~~Angels & GPS’s ~

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~A message from Sarah~Jane Grace~

Monday, 31 October, 2011





~Angels & GPS’s ~




There is a strange and somewhat mysterious energy all around us at the moment, even the light during the day has changed, and the dark during the night seems altered. Everyone seems affected by this energy; even those not usually open to spiritual or ‘higher’ energies.

There is a bubbling undercurrent of anticipation and expectation, but nothing is bursting forth with a notice to say ‘here’s the answer, here’s the solution’. No faeries or light beings are popping up with words of wisdom or guidance.

~UFO At NFL Game: Special Slow Motion Camera Captures Flight~

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~UFO At NFL Game: Special Slow Motion Camera Captures Flight~

2011 November 1
Posted by BZ Riger

UFO At NFL Game: Special Slow Motion Camera Captures Strange Object In Flight During TV Broadcast

By Lee Speigel Posted: 11/1/11 08:05 AM ET


For many football fans who watched the New Orleans Saints rout the Indianapolis Colts on Oct. 23, the most unusual thing about the game was the lopsided final score of 62-7.


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 ~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Predrag~






You are the one who have to realize Freedom for you... There is no one else who will let you out of this 3D prison but You, dear ONES...


There are millions of beings around US, among US, who will show us a Key, and maybe they will even unlock the door, and even they will open the door... They will maybe slightly open this door toward this New Free world...


But, there is always 'but' in these tricky sentences... But, they will not lead us through doorstep, they will not push us to go out in unknown, they will not give us a candy standing out and luring us outside...


~The Divine Plan for Life is Spiritual Evolution~

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~The Divine Plan for Life is Spiritual Evolution~

2011 November 1
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Spiritual Evolution is the Divine Plan for Life

As they awaken to the special nature of these times, I think that many people will ask what the point of life is. There will be so much occurring and what occurs will be of such consequence that some will ask us to start at the beginning.

And where is that beginning? That beginning is the Divine Plan for life. And that Plan can be summarized in two words: spiritual evolution.  We move from God to God in quest of conscious awareness of our identity as God. We do that so that God may meet God in a moment of our enlightenment.

Let’s focus in on the messages of SaLuSa to hear his consistent explanation of the Divine Plan for life.


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