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SUBSIDING STORM: The intense geomagnetic storm of Oct. 24-25 (described below) has subsided and US skies are returning to normal. If you missed the show, don't worry. The Northern Lights will be back. For much of the past few years, the sun has been in a quiet state; but solar activity is cyclical and the sun appears to be waking up again. Forecasters expect new Solar Cycle 24 to peak in 2012-2013 with many more chances to see auroras in unfamiliar places. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

AURORAS IN THE USA: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth on Oct. 24th at approximately 1800 UT (2:00 pm EDT). The impact strongly compressed Earth's magnetic field, directly exposing geosynchronous satellites to solar wind plasma, and sparked an intense geomagnetic storm. As night fell over North America, auroras spilled across the Canadian border into the contiguous United States. A US Department of Defense satellite photographed the crossing:


~Every hug carries a powerful “punch”.~

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~Every hug carries a powerful “punch”.~


~LOVE REPORTER Melodie Munro~


Over 100 Cities around took part in the Hugs for Peace campaign our friend Vince coordinated that took place on September 21



Such a little thing -- a hug -- everyone can do it -- it takes no special training -- no “skill” -- no age, race, religion, or sex can do it any better then another…

It is freely available to everyone -- pretty much anytime (technically we can hug our teddy bears, our dogs, even ourselves if another person isn’t immediately available)

and every hug carries a powerful “punch”. A study by University of North Carolina researchers found that hugs increase the “bonding” hormone oxytocin and decrease the risk of heart disease.

This should be every day in the world.


FREE HUGS for WORLD PEACE - Salt of the Earth - International Day of Peace - Sept. 21


~ The Cosmic Ray of Intergalactic Service ~

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~ The Cosmic Ray of Intergalactic Service ~









I align with my Mighty I Am Presence, Mother Father God, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,as I now call forth the Overlighting of the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, and Lord Metatron, the Caretaker to the Super-Electron, to lift me into the Cosmic Golden Flame of Metatronic Consciousness.


I now ask to be placed in a Metatronic Amplified Consciousness Chamber of Light,


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Humanity Is The Highest Possibility of Planet Earth's Expression, of Love Being Shared with the Living Universe. This is the Blue Star Nation, when EveryOne on This Planet Expresses the Love of the Planet, For the ALL, EQUAL US, EQUAL YOU.

~3 stages of the age of evolution~

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 ~3 stages of the age of evolution~

~Love Reporter Arnie Arnold ~




The below have no defined timeline start or finish each faze will be defined by the whole. Whether it is extreme or mild change.


The Quickening


Great global change is starting to happen, it is a period of evolution and a shift where all things that are based on lies deceit and greed will fall away, be revealed changed or made redundant. It all happens very quickly a mass of information truth and lies are uncovered in grand sweeps. No one will be able to stand up and lie or keep face. These times are when actions are made with out thinking impulsive reactions on both sides of the hierarchal spectrum in all aspects of cultures.

 We must not mistrust what is happening to us on a micro and macro level you must deal with these things in your life perspective and change or be left to wallow and suffer in your beliefs. You are what you sew.

~Cosmic Weather Report: Scorpio Rises~

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~Cosmic Weather Report: Scorpio Rises~




On October 26 the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio, to be the fourth celestial body in that sign. This is also a New Moon as the Moon conjuncts the Sun at about 1 p.m. Pacific Time on that day. Also in Scorpio are Venus and Mercury.

Scorpio energy has been misunderstood and distorted for the last 1,300 years of masculine energy dominance of our planet. As we move into the Age of Aquarius, when the feminine energy will return to her rightful place, there is a new understanding of Scorpio. What I love best about Scorpio is that it requires that we first feel our emotions and ultimately achieve mastery of the feelings and emotions. Scorpio embraces life force energy, and physical reality. It requires full acceptance of and participation in Earth Reality, bringing our spirit into matter.

~Mike Adams: The Second American Revolution Has Begun~

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Mike Adams: The Second American Revolution Has Begun

 Posted by Steve Beckow

Thanks to Roth.

The second American revolution has begun

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com


(NaturalNews) There’s a sense of desperation in America today. Their jobs are being exported out of the country, their health insurance is being dropped by employers, their dollars are becoming increasingly worthless with each passing day and their futures don’t look very promising. They’re angry, frustrated and desperate, so they take to the streets and protest. Occupy Wall Street! Occupy The Fed! Take to the streets!

SaLuSa 10~26~11~We are Watching Your Earth Very Carefully~

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  SaLuSa  10~26~11


We look at your world and see what a marvelous place it has been, as a means of giving you a playground in which to play your games. You have been allowed to do exactly as you wish, but nevertheless with responsibility for the consequences. Through many lives you have created your future, but for a long time were held in the lower vibrations. Once you became ensnared in them, you found the greatest difficulty in releasing yourselves from them. Yet although you plunged the depths of darkness, somehow you found the Light and lifted yourselves up. It took a long time, but today so many of you are awakening to the truth of your being. The beliefs imposed upon you are no longer able to hold you back, and much progress has been made. Now you are rising up in your consciousness levels very rapidly, and realize the power you have to change your reality.

~An Update from MELCHIZEDEK ~ You are The Hope of The World~

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October 25, 2011



Beloved Ones,

Upon the planes of Earth the waves of Cosmic Light and Love flow forth in great abundance now. Open yourselves to receive the encodements that are available to you by daily asking for these to be downloaded into your auric field and to be safely integrated and assimilated within your four lower bodies with grace and ease. These encodements are helpful to you in many ways, changing and transforming the very cells of your physical body elemental. Know that you have a plethora of Angelic Beings at your side, assisting in this process and that they are always with you, and we mean this quite literally, Dear Ones.



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