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Welcome dear ones. Blessings. There is much to consider in your times of transmutation. But above all, may you consider surrender as a guiding theme through the adjustments that you are all making. It is surrender to receiving as well as surrender to releasing. It is surrender to change as it is surrender to continuation.

It is not possible for you to know or to comprehend what is taking place. For it is a process, a process with a purpose and a methodology, but not with a known system or with a known result in terms of your world.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 3 December 2011

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~Galactic Love Reporter Marlene Swetlishoff ~


~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 3 December 2011

Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse on the quality of love known as consciousness. This quality brings forth the power and will to invoke into being the higher attributes of the Divine into play within yourselves, within the World around you and it reaches far out into the Omniverse to affect the whole of Creation. To be in consciousness means to walk in the awareness that One is more than a physical body, that One is a Being of Divine majesty, and as such are, in One’s every action, a true emissary of the Light of God.


Message from Spirit ~ ~Why Gratitude Works~

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Message from Spirit ~


~Why Gratitude Works~


Beloveds, you have been advised to adopt and maintain an attitude of gratitude in order to be happy, and create more of what you want in your life. You may have wondered - why is the practice of gratitude so important?

The key is the acceptance and embracing of what you see. Your gratitude for your present circumstances, relationships and situations ensures that you have identified the key vibration that signals your particular form of joy. Each of you has a particular form of joy, a particular tone or note or feeling than means ‘happy’ to you. This can be recognized as the feeling of carefree relaxation of tension, the inner peace that lets you know all is well no matter the outward circumstances.

Whatever your signal for joy may be – and it is well if you practice creating this signal, recognizing it and giving thanks for it – you can experience it any time. Yes, any time at all – your outward circumstances cannot prevent your joy signal from touching your awareness.

~ Are you in the fourth dimension and do not know it? ~

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Are you in the fourth dimension and do not know it? By Galactic Love Reporter Alloya


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ The 5th dimension is simply this, Love everywhere Present We feel that she means 5th. Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff~


Image by: TheOldestFart


The following text will call you to expand your mind beyond all that you
consider normal and real. It may even call into question my sanity. If you read this
and decide that I am crazy then so be it, then you simply are not ready for such
information. However if you can let go of all that you know about life and existence
and come with me, then I promise you a splendid adventure.

~12~3~11 Arrival of Universal LOVE~

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The Arrival of Universal LOVE~


“As the new-human prototypes fully activate and physically embody the frequencies of universal LOVE, mother earth receives the nourishing scalar energies needed to ease her labor pains…as do each of you.” -Seven Sisters of Pleiades

Post 11:11

It’s been three weeks since the 11:11 when, yet again, our inner-world turned inside out and our outer-world turned upside down. It always takes a good chunk of time after a major portal to get our wigs on straight, but there is so much going on in the cosmos during this very concentrated and sacred passage into a new year/era/world, that its difficult to impossible to wrap our brains around it or to figure out which end is up just yet.

12~3~11~No Drudgery in the Golden Age~

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~No Drudgery in the Golden Age~

Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Apparently we were never intended to live lives of drudgery and, once we enter the Golden Age, all conditions such as these will be gone, as SaLuSa reassures us.

“The difference from where you are now in the present dimension and the higher ones is most substantial, and there you will be living a completely different type of life.

“Gone will be the drudgery and drag of life as you know it, and if you have any concept of what paradise is like you may have just an impression of what it is like.

“To live it is almost too difficult to put into words, but you could say it is heavenly, idyllic and enfolds you in its beautiful vibration of Light.”  (1)


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