~Marianne Williamson at Occupy LA: Keep It Smart, Keep It Non~Violent, and Keep It Growing~

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~Marianne Williamson at Occupy LA: Keep It Smart, Keep It Non~Violent, and Keep It Growing~



2011 October 14
Commentary from the Steve Beckow~

Major, magnificent statement from Lightworker Marianne Williamson at Occupy LA, Oct. 12, 2011. Thanks to Beatrice.




“People on Wall Street need the support of people all over the country. New York needs the partnership of other cities, particularly a powerhouse like LA. It is very easy to mock social-justice movements. But we are not easy to dismiss and we are growing. It is 95 degrees in LA but getting colder in New York. So it is up to LA and other cities to take up the slack.

~Navigating the End of the Mayan Calendar~Expiration Date~

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~Navigating the End of the Mayan Calendar~Expiration Date~




~Galactic Love Reporter Denise Le Fay~


When I go quiet for a while and don’t write anything at TRANSITIONS, it’s always because I’ve been soul-deep in BIG changes once again. We all have the continuous smaller Ascension related symptoms, aches and pains and changes.

However, every few months or so (your mileage may vary) we reach another of those really BIG phases within the Ascension Process where we suddenly take a quantum leap forward. Or so it seems from our old perspective. This was another of those BIG, major transition points for me personally. I suspect many of you reading this have also recently (the summer and fall of 2011) found yourself in some major inner changes. If you haven’t yet, not to worry because it’s coming. We’ve all got plenty of them coming now that we’re at the end of this Evolutionary Cycle/Mayan calendar/October 28, 2011.

~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~

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Wanderer of the Skies, Oct. 14, 2011


 Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies

October 14, 2011


Greetings from the Federation:

We come again to fill in the gaps in information you have been receiving of late. It appears that more and more is happening on your world and that those matters you have been preparing for are accelerating at a rapid pace. That is as it was designed to be. You now find yourselves at the beginning of the changes that are taking place that have been discussed for so long. If all seems tumultuous, it is so because that is the way it is.

~Light Brings Negativity To the Surface~

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~Light Brings Negativity To the Surface~





Love does not always bring forth "Positive" energy, it  will also bring forth "collisions" of great magnitude within the mind,.shattering beliefs, breaking barriers of deep rooted "Negativity". You may be the "one" that will be perceived as the "negative" person, but its not about you, if you are positive or negative, its all about how its Interpretated by the "awareness or consciousness" who chooses to engage with your "energy". You may be a trigger, but its not your fault, its up to each and everyone to "embrace" their inner "light".

Light brings Negativity to the surface, so it can be understood and healed.  Dont take it personally. Understand the process and  that you are a mirror, bringing forth Love in Every moment, even if you cant see it. It will not feel pleasant at times, but you "help" people to realize who they are by "YOU BEING YOU".

~World-wide list of 11.11.11 Celebrations! Friday 11 November 2011~

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~World-wide list of 11.11.11 Celebrations!
Friday 11 November 2011~


To add your event to this list please contact Tatanka Nehweh on tatankanehweh@gmail.com


Events listed below in black are not confirmed - please contact the organisers to see if there is an 11.11.11 celebration at their venue.  


For help in how to lead ceremonies see here                                      

~Earth Chakras and Vortices~

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~Earth Chakras and Vortices~




Looking at Nature all around us, we cannot help but marvel at its raw beauty and rhythm. Planet Earth is a conscious and vibrant living entity. With its own free will, it is meticulously orchestrating a symphony of equilibrium and constant evolution, communicating with all its inhabitants, the solar system and the universe.

Ancient civilizations revered their host as a sacred entity: they believed her to be their “Great Mother” and often built their megalithic sacred monuments in areas they considered “Earth’s Highest Energy Vortexes” or “Earth Chakras”. Structures like Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Egypt and Mayan, Aztec, and Incan monuments along with many temples, churches and pilgrimage sites are now considered powerful energetic spots.



~Further Questions on Ascension~

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~Further Questions on Ascension~



by Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

No magic carpet after Ascension. Won't need one!

Here are questions that one reader raised, which others may have. They’re supplementary to the recent post on “Two Questions on Refusing Ascension.” (1)

~Predicts Exit of Dark Underground ETs on 11~11~11~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Suzanne Lie~


~Predicts Exit of Dark Underground ETs on 11~11~11~




With Commentary from Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

As with much material coming out today, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of Suzanne Lie’s prediction that the dark extraterrestrials living underground will leave on 11-11-11.  But Matthew Ward has said that “the non-lighted beings from other civilizations who are living on the planet will be leaving soon because their bodies cannot survive in the vibratory levels the planet is traveling toward.” (1)



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