victors in the battle between the Light and Darkness for the souls upon Earth. No matter how long it took you were always going to overcome the dark Ones, and it was after all decreed that this cycle would bring a firm result in your favor.


~ New Scientific Study Shows Solar Activity Affects Humans Physical and Mental State ~

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~ New Scientific Study Shows Solar Activity Affects Humans Physical and Mental State ~




A recent study published today in the NewScientist, indicates a direct connection between the Sun's solar storms and human biological effect. The conduit which facilitates the charged particles from the Sun to human disturbance -- is the very same conduit which steers Earth's weather ----- The Magnetic Field. Yes, animals and humans have a magnetic field which surrounds them -- in the very same way the magnetic field surrounds the Earth as a protector.


Here is what the NewScientist article says: "Many animals can sense the Earth's magnetic field, so why not people, asks Oleg Shumilov of the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia. Shumilov looked at activity in the Earth's geomagnetic field from 1948 to 1997 and found that it grouped into three seasonal peaks every year: one from March to May, another in July and the last in October. Surprisingly, he also found that the geomagnetism peaks matched up with peaks in the number of mood disorders i.e. depression, anxiety, bi-polar (mood swings) and even suicides in the northern Russian city of Kirovsk over the same period."


~ Melchizedek: Love and Kindness is an Act of Service to the Divine ~

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~ Melchizedek: Love and Kindness is an Act of Service to the Divine ~


~ Galactic Love Reporter Marlene Swetlishoff ~

Melchizedek’s Weekly Message

Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu’tana

December 20, 2011

Beloved Ones,

This is the time of year in your lives when the energies that are exchanged between you are filled with goodwill, Love, hope and faith, there is more Light expressed from within each individual towards their human counterparts than at any other time.

12/20/2011 -- Pacific Ring of fire , Puerto Rico, and South Africa = Earthquake update

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Blog post with screenshots of the most recent earthquakes (from earthquake 3D) -- as well as dozens of links to monitor the ongoing earthquake uptick/unrest:

~ At the moment of quantum awakening ~

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~At the moment of quantum awakening~



~ Taken from the writings of Ken Carey ~


"At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly, rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth's gravitational field will be affected in some way. There will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical precedent, though it does have antecedents in the prehistoric events of this and of distant worlds. The changes that your generation will experience before it passes the torch to another are more fundamental than those that accompanied the agriculture revolution-and those changes took thousands of years. They are more far-reaching than the changes of industrialization, which took nearly three centuries to transpire. Yet, deep and fundamental, massive though these present changes are, they will occur within the span of just a single life.


~ 12 ~20~11 ~ All Aboard? Last Call to LOVE! ~

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~All Aboard? Last Call to LOVE!~



~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Lauren C Gorgo~


“The earth that you once knew is no longer…there is a new vibrational pattern that has permeated the blueprint of the planet and you now exist as members of the galactic community, cousins to the enlightened citizens of your galaxy.” -Pleiadian High Council

The New Earth



~Galactic Love Reporter Sheldan Nidle~ 12~20~11 First Contact Is Getting Very Close~

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Dratzo! We return! You are now in the midst of a global dilemma: your surface world is drawing ever closer to its shift into a 5~D unified reality, but those in charge of your world, despite efforts by many to depose them, remain defiant of the disaster that is swiftly approaching. We have sent out emergency calls to our Earth allies to start the actual process of arresting those in your various governments who are responsible for maintaining the fiction that your world can somehow weather the storm and survive. This is blatantly false! So far, we have received word from our Earth allies that the final stage of their takedown scenario is beginning. The coming year of 2012 requires new governance and the formal termination of the unending plots and stratagems of the dark cabal. It is time for prosperity, the return of your sovereign rights, and disclosure. It is also time for an open dialogue with us to begin on a global basis. There is so much that needs to be said by each one of you and by us, and so much needs to happen prior to your move to Inner Earth and your transformation into full consciousness.


12~20~11~ ~From The Galactic Free Press~ ~INITIATING CODES~

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~From The Galactic Free Press~ ~INSPIRATIONS~



Your Unique Newspaper, for Your 5D Reality Reading Pleasure







~Dear Santa, I want Mother Earth to ascend with ALL of her children into the Golden Age of Love for Christmas. signed, justin~



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