~ When we rise in vibration do we help the world rise in vibration even when others don't do anything to help themselves? ~

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~ When we rise in vibration do we help the world rise in vibration even when others don't do anything to help themselves? ~

QUESTION: I am aware that we are all connected...as we individually learn something or raise to higher vibrations, it naturally pulls up the rest of the world.... does it stand to reason that even if some people did NOTHING - their vibrations would raise just because we are connected to the collective consciousness and or source field ?
ANSWER: Yes....when we heal ourselves we heal the world. Everyone who truly wants to heal the world ~ really needs to focus on the healing of the SELF. Oftentimes, people will externalize everything outside of themselves ~ thinking they need to change external circumstances ~ when what we really need to change is our own internal consciousness, which in affect will directly shift the consciousness of the entire planet. For example, everything going on in the world today is a reflection of humanity's lack of love for the self.

Change is Imminent. All we must do now, is lead the world to a brighter day. . . For we have lived in darkness for far too long...

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Love Reporter Floredia Ranou


"WE ARE ALL ONE...Change is Imminent. All we must do now, is lead the world to a brighter
day. . .
For we have lived in darkness for far too long..."


Earth. We are one.



~ GLOBAL AWAKENING ~ Our planet Earth. The most beautiful object in the sky. . . For she is one of a kind. The people that have befallen to history, experienced her destruction many times. Something that happens to ALL Civilizations should they fail to live in Harmony with nature. Currently we are living in a world structure controlled and manipulated by governments and the Monatary System. Forever enslaving its people.


~Galactic Love Reporter Sapphire Stone~ Manifest Heaven On Earth ~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Sapphire Stone~





~Manifest Heaven On Earth~




As The Transformation Is Continually Being Upgraded Through Our Minds (Hearts), We Are In The Process of Undergoing A New Telepathic Light Grid! This Is The
Information Highway For Processing A 5D Mentality! We Will Gain
Higher Levels of Existence Through Cognitive Reasoning Powers!

With More And More People Awakening As A Collective Consciousness, We Are Gaining MORE POWER And STRENGTH Within The Matrix of The New Communication Grid, Like A
Computer Bank of Memory We Are Overriding The Old Paradigm Into A
Completely New One!


Through Electromagnetic Fields We Are Restructuring The Core Impulses of Our Central Nervous System, Which Is The Center of Control of The Collective Mindset!


~ Let today be ~

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Teacher Ophelius:

~ Let today be ~





This is a short message of encouragement for all you students on the path who are dedicated to serving the greater good. Not everyday will you have triumphs and victories. Some days you will suffer defeat and circumstances will be out of your control. Do not beat yourself up over these things, for tomorrow you will fight another day and you will have other opportunities to succeed in your endeavors. Let today be what it is and use this down time for contemplation, recuperation, and rejuvenation.



~When channelled messages create expectations~ With Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~

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~When channelled messages create expectations~ With Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~


~Galactic Love Reporter Achara~




Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~~~ Here at the Press we strive for the Highest Truths to Present To Humanity Every Day and Every Moment, as well as Inspiration for Your Souls. The opportunnity we observe with messages, is that many attempt to place their projections onto the messages, which of course will distort the Truth in the Message.  Every message here is screened, and this process is through feeling. For feelings share Truth.


Here, We will also provide commentary if clarification needs to be presented. Words in this realm are somewhat challenging. We would also like to add, that many of us are and have been for many years working behind the scenes.


December 1, 2011 Press Release "Disclosure Petition II - Rockefeller Initiative" is now active on the White House website

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December 1, 2011
Press Release

"Disclosure Petition II - Rockefeller Initiative" is now active on the White House website


Washington, DC - On September 22, 2011 Paradigm Research Group (PRG) submitted a petition to the White House sponsored initiative "We the People." Thousands of petitions have been submitted to We the People and approximately 300 of those accumulated the minimum 150 signatures required to be published to the White House website.  A few dozen of the published petitions accumulated the 5000 (eventually raised to 25,000) signatures necessary for a formal response from the Obama Administration.

One of those receiving a formal response was the Disclosure Petition submitted by PRG.  This petition acquired 12,078 signatures, and the White House response on November 4, 2011 generated hundreds of print and television news pieces around the world in many languages.  The White House response can be viewed at https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions#!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet  and includes the following statements:


Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~God, Prilon (My High Self) & Ron (My Dad) TAUK Message

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~Galactic Love Reporter

Suzanne Poulson Spooner

  ~God, Prilon (My High Self) & Ron (My Dad) TAUK Message ~ 30 November 2011



[Hello God & Prilon.] Hi Suzy, we are here to give you this update. The kind & just soul of your father is here to join us as well. [Oh good! Hi Dad!!] Hi Suzy, may I continue with the update? [Please do.]

For a very long time on Earth, souls have experienced the understanding of duality. This is in accordance with universal law with the Creator. Now, you and many other souls are in the process of leaving duality for the experience of higher dimensions. This is also in accordance with universal law.

No longer is your mind blocked from higher communication with us. This is felt as an opening of the heart and is required for the ascension of your energetic field.

~Space Weather Update~ 12~1~11~ QUIET SUN FILLED WITH ACTIVITY~

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~Space Weather Update~ 12~1~11~ QUIET SUN FILLED WITH ACTIVITY~



AROUND THE POLES: NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of geomagnetic activity around the poles today as a solar wind stream buffets Earth's magnetic field. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras after nightfall. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


SOLAR ACTIVITY: With no sunspots producing strong flares, the sun is officially quiet. But flares are only one aspect of solar activity. For example, amateur astronomers are monitoring a plume of hot plasma rising over the sun's eastern limb:




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