SaLuSa 10~14~11

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  SaLuSa  10~14~11

You may wonder at times why different sources of channeling sometimes come up with their own dates for expected events, and yet do not dispute those that are given by others that are different to theirs. Although there is generally a reluctance to give dates anyway, occasionally circumstances dictate that a firm date can be acknowledged, say such as one that has been divinely given. The reason for this is that there are different time lines that exist for most events, meaning that more than one outcome is possible, so the ultimate "correct" date for you is partly dependent upon your choice. Therefore we would be reluctant to deny someone else's choice, as we could affect the outcome by doing so and that would be deemed interference. So as many dates are being given for almost all important events, we would suggest you focus on the one that satisfies your understanding.

~You are our ground crew~

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We are the Council of Twelve, and we are here in support of your path to ascension and spiritual growth. Please take time today to feel the energies that are flowing in a beautiful stream to the hearts of all humanity. Many will be aware of this, many more will not. We are here to tell you that despite the evident turmoil on the surface of your world, there is much afoot behind the scenes. There is much that cannot be measured by your physical instruments, which leads many to the erroneous conclusion that the world consists of that which can be perceived by so-called normal means.

~Is the CIA Beginning to Lift the Veil of Secrecy and Dissimulation?~

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~Is the CIA Beginning to Lift the Veil of Secrecy and Dissimulation?~


If what we’re told here is true, then the CIA appears to have lifted the truth embargo and this becomes a most important if understated article. It’s impossible to know how much of what we hear below is true and how much not.

But what you may hear is the CIA’s first cut at lifting the veil of secrecy and disinformation that has existed since the early 1950s. Expect a tremendous amount of dissimulation and playing down of things. Meanwhile our main task is not to respond vengefully, which may prove a tough assignment, but to leave the application of justice to the Company of Light.



I-Team: The Final Meeting of the Roadrunners- Area 51 Retired CIA Staff

By George Knapp, Chief Investigative Reporter – By Matt Adams, Chief Photojournalist,, Oct 11, 2011


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Introduction by El Morya

Many of our earth masters are feeling the pull of New Earth for you are, in deed, moving into a frequency of reality that is not adhesive to such low frequency patterns as the third dimension. The higher levels of the fifth dimension create continuous, circular and infinite energy patterns that expand and transmute. On the other hand, the lower frequencies of the third and fourth dimensions create energy patterns with more and more interruptions as the energy travels down the frequency range.

David Wilcock: Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed~

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David Wilcock: Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed


David Wilcock

Steve: I consider the 2007 collapse of the I35 Mississippi bridge to have been caused by an ultra-low frequency (ULF) weapon developed or being developed at nearby Augsberg College rather than planted explosives.

Also augment what David says here with what we know from our reading of channeled messages from SaLuSa, Wanderer, Mathew Ward and others. David has a piece of the puzzle but the Company of Light has also been sharing other pieces of the puzzle with us. No disrespect meant to David or Ben.

Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed

David Wilcock, 10-13-11, Divine Cosmos

~CNN Report Covers NESARA~

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~CNN Report Covers NESARA~





Wanderer of The Skies has said in a recent message that high-powered media had made behind-the-scenes negotiations and would now be covering things they’ve never covered before. This is an iReport from CNN (not one of their reporters) but it was posted on Oct 12, and as yet has not been taken down. This may be one of the signals we have been told to look out for.

The report is by Beth Trutwin of Galactic Roundtable.

The Enactment of NESARA Law will fix whats wrong with Wall Street

By   galacticrt October 12, 2011 | New York, New York

Archangel Michael: This is a Time of Healing and Re-Integration ~ Part 1~2

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Archangel Michael: This is a Time of Healing and Re-Integration ~ Part 1~2

2011 October 12
by Steve Beckow

Unknown to me, Ellen began transcribing the tape as soon as the audiofile went up. Many thanks, Ellen. That means we have Part 1 ready for posting and Part 2 probably tomorrow.

In Part 1 Archangel Michael tells us what happens when we descend into Third Dimensionality that causes us to forget our higher origins.  He talks about the “integrated self” that experiences and acts.  He contrasts the life of this integrated self with the life of the mind, with its worries, hopes, and fears, and with its world constructed of illusion. And he tells us that this is a time of re-integration, of coming together, and of unifying.

He reveals that the veil of illusion and separation disintegrated years ago but we recoil in fear and anxiety, comfortable with the illusion of separation, and refuse to get that it has already distintegrated.

~Ascension 11-11-11 Stargate~

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~Ascension 11-11-11 Stargate~


Archangel Michael channeled through Celia Fenn


The 11:11:11 Gate and What it Means
Energetic and Physical Symptoms of the 11:11:11 Stargate
Important dates in November...and towards the 12:12:13 Stargate in December







The 11:11:11 Portal


~The Voices of Occupy San Diego: The People Speak~

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~The Voices of Occupy San Diego: The People Speak~


Undoubtedly we’ve all been paying close attention to the Occupy Wall Street movement as it sweeps across the nation with people demanding change and being heard.

Yesterday, Occupy Wall Street came to my hometown in San Diego, California. The local San Diego news stations showed protesters picketing at the Civic Center and some of them have set up tents, refusing to leave until something is done about the current financial situation.

“We will be occupying the San Diego Civic Center indefinitely until the our demands are met. It is time to put aside our differences!” was the quote displayed on their local website.

As I watched the television screen and looked over the Occupy San Diego website, two words came to mind: Unity and Strength. One protesters picket sign read, “We are the 99% and we are one!” It reminds me of how in times of dire need, people come together and are united in spirit and as brothers and sisters who are all working towards the same goal. We are all one and we all want a better life for our families and a brighter future for our children. We want change.


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