~Albany Police Defy Order to Arrest Protesters~

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~Albany Police Defy Order to Arrest Protesters~

2011 October 25
Posted by Steve Beckow

Thanks to Shanti. Two articles on Albany police refusing to arrest Occupy Albany protesters.

Under pressure to make arrests, police and troopers push back

Governor’s office urged mayor to press police to make arrests at protest

By BRENDAN J. LYONS Senior writer

Monday, October 24, 2011


ALBANY — In a tense battle of wills, state troopers and Albany police held off making arrests of dozens of protesters near the Capitol over the weekend even as Albany’s mayor, under pressure from Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration, had urged his police chief to enforce a city curfew.

~The Big Show Anticipates 11:11:11~

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Message from Naeshira

Telepathic transmission 24 October 2011

~The Big Show Anticipates 11:11:11~


The sacredness dawning in these days is powerful.

Gentleness and ease are more potent than they seem and the impact of more of you residing as these energies is substantial.

Waves of new light anchors into the Earth plane; uplifting those who can ride this golden ray, experiencing coherence and ordering that anticipates the intended collective unfolding.

The Big Show entertains each to their level of involvement and their place amidst the dimensional hierarchy of frequency attunement.

11~11~11 The Second Triple Stargate & The Codes of Renewal~

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The Second Triple Stargate & The Codes of Renewal~

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
The New Earth Energies October 2011




Beloved family of Light, this is a great moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth and the establishment of the New Earth and the Golden Age of Peace and Love. You have reached the Time Portal, or Stargate, that is called 11~11~11, on the 11th of November 2011. It represents a "Cosmic Moment" of Global Awakening and Unity, and the Moment when the "Light Codes" or "Cosmic Codes" of Renewal are received into the Crystalline grids of the Earth. The Reception of the Codes of Renewal will again accelerate the frequencies of the Earth Hologram, allowing for Reconnection with the Seventh Dimension of Consciousness, as the Planet continues on her Journey into the Divine Heart of Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.

Private “trading platforms” have been shut down in preparation for new financial system

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~Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis 20111024: Benjamin Fulford~



The highly secretive “trading platforms” used by the self-appointed rulers of the world have been shut down in preparation for the revamping of the global financial system, according to sources in the CIA and in Japanese military intelligence. This shut down took place earlier than the previously announced date of November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) in order to prevent any possible sabotage by the beneficiaries of the old system, the sources say.

According to them, over 100 countries have now subscribed to the new system. Mass arrests of people linked to the old system are supposed to begin by November 15, they say.

Some new names of key players in the old system have also now emerged as the international investigative dragnet continues. One of these people is a Belgian prince by the name of Zvonko Berdik. Another key signatory at the top of the old financial system was the Duke of Kent, who signs on behalf of Queen Elizabeth, the CIA sources say. The third new name is Alan Barr, a man who is wanted by the government of Vietnam for having tried to set off a coup d’etat there.

~The Team: 11~11~11 and the Awakening of Humanity~

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The Team via Peggy Black



~The Team: 11~11~11 and the Awakening of Humanity~


We are here, and we acknowledge and embrace you as the Galactic Citizens that you are.
This is a time of unparalleled opportunity, in which all eyes are focused on your planet. Your earth and all life forms have suffered and are close to total destruction.

Humanity has the grand opportunity to awaken from this illusion. Know that other realities and dimensions are observing because what happens here on this planet will affect the whole.

You have been focused on the one reality that you can sense, feel, touch, taste and see. As you awaken, your beliefs begin to soften, and your knowing expands; you begin to realize that the reality in which you are focused is only one of many realities that exist. Each energetic exchange in one reality brings a new wave or ripple that goes out affecting the other realities in some way.


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