~A Brave Man Emerges and Enriches Us~

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~A Brave Man Emerges and Enriches Us~

2011 October 24
~Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

I don’t know how to say this without sounding self-serving.  A very long time ago I saw airline officials in Denver doing something underhanded. They were sending people’s luggage along on a plane in the full knowledge that the people would not be able to board the plane with it.  I happened to be beside the counter when they talked about it. They snickered at the situation. Evidently they didn’t care about the inconvenience they were about to cause the rest of us.

I’m not sure what gripped me but I turned to the people in the terminal and told everyone what was happening and there followed a ruckus that lasted perhaps 12 hours, promised to bring in local newspeople, got all of us free rooms and meals at a hotel overnight and VIP treatment and bookings the next day, etc., etc.

~#OccupyMarines are Preparing to Occupy America Nationwide~

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~#OccupyMarines are Preparing to Occupy America Nationwide~


2011 October 24
Commentary from Steve Beckow

Speak of a defining moment. Marine Corps Sgt. Shamar Thomas’s upbraiding of the New York Police Dept. just may have hastened evolution. (Video reproduced below.)  The Egyptian army stood behind the protesters in Tahrir Square. Recently the Portuguese military came out in favor of the Occupy protesters in that country. If Shamar Thomas succeeds in swinging the military and the police behind OWS with his courageous face-down, well, Patrick Henry, (1) move over. Thanks to Said on 2012S.

#OccupyMarines are Preparing to Occupy America Nationwide

By Anomaly100, PoliticusUSA, Oct. 21, 2011



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What I LOVE about the peaceful side to these protests is the common unity which people are feeling amongst one another...and that is primarily why I support them...people are coming together in UNITY and PEACE for a common cause...and this common cause goes beyond CONditioned constructs such a s class, race, color or creed...this is human evolution UNFOLDING...we all came from the ONE and to the ONE we must surely return...the UNI-verse is turning back, reeling IN...we are being called back home...AND it is a MYTH that it is just the white middle classes who are protesting...



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My Beloved all,
this is Sananda.

My Radiance is embracing you. My Divine Love is Shining in your heart as I speak to you and commune with each of you. We are of One Heart, there are not many hearts but just One in Which we all participate.
It is so important that you know this and not continue in false believes you have been taught by false teachers in the past and still even now.

This One Heart we are participating in is the Core of the Universe and will be the Center of New Earth and New Humanity. Please understand that this is a very esoteric matter and has nothing to do with personalities, names, hierarchies, spiritual achievements and the like, but is simply the foundation of all creation of all that is, as Divinity is the Basis of All.

~All Systems will continue to Fail as New Systems begin to Emerge~

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This is RC, and I share my light and love with you at this moment.



All old systems continue to fail, as Our Brothers And Sisters Of All Light Colors, assist us in removing these old systems so that the co-creation of the New Systems could begin.

All old systems, financial, governmental, ecological, sociological, and psychological, to name a few, must be removed from New Earth, mother Gaia’s body, for it has served its purpose, and no longer can reside on mother Gaia. No longer will I, as a Light Being, diminish my self from emanating my true Light within, for the old earth, is history, and New Earth is here, NOW. We, Light Beings, are here to assist, and ascend simultaneously with mother Gaia and we all have done so, Beautifully, and we are here, NOW, to co-create a New Mother Gaia.

As our humanity have been experiencing darkness, as it is represented in our financial, governmental, ecological, sociological, and psychological aspects of this darkness for many years, soon will New systems be in place so that all, can know, that one exists because of one another.


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SPACE WEATHER FORECAST FOR MARS: A bright CME blasted off the sun yesterday, Oct. 22nd, and it appears to be heading for Mars. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab expect the cloud to reach the Red Planet on Oct. 26th (forecast track). A brief discussion of what CMEs can do to Mars follows this SOHO image of the eruption:



Mars has a unique response to solar storms shaped by the planet's strange magnetic topology. Unlike Earth, which has a global magnetic field, Mars is patchily covered by dozens of "magnetic umbrellas"--remnants of an over-arching planetary field that decayed billions of years ago. When Mars gets hit by a CME, the resulting magnetic storms take place in the umbrellas. Circumstantial evidence collected by Mars Global Surveyor in the 1990s suggests that the tops of the umbrellas light up with bright ultraviolet auroras during such storms. Because the structures are distributed around the planet, these auroras can appear even at the equator.

Mars rovers and satellites should be alert for aurora equatoralis on Oct. 26th.

~Astrologer Barbara Hand Clow ~ ~Scorpio New Moon: ~October 26, 2011

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~Scorpio New Moon: ~October 26, 2011



Global (and individual) balancing began with the Fall Equinox and was reinforced by the Libra New Moon on September 27-and now the time for truth and personal integrity has arrived. This Scorpio New Moon's dark intensity reminds us to cleanse our emotions and see what still remains. Under strong Scorpio influence, everything gets destroyed that can't handle the hard and clear light of truth. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, went direct on September 16, the day before Occupy Wall Street began, so Scorpio cleansing is global; people are connecting to demand equal justice for all.


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