~A Dream of Our Becoming: A Poem as Full as the Moon for 11~11~11

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"... I have had a most rare vision. I have had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was... The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was... [so] I will sing it."

- A Midsummer-Night's Dream, Shakespeare


You and I
We are Here

But We are not

There is an element of Everywhere about Us
An attitude of stardust in our bones.

We are aiming to illuminate, to brighten from Within-
the shadows of the Self
of the Unit
of the Whole
and the memory of selfless offering~ lingers sweetly
on the tongues of our ever prophetic musing.


Lia's picture

11.11.2011 Channeling and meditation



This date carries a lot of encoded information; one angle would be what you call numerology.

11 as a sYmbol of Mastery : the symbol of the number is formed out of two equal arms, balance. Greater force, bigger capacities, more responsibility.

This date is being discussed as 11 11 11 but is when you get to the nitty gritty of it 11 11 2011 ( 11 not to be reduced to 2 in traditional numerology being a Master Number, thus 11+11+2011 reduced to (11+11=22), (2011=4) ->22+4 = 26 = 8.

8 is infinity and mastery over matter and karma.
If you put 8 1's after each other and multiply this number by itself :11111111x11111111 = 123456787654321: the building up to a new octave and the countdown...this pretty much sums up what this date's about: you're not only completing a cycle but starting the countdown as well.

~The Song Within My Body; An Ode to My Breasts & Life

Lia's picture


My whole life has been a vast amount of experiences and conditions transmuted into wisdom. Why should this particular moment in time be any different... or small for that matter.

It may have appeared as if I was going thru yesterday alone, but it was so far from that. My world became more alive than anything I had ever noticed before. Just when you think you notice a lot... there is so much more we miss, until we don't.

Back in September I qualified for a free mammogram screening. I went just because I could afford free! I was so shocked when 2 weeks later they sent me a letter that said, we seen something we need to look at again. I stared at the letter blankly just saying... really?? really?

And my thoughts went back to my preparations to leave New Mexico and journey to Virginia. There is a feeling that runs thru me when my body or my life has something to say. I cannot put "that" feeling into words, I just know it when I feel it.

~Archangel Michael to Ascenders and Starseeds on 11~11~11~

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~Archangel Michael to Ascenders and Starseeds on 11~11~11~



~Love Reporter Linda Dillon~


~Commentary By Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

I’ve had a discussion with Archangel Michael about 11~11~11, thanks to Linda Dillon. Ellen has transcribed the tape in record time, for which I give her my deepest  thanks.


Here then is the audio and the interview itself, meant to assist people to know how to make the best use of the wonderful energies of this 11/11/11, whether they intend to go and return as Gatekeepers or stay and serve as Lightworkers. What AA Michael says here apparently applies not only to 11/11/11 but to the remainder of time culminating in our collective Ascension.


Here is the interview with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon:


Linda Dillon: This is a reading with Steve Beckow on November 10, 2011.


Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael.

~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!~

Lia's picture


~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!~

We are entering a new stage in the process of Ascension as a human race on this planet. We could say, without wishing to exaggerate, that the time you are in at this very moment is of enormous importance and as such, will mark a "before and after" in the history of your civilization.

We have read some of the writings channeled for you as well as some non-channeled articles online, and we think that there has not been enough importance given to this moment in which we are situated right now. They urge you to carry out a unified meditation on 11/11/11 at various times, such as 11am to 11:11am, or 9pm to 10pm, thinking that all of you will have finished working and will be in your homes, free to be available for this worldwide meditation. Which is very nice.


Lia's picture





At the moment of the opening you must completely surrender to the Portal. You must fully release your old life and be "re-born" to your new. With this total surrender, you will release the fear and third dimensional thinking that bonds you to third/fourth dimensional Earth. Releasing the fear and third dimensional thinking means that every person, place, situation and thing that causes you fear and demands that you limit yourself to third dimensional, time-bound thinking needs to be released. Most important, at the same time that you release the old, fear-based components of the third/fourth dimension, you embrace the exact replica of the new, love-based expressions of your present reality that is resonating to a higher frequency expression within the NOW of the ONE.


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