~12~3~11~ Space Weather Update The Sun is Strangely Quiet~

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SUPER-SIZED ECLIPSE: On Saturday morning, Dec. 10th, sky watchers in the western United States and Canada will witness a total lunar eclipse swollen to super-sized proportions by the Moon illusion. Get the full story from Science@NASA.


LOCAL STARSCAPE: With no flares of significance in days, the sun is strangely quiet. Nevertheless, the view remains dynamic. Rogerio Marcon sends this picture of the local starscape on Dec. 2nd:



Using a telescope tuned to the red glow of solar hydrogen, Marco captured 20 billion sq. km of seething plasma and magnetic filaments; also included in the field is the dark core of sunspot 1364 (lower right). It doesn't look very quiet. NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of M-class solar flares in the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


Letter in Response to Steve Beckow's Post about the 11~11~11 Energies~ Intense~

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World Bridger~


Letter in Response to Steve Beckow about the 11~11~11 Energies




Hi Steve, I would like to report that personally myself 11 11 11 was very intense, not in the way you would think but things blew up at my house. I was already to get into some serious meditation and join in on the mass meditation groups going on around the world when chaos broke out. My wife had gone off the deep end, she had a hard time and was blaming me for everything wrong in her life.

I must say that all the cleansing and releasing I had been going through for the last 3 years had started to take it's toll on my marriage. My wife did not fully understand what was going on with me, she choose rather to see it as a wedge between us. She has now started down the road of clearing and cleansing herself and 11 11 11 seemed to be the catalyst. for this.

12~2~11 TAUK Message & Explanation of Parallel Lives with My High Self, Prilon

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12~2~11 TAUK Message & Explanation of Parallel Lives with My High Self, Prilon

Galactic Love Reporter Suzanne Poulson Spooner on Friday, December 2, 2011 at 1:11pm

December 2, 2011



[Hi Prilon.] Hi Suzy, you have been wondering about your parallel lives. [Yes, I would love to have a deeper understanding on this subject.] I am happy to assist.


All souls have multiple parallel lives. The reason is that your soul wishes to experience all possibilities and in its divine nature imagined a way to do this. Experiencing a parallel life allows the soul to know all aspects of a soul incarnation.


The easiest way to understand this is to start with the beginning of the life that you are experiencing now. You were the third daughter of Ron and Ruth. The experience you know of has occurred on this one timeline.   [Meaning this life as I know it?] Yes.


~Sekhmet & JFK ~ 11~22~11~~~

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~Sekhmet & JFK ~ 11~22~11~~~

~Galactic Love Reporter Susan Leland~



Sekhmet: "...we have a guest speaker, who is most honored, most revered, and yes, in some part misunderstood, in some parts sensationalized for events, or parts, of his life that really were not the gifts that he came here to give. And so it is that we invite him to step forward, and to bless us, and greet us with the Light of the Age that is Golden, the Age of Christ Consciousness, the Age of Awakening, powered or empowered even more than in his previous visits by the energies which have been coming in and continue, and by the great shifts and the awakenings of the consciousness of Planet Earth.


"And make no mistake, his words shall be heard by all of us who are listening in this group, and they shall move out Worldwide and beyond, because as the words are spoken, they are carried on the waves - the waves of Love and the waves of Truth. And so I, Sekhmet, shall return for the Exercise, but I am most honored to move aside, so that the one that you know and honor, as President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, may come forward and share his message with all. I shall return!"


~Just Up Ahead…and Right on Schedule~

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Well now. Much has transpired since first we opened the channels of light and the countless mind links enjoyed through our Vehicle and as you see, what may very well have seemed to be sitting on the edge of your reality has now entered full center, you can no longer deny it – if ever you did. For thirteen earth journeys around the central deity, we have spoken to you of many things – things that have come to pass and now seep into mainstream consciousness, past the walls of dogmatic resistance and into the hearts and minds of far greater numbers of human beings now residing upon the Great Blue Planet. We have spoken to you of life beyond your realm – not only of beings foreign to the Earth but of your own wanderings and settlements on other celestial stations in your solar realm: this now is being revealed through irrefutable proofs that come from those self-created authorities of space who run your own extraterrestrial show: Homo Sapiens Galacticus.

~Always Look On The Inside~

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~Always Look On The Inside~


~Galactic Love Reporter Carol Anne Kincaid~Paradis~


I remember reading a story once about a man who was exploring some caves by the seashore. In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled up some clay and left them out in the sun to bake. They didn't look like much, but they intrigued the man so he took the bag out of the cave with him.

As he strolled along the beach, to pass the time, he would throw the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he could throw.

~Going With the Flow of the Retrograde~

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~Going With the Flow of the Retrograde~


Kriss Erickson



Since we are in a Mercury Retrograde until December 14, I thought this would be a good opportunity to talk about the energy around the Retrograde, and its various uses.


We hear a lot about being careful during Mercury Retrograde.  Communications can become muddled, connections dropped or mixed up, plans thwarted.  


This aspect of Mercury Retrograde challenges us to be more careful, to take life a bit slower and to state our thoughts clearly.  


All of the abovementioned aspects of the Mercury Retrograde are helpful, but we don't have to just batten down the hatches, so to speak, every time there is a Retrograde.  There is another aspect to this energy, an empowering aspect, that I want to discuss today.

The other day I was prompted by my Spirit Guides to share a Distant Reiki and Acutonics (tm) session for friends going through a rough time.  The core of the issue is communication that has been twisted and corrputed.


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