~The Mayan calendar has come to an end~Carl Johan Calleman

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~Galactic Love Reporter Carl Johan Calleman
 November 8, 2011


The Mayan calendar has come to an end. This means that the universe has attained its highest possible quantum state as of October 28, 2011. In mythological language, Bolon Yokte Kuh, the nine-support-god, and especially the unity consciousness of the ninth wave has been strongly experienced by a certain number of people. Many now typically report that they experience a flattening of time, an end to time acceleration and as a result a great calmness. The end to the acceleration of time is even experienced as a deceleration and some have reached so deep into their own presence that the term “future’’ is starting to loose its previous meaning. The future is no longer a place to get to. With the completion of the Ninth wave we potentially already have direct access to all the guidance we need. This shifted experience of time all seems understandable given that was has happened is that the directed nine evolutionary processes from seed to mature have now been completed. For those that have a conscious relationship to the tree of life the new experience of time will continue to deepen also after this shift. As we know from all previous experience of the shifting energies of the Mayan calendar it always takes time until their external manifestations become visible.

~Huge Filament Eruption & M1.1 Flare ~ Solar Watch Nov 10, 2011 ~

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Uploaded by SolarWatcher on 10 Nov 2011

Huge Filament Eruption & M1.1 Solar Flare
A magnetic filament eruption that was detected as an M1.1 solar flare took place at 13:35 UTC Wednesday morning between active regions 11342 and 11342. A powerful Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) ensued and components may be Earth Directed where impact is expected November 13th.

Earthquake Reporting Channel
SolarWatcher Website
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GOES Xray Flux Data
Sunspot Information from Solar Monitor
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Quality Weather Website
Space Weather Website

Intro music used is royalty free and created by Kevin MacLeod
Ending music used is


11~11~11 Crystalline Consciousness and the Power of Love~

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Monday, 7 November, 2011 



~The First Message for 11:11:11~

Beloved ones, you are the heart of the world. More accurately, the world lives within your heart. Your heart is the one heart that is humankind resonating the pure vibration of Love.

AA GABRIEL ~Weekly message ~ November 10, 2011~DEDICATION~

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November 10, 2011

Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love called dedication. This quality requires a commitment to a purpose that has been set forth as a goal to be accomplished and in order for this goal to be accomplished it requires the action and implementation of this quality of Love called dedication. Dedication to a project or a cause requires steadfastness and single mindedness of purpose in order to manifest the intended outcome of the goal into fruition. It requires repeated diligence and effort in order to create a tangible result as visualized and intended.

~Weekly LightBlast: Empowerment Within~

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~Weekly LightBlast: Empowerment Within~



This is your momentum of Mastery. Form Formed, ever forming. As you incorporate the expanse of time, the movement of time within – you understand and expect movement through Life. Your forgetting is your only obstacle. Your FOCUS is your work. As you play with that, you find your Mastery. Here we speak of 11, for this is the portal portended. You recognize it because the time codes within you have been culminating to this point. Yet a point is always a precipice, awaiting your leap of F.A.I.T.H. (Full Acceptance In The Heart) to fly. The expanse broadens, the movement continues. What is this moment for you?

Do you know your power of chaos, your power of perception, your power of choice? Do you Know who you are? This is your work.

~A Quite Reflection~

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I awake sitting upon a reflecting pool. Feeling. There is an sweet calm that sits within me... re-membering.




My memory drifts back to a time long ago, when I was a child of 6 or 7. Re-membering the sheer joy when the summer skies would open up with intensity and the rain barreled down to the earth. I would run out to play in the rain.

The rain came to earth with such a force that the raindrops would hit the road and attempt to go back up to whence it came. My mother called these feisty raindrops soldiers. These were my favorite!

I would run up and down the road playing, merging with the rain in it's intensity. and watched the soldiers of rain leap back upwards as if in a surge to go Home.

~Debbie: Your Participation is Requested~

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~Debbie: Your Participation is Requested~

2011 November 10
~Commentary by Steve Beckow~

Debbie asks for our alignment on 11~11~11 to make a unified request for the release of free~energy technology. The introduction of free energy will see an end to petroleum~based technology and the end of oil drilling and gas~driven transportation.



Your Participation Is Requested

To each soul who will take the time to read this:

Dear Fellow Humans of Planet Earth,

It is time!

Do you care about the world that we live in?


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