~The Council of Twelve. We are here today to say hello and congratulations for your wonderful achievement. ~

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The Council of Twelve on Radio Ann:

Hello, Ann, this is the Council of Twelve. We are here today to say hello and congratulations for your wonderful achievement. You and your friends and colleagues have really done it! You have lifted the world with your spiritual advancement, with the vast opening of hearts and minds that you've all struggled so long to achieve. We are like proud parents at a graduation ceremony. We can't tell you how much you have accomplished. There are really no words for it.

All of you have graduated with high honors, summa cum laude! We would take a picture of you, if it were possible to fit you in the frame. Instead, we bask in the light that emanates from Earth owing to the beams from each heart center. Just fabulous. We're going to leave it at that today. It's a day for rest, relaxation and little bit of self-satisfaction. Go ahead and glow, rest on your laurels. There will always be more work to do, but for today, just enjoy your accomplishment. Love and respect. The Council of Twelve.

11~12~11~The Dead Rising~~~ After the 11~11~11~Portal Opening

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~The Dead Rising~


During this time the 4th dimensional realm is coming into our awareness more as we accelerate towards fully embodying the consciousness shift. We are traveling through the 4th dimension now on to the 5th collectively. Because of this some may be experiencing the presence of deceased souls or may be having visions of known or unknown souls who are popping in and out of our current vibrational reality. This vibrational portal which opened during the 11/11/11 window is allowing the dead to clear long held emotional trauma through more living souls who are open to helping with transmuting these energies.

Hilarion's Weekly Message, November 13~20, 2011 Well Done!~~~

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 November 13 ~ 20, 2011


Hilarion's Weekly Message, November 13~20, 2011

Beloved Ones,
Well done! Your focus on the 11~11~11 portal helped to set the pattern for the New World that is in the process of recalibration, the raising of vibration and frequency. Celebrate and rejoice in this accomplishment for this was an important and crucial step in the progression towards the new beginnings that are now set to come into manifestation upon your Planet.

~Energy Report for November 2011~ Rebirth~

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~Energy Report for November 2011

Kate Spreckley

a message from Love Reporter Kate Spreckley
Saturday, 12 November, 2011 



"October was unquestionably a month of change, transformation and deep inner growth.  Openings to greater amounts of Divine love, power and energy broadened our horizons, which has established within us a profound inner strength and power.  The energies of October created a vibratory dynamic that will continue to infuse our entire existence and empower us to actively live our truth.  This will awaken a greater feeling and sense of who you are and what you are here to do, which will enable you to recreate your world utilising, with consciousness, the Divine virtues of forgiveness, love and compassion.

~Finding Me ~ Finding You~

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I couldn't even imagine what may be on the other side of the gateway of 11:11... I am grateful, more grateful than my simple words will ever hold the energy of... that I do Light Readings! Truly I have watched the energy field of the human change... enhance... brighten... fill with the most glorious of potentials. And I say and wondered... what then? What after this huge leap?

Well... 4 readings of new energy under my belt and I hear a theme starting to form! Alright, two themes.

The first big message was OWN YOUR POWER SUIT!! The amazing-ness of colors, the exquisiteness of your full energy potential... is not there to simply be admired but USED. In order to use it, you must first own it. Admit out loud, both within your heart field and the world around you... I now live in/as a super enhanced Power Suit of Light... I Am That!


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From Samoiya Shelley Yates (fire the grid)




Hello dear friends I have a message from the stars for all humanity. I received this message this morning 6:11 Montreal time during the FTG mediation. Here is the message...

The time for sadness is gone
Be in joy now,find joy in every detail
Feel the strength in your unity
Feel the power in your co~creation
Feel the Magnificence and splendor of your LIGHT
The field is set
The Light has won
Thank you dear ones
We love you
Love each other as we love you
Love without condition, without judgement and with all your heart REMEMBER

So now we begin

~What’s My View of 11~11~11?~ Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

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What’s My View of 11~11~11?~

2011 November 13
Posted by Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

11/11/11 was up-and-down for me. I had the experience of increased expansion, substantiality, and well-being for part of the day. I had the experience of forlornness, dismay, and depression for another part.

I went to Occupy Vancouver for 11:11 on 11/11/11, was handed a microphone, gave a short talk, and marked 11:11.

Following that I joined my 2012 friends downtown for coffee.  Most of my friends had the same experience of nothing particularly happening. I cannot say that I experienced a tidal wave of love or anything resembling it. I would have been greatly disappointed if I was not so busy dealing with the extremely-upsetting negativity I myself felt, which eventually lifted when I got to the bottom of it.

~Truly your life paths are marvels of divine planning~

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~Truly your life paths are marvels of divine planning~



The time of waiting is almost over. You have struggled long and hard to reach the moment when you will awaken, and I assure you that you will not be disappointed. Continue to focus on maintaining loving attitudes at all times as this enables you to behave appropriately in every situation, which in turn strengthens your intent and your ability to do so. It is, in fact, an allowing of the true Self that you really are to shine through your physical form, bringing and sharing peace and love to all your relationships, and helping others to acknowledge their true Selves in the safety of your loving and accepting energy field.


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