~October 28th Opened Your Portal of Manifestation~

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Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of October 31, 2011 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: Even though you have moved through many energy shifts in the last few months, the shift of October 28th was larger than most, as will be the shift of November 11. Each shift moves you closer to your goals of love and joy.



Dear Ones,

~~What to Do in a Spiritual Emergency~

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~What to Do in a Spiritual Emergency~

2011 November 2
Posted by Steve Beckow

It can happen, from time to time, that a person who has no background in what is occurring today can suddenly awaken. This may happen more often as the energies rise around the planet and especially, perhaps, after Nov. 11 and Dec. 12.



Their awakening can be quite spectacular. They may see their whole life flash before them, be spoken to by strange beings, be told that they have not much time to spare, etc.

Their awakening may also attract not so desirable beings and the people involved may be unaware of the need to protect themselves from them. If this happens to you or to someone near you, it can be quite frightening or overwhelming.

~Archangel Michael: The Pure Infinite Love of the Creator~

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A Message from Archangel Michael ~


~Archangel Michael: The Pure Infinite Love of the Creator~


~ ORIGNAL POST~October 2, 2011~




I am Archangel Michael and I come to you in the pure infinite love of the creator. This is the pure love that is manifesting itself in your world. It is the love that will transform you in an instant into the purity of the heart and mind of god. Why not align yourself with this great glory. Why remain in the darkness of war, sorrow and greed. I call you to stand up and take the power that is being given and move into the new age of peace and prosperity with grace and love.


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BIG SUNSPOT: A large sunspot group is rotating over the sun's northeastern limb, possibly signaling an uptick in solar activity. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture during the early hours of Nov. 2nd:

Measuring some 40,000 km wide and at least twice that in length, the behemoth active region is an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. Astronomers are encouraged to monitor the region: NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of M-class solar flares during the next 24 hours. Eruptions today would not be Earth directed, but future eruptions could be as the sunspot turns toward our planet in the days ahead. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

~~Kamran Mofid: Global Crises are Spiritual: A Time for Awakening~

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~Kamran Mofid: Global Crises are Spiritual: A Time for Awakening~


2011 November 2
Posted by Steve Beckow

The discussion may not be new but the fact that it’s being held in pages of the alternative press is. Thanks to Suzan.

Global Crises are Spiritual: A Time for Awakening

In modern economic thinking, greed and selfishness are upheld as guiding the ‘invisible hand’ of the market and are therefore exempt from moral consideration. It is time for us to redefine our values and build a just economy for the common good

(Image: Creative Commons by Massimo Valiani)

by Kamran Mofid, Common Dreams, Tuesday, November 1, 2011


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We can feel the rising expectation of events that are going to change your lives. The "quick fix" that many countries are trying to use to find their way out of trouble, will only be that with no long term solution. In fact they have no answers, which is why when our allies present them with our plan there will be little opposition. We could foresee the collapse which was inevitable, as you could not sustain the reckless ways of running your world affairs. It was of course largely through deliberate intent, to maintain control over you. When we have previously spoken of there being a "right time" for action to be taken, you should now be able to see the sense behind our reasoning. We had to wait until you reached a point of no return, so that it was clear to everyone that a new start was vital. That time has arrived and we are preparing ourselves in readiness to make the initial changes, that will get things moving for the better.

~A most sumptuous banquet has been prepared~ 11~02~2011

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~A most sumptuous banquet has been prepared~





These are exciting times for humanity, as old attitudes of judgment, mistrust, and conflict are released by large numbers of you, allowing you to reassess your thoughts, words, and actions in the light of the loving attitudes that are replacing them. It truly is wonderful to observe the positive and uplifting changes occurring all over the world – look for them, recognize them, and be uplifted – which are in large part due to the untiring and persistent efforts of all you light-workers.

As the changes continue to flow inexorably across the planet, affecting all governments, all religions, all ethnicities, all institutions, in fact all on Earth at this most significant era in humanity’s evolution, a spirit of light, love, and compassion is intensifying and brightening the entire planetary environment.


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