~ Complete Freedom of Choice ~

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~ Complete Freedom of Choice ~

2011 November 30
Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

I’ve been asked if my article on confidentiality was somehow aimed at Blossom, even unconsciously. No, it was not.

To aim something at someone, one would have had to have read the article in question before writing one’s own. And I read Blossom’s article only after writing and posting my own.

So my article on confidentiality could not have had any relationship to Blossom’s.

But the question does raise a more general matter and perhaps I can be permitted to comment on that.

Archangel Michael has said in my discussions with him and with other colleagues that we have complete freedom of choice to turn down an assignment or to ask to be relieved of one. There’s no compulsion coming from the Company of Light.

11~30~11 Space Weather Update~ Is that Luv Written on The Sun?~

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11~30~11 Space Weather Update~ Is that Luv Written on The Sun?~ chance of M Class Flares


SLIGHT CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forecasters estimate a 10% chance of M-class solar flares today. The probable source would be sunspot 1361, which is directly facing Earth. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


ODD JUXTAPOSITION: There's only one place in the world where Northern Lights routinely shine down on a pink flamingo: Summit Station, Greenland. Thomas Cox took this picture just after a CME impact ignited auroras over the NSF-sponsored climate research facility on Nov. 28th:


"The auroras were so vibrant and swirly, that I thought I was in a scene from Harry Potter!" says Cox.

~Living Our Truth~ 11~30~11

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~Living Our Truth~

Galactic Love Reporter Caroline11

As the end of the year approaches, many of us are already contemplating  the year ahead.  There are many  challenges facing us as individuals and as a collective that may cause us to look towards 2012 with anxiety and uncertainty.

How do we look ahead with optimism and cheer when the hounds of chaos are nipping at our heels?   How do we find it within ourselves to make plans for the future, pursue our goals and follow our dreams?  In a nutshell, how do we find the courage to keep moving forward?

This writer sincerely believes that if we commit to the truth of who we are and accept the significance of this lifetime, then we can make the necessary changes in our lives to win peace, equality and freedom for us and Earth. From this standpoint, the prognosis looks promising.

~ MESSAGE FROM JESHUA: Transmuting Duality Through Breath ~

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Let us address masculine and feminine energy and rename these energies so that a more accurate idea can be formed in the mind. So much programming exists within you regarding masculine and feminine, each gender'’s orientation, etc., to re-balance these energies let's refer to them as the in-breath and the out-breath.

Now, let us see the in-breath as love flowing in and the out-breath as love radiating out. With most humans, they predominately look to the flow in, your entire reality has been warped due to this one backward idea, focus, desire of love’s flowing into and so little of your focus is given to love’s flow out.

Galactic Love Reporter and Predrag~ Address's~ The Complainers of Light~

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Galactic Love Reporter and  Predrag~ Address's~ The Complainers of Light~



My dear [not verified] Guest, is this all you can find out about this site?... Not even thank you for info very related with your views of our reality... But this is quite ok with Mother~Father God, as they do this for 4 years straight, with all their hearts and 365 days per year... and still asking nothing in return... How Dare Love and Light Be here for US.


Donation button is only there for souls like yours, to bring complainers and doubters  to the surface of their own misery.... where all others who give freely, asking not even recognition in return fully enjoy hourly and daily benefits of being present in the light of the truth coming from this site...


Same setup is done for other's sites... where they entice all cia's, fbi's, imf's to join for paid fee, as they are the ones who still think they control our global finance... yet they give knowledge free of charge for ones who truly read this with excitement and awe and thirst for truth...

Only one's who complain about ways how this truth is delivered are not far from ignorance and deception that alphabet agencies act... only to serve self over the back of others...



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St. Germain speaking! 11~30~11



If  you would know thoroughly the place I am speaking from! But how could you, as you live and exist in a place of low vibration, so low that your senses perceive appearances you call “matter” and “objects”, all being things, seemingly solid and and heavy, and thus most of you perceive your world altogether. Most of humanity truly still believes that life is a continuous steady and almost non-changing reality, they believe that what was yesterday will undoubtedly be tomorrow. They tend to assume that things only change very slowly, so that you need to look back perhaps some hundred years to notice that you actually changed in the way how you understand now your  world and yourself, and your way of life and your societies and how they function now differently in a way.


11~30~11~ ~Humanity is riding the crest of this wave of divine Love~

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~Humanity is riding the crest of this wave of divine Love~


The mass movement of humanity towards awakening is a process that was planned eons ago to bring you all home to Reality, your loving Father’s eternal domain. He has missed you while you have been hiding from Him in the unreal environment that you built for yourselves in which to play games of separation and abandonment, and He grieves for the suffering that you have undergone while there. He longs for you to return home so that He and you can delight once more in each other’s company.

To be in God’s company provides a state of ecstasy for you, and His only Will for you is that you experience that state eternally, as your joy when you are with Him adds to His. Your destiny is to come home to Him. It is unavoidable, so release your fears and worries and relax into the certainty of that divine Truth. If you feel in any way unworthy of His Love for you or of your right to come home to Him, I assure you that that is an unreal and imaginary concept, born out of your fear that you had angered Him, and that you can happily dismiss it from your minds because it has no validity whatsoever. You are all perfect divine beings, and the perfect place for you is at Home in His eternal Presence.

~Update from Sheldan Nidles~ A New Resolve~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Sheldan Nidles~




Dratzo! We return with lots to discuss with you. Several events are ready to happen which will catapult your world toward a new reality. At present you are watching a number of situations which point toward the coming collapse of your global setup. Furthermore, these social structures are set to evolve out of all recognition. For example, regime change today has assumed a whole new dimension: formerly, those who took down a despot would, in time, revert to what they had so idealistically intended to replace. Now, however, those who have replaced the deposed are quickly discovering that the people are not willing to sit back and let the old ways return. Now there is a sustained effort to keep the new rulership on track and instituting the reforms promised. This focus and determination demonstrates the difference in today's uprisings versus those of yesteryear. The new ingredient that is demolishing the age-old syndrome of tyranny is your rise in consciousness, which makes it impossible for those recently brought to power to veer from the course that the people have set for them.


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