~An Update from The Galactic Free Press~ ~What has Occurred through the 11~11~11 Energy Event~ We call this Evolution~

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~An Update from The Galactic Free Press~



~What has Occurred through the 11~11~11 Energy Event~ We call this Evolution~




Evolution~A Process in which Creation changes, becoming Significantly Different and Much Grander than before. To develop by an Evolutionary Process, from a primitive [the mind] to a Multi~Dimensional Galactic Human, with Wings! A more Highly, Divine Intelligent, Brilliant Being. To be Developed, Revealed, or Unfold. Come Forth to Emerge. To undergo Change and Transformation, to roll out, unfold.~



~A Note on Steve Bassett’s Note~

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~A Note on Steve Bassett’s Note~

2011 November 13
Posted by Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

Steve Bassett has reviewed the President’s response to the Disclosure Petition. He writes:

“OSTP researcher Phil Larson wrote, ‘The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.’  Unfortunately for the OSTP and the Obama administration, that assertion is false.”  (1)

He follows that with “four possible explanations for this statement from the OSTP,” which he goes on to list and then concludes “There are no other possible explanations, and in due course administration officials will have to defend their formal statement on one of these bases.”

~What’s Your View of 11~11~11?~ Experiences of 11~11~11~

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~What’s Your View of 11~11~11?~

2011 November 13
Posted by Steve Beckow

I had originally intended to look at your reactions to 11/11//11 from the two articles here with comments, plus those shared on the 2012S and Share11 discussion groups. I got through the two articles here but it is already late at night and I don’t believe I’ll get to the discussion groups as well.  So let me post these comments for now.

I don’t see my job as being a cheerleader or promoter. I see it as being a truthteller. So if nothing happened for you on 11/11/11, that’s quite fine with me. It’s your truth that’s important, and not what anyone may think is the “right” thing to say.

I’ll save my comments for my own share, which comes next.

~Occupy Wall Street Had A Big Concert Yesterday, And It Proved That Things Have Changed~

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Occupy Wall Street Had A Big Concert Yesterday, And It Proved That Things Have Changed

Shamar Thomas

Image: Robert Johnson — Business Insider

Iraq War veteran and Marine Shamar Thomas

On Veteran's Day, we set out to write about Occupy Wall Street without any idea of what to expect. We had word that there were going to be demonstrations all over the city- one in Central Park, and a concert in Foley Square.

We devoted the most time to the concert, where around 300 people stood smiling in the cold. Joan Baez was headlining, and it seemed like a good opportunity for pictures.

~Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~ A Question Of Ascension! ~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~ A Question Of Ascension! ~ 12 November 2011

I have been getting lots of e-mails of disturbed, annoyed and frustrated people about not feeling anything yesterday, also loosing faith and not believing things will happen anymore. The question that they did not ascend yesterday was the trigger for all this concealed unrest emerging. I will try to answer what you have been all asking questions about. It tell it the way I see it.


I think a lot of you have been looking for ascending in things outside yourselves and some have misunderstood what ascension is. Ascension is a transition into a new spiritual level. Ascension is being literary ascend the stairs up to the next level. You move in spirit up the spiral staircase (vortex of energies) to the next floor.

Arcturian Group ~ November 13, 2011 by Marilyn Raffaele

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Arcturian Group ~ November 13, 2011 by Marilyn Raffaele

Dear ones, we know that you were expecting much to happen on the 11-11-11 day, and many of you are disappointed. However, we can assure you that much did happen. The energy of the new and higher is now more easily accessible to all and especially those choosing to be a part of the new world. Many of you are feeling the impact of this new energy as a tiredness, a buzzing, a new sense of the world around you. Spirit does not appear in the ways often expected by third dimensional consciousness, but appears in ways that are quiet and gentle and yet powerful and permanent.

Many who are open and receptive to it, are responding to the new energies through experiences; a sense of lifting, new inspiration, and a deeper awareness of universal love. Try not to interpret the activities of spirit from a material concept of what you think spirit should be or look like. Many of these concepts have been given you from your films and television shows and are simply untrue. For the most part, they are but a human interpretations of spirituality, based in unawareness.

11~11~11 Energy~ ~I see the God in You...I must see it in Me..~

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11~11~11 Energy Visions~ ~I see the God in You...I must see it in Me..~



When you first meet me on the street you may not know my name....I am your reflection in the "Grand scheme of things"....you are me.....Just a reflection of what Grand is becoming to mean...A light, A truth,of Un~conditional love in action.....for what I give to you in those moments is me....Naked and Free, Gentle and Kind, honest as can be....Just A reflection of the miracles to come, the future we have all been dreaming of...this beautiful Love..connecting like notes of a beautifully written song....and its true we are heading for magical times....you and I.....Just a reflection to heal and to love...to leave all hearts open....and truth to flood the walls....We are a reflection no need to hide....its time to reveal all of our colors for we are all the light....Healing each other as we look into the eyes...the Windows of our souls is now being realized...we have chosen Love over fear...Just a reflection of the abundance beginning to flow..like giant rivers flooding into eternity...together and free....We see the Truth you and I of the brightest light from above....I see the God in You...I must see it in Me....



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