You Are Part Of An Enormous Creative Plan Of God~ God Says Peace On Earth

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~Galactic Love Reporter Ruth Ryden~


 You Are Part Of An Enormous Creative Plan Of God~ God Says Peace On Earth ~30 November 2011




Ruth: Masters, our country and the rest of the world are going around in circles, and this coming month and the turn of the year has so many worried and concerned about our government breaking down, not to mention countries trying to change their leaderships by violence and protests. Would you please comment on what you see for us in December in this regard and a little bit into the much-prophesied predictions for 2012?


MASTERS: Looking at your world from the point of view of the history of millions of other planets and civilizations, your planet is in a state of a tremendous transformation that is extremely difficult for the beings of matter that reside on it. This is the continuance of creation and will continue until the transformation is complete. By that, we mean that seasonal weather will be changed to some extent, bringing the seasons into new yearly settings; weather patterns will be easily predicted, and the intelligence and wisdom of humanity will come together in unity, instead of throwing separate belief systems in each other’s faces. All of the channeled messages have, in one way or another, been trying to tell humanity the same thing, in different ways.

~ The Gifts of Ascension ~

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~ The Gifts of Ascension ~

The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield


There is an expectation of expansion on many levels of the total human unit as a result of the ascension process. You entertain dreams of what skills you will acquire as Novus Humanus, skills that you feel will be miraculous compared with the present limited perceptions and interactions you have with your everyday world.

All of the expansions of the ascended human are present in incipient forms right now. You still are and will be, for a future beyond your projections, a temporal world reality. You will be dealing with time, in one way or another, for some time to come. Therefore, your ascension gifts will be unfolding incrementally over an extended period. And these increments may be different for each individual. They will, however, be sufficiently synchronized for you, as a world culture, to feel the changes that are resonating simultaneously through your whole species.

~ December 2011: The Drumbeat of Your Heart ~

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This month ~ December 2011 ~ is all about taking action from the beat of your heart, from the rush of life within your own body, and from the dreaming of your wild dreams. What calls to you this month? What speaks to you with a deepening and a quickening? What connects your breath to the breath of a million throats? What lights you up?

This is what you will be examining and unfolding this month: your story. The deepness of Who you are. And especially how you will let the world know you. How you will bring your gifts -- your reason for being in this body on this planet at this time – to the world. And you do this now because as the drumbeat of your heart quickens, you hear within it the footsteps you will take to get to where you go next. You are sure now about the path that takes you to where your wild dreams unfold. You know Who you are and where you go.

~ December 2011 ~ The Year of Epic Transformation ~

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The Year of Epic Transformation

Hi my amazing friend,

As the year 2011 comes to a close, and we briefly reflect back at what this year has brought into our personal & collective lives, it becomes clear that 2011 has been the year of epic transformation.

Noticing What Is Already Here

As a result of habit & conditioning, many of us (including those in conscious communities) may have a tendency to always look for the next big 'thing,' 'event,' or 'experience' to happen we feel will bring us closer to the expected changes we deem necessary as proof we are in fact 'awakening.' Although having a sense of excitement about the amazing possibilities that may be in store for us is healthy, being heavily focused on what's next all the time can really prevent us from noticing the miraculous transformation that is already happening right now.

~ Galactic Federation Coming to Us, or are We Leaving Oz? ~

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~Galactic Federation Coming to Us, or are We Leaving Oz?~


~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Greg Giles~



As humanity’s collective frequency continues to rise, our cosmic families of light will begin to materialize into our realty, or it may be more accurate to say, we will begin to perceive the fleets of the Galactic Federation as we match the 5th dimensional frequency range they currently are stationed in, awaiting our arrival. This is the reason why disclosure announcements are of great concern to the GF, because those billions of people who have no inkling of what’s going on around them are in for quite a surprise when humanity pierces the veil into the 5th dimension and awaiting in our freshly painted skies are millions of spacecraft. To those uniformed and unaware it will appear these spacecraft have just entered our atmosphere, but this is hardly the case. It is us who are crossing the threshold into our new home.

~11~30~11~FROM THE GALACTIC FREE PRESS FILES~ Divine Inspirations Part 5

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~From The Galactic Free Press Files~




~Divine Inspirations Part 5~



"Never complain about the difficulties of life because a director always gives the hardest roles to his best actors." — Unknown


Awaken Skye {FB} "out with my daughter today ( shes 9) and hearing church bells i asked her if she wanted to go .. she said no mommy we can pray at home for free
thats my girl"


~ The Pegasians, A Message Of Love... ~

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Hello to you,
We are the Pegasians and we greet you in kind, in the kindest of ways we meet you..

We are here to be with you in this way and at this time to bring a message of Love and it’s unfolding measures here upon this Earth.
This love is your true expression and the allowing of love’s nature is your task here upon the Earth..

Cops, movers refuse to foreclose on 103-year-old woman

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103-year-old Vita Lee in Atlanta. Screenshot via WSBTV.

In a heart warming story just in time for the holiday season, a 103-year-old woman in Atlanta avoided foreclosure of her home Tuesday afternoon, thanks entirely to the kindness of strangers.

According to WSBTV Atlanta, movers hired by Deutsche Bank AG and police were ready to go through with the bank’s request to remove Vita Lee and her 83-year old daughter from their home.

However, when they first got sight of Lee, they had a change of heart and declined to go through with it.


“I saw the sheriffs who came to put them out, take off and leave,” community activist Michael Langford said to WSBTV. ”I gave all glory to God.”


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