~Another Perspective on 2012~

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Sunday, 9 October, 2011  

Sri Kalki Bhagavan says: "Most of you know that the earth has got a magnetic field. As the earth's molten core is rotating; the magnetic field is created. The thought sphere of the human mind is located in the earth's magnetic field. This mag-netic field has been weakening dramatically over the last ten years.... Now, in physics there is a parameter called “Schumann's Resonance”. Using that we can determine the strength of the earth's magnetic field. While for many centuries, it was constant around 7.80 cycles per second, during the last 7-8 years, it has risen to 11 cycles per second and is continuing to increase dramatically. If you work it out mathematically, it appears that, by the year 2012, the "Schuman's Resonance" is likely to be 13 cycles per second. When this reso-nance is 13 cycles per second, the earth’s core would stop rotating with mag-netic field gone, your mind is gone. When I say "your mind", what I mean is your "samskaras". The pressure of the past 11.000 years of samskaras will vanish.


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~Due to the Creation of Beer, We Are Here to inform You that Father God will not be doing any "wrath of god" type stuff. ~





It gets more fun from Here cause We're upping the ante!


You see a little goes along way, and a lot goes even further.


~Where will you BE after this final day? ~

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Hello Family of Light,

As we have entered the final daY, we are Now in the time when all the nine waves, developing at different speeds, will simultaneously come to manifest fully (28 October 2011, 13 Ahau) ...and thus going to be quite complex patterns of overlapping of these waves.
Since the equinox I Am experiencing within the overlapping of my chakra's, many aspects of mySelf, many time~lines, many  incarnations on this Geo~spot :)
  A state of deeper releasing and more cultivating the feeling of Compassion.
Within my growing and ex~panding, I Am merely passing through meeting my soul~family here with some sharings of encouragement and joy and the entry-question above!


It brings Me joy and love that we still have an unquestionable energetic existence :)
As part of the mentioned overlapping, 3D >>> o <<< 5D, I would like to share some of our connections.
Todays full moon in Aries on the 12th of October is about completion and rebirth :)
We are birthing a New World and there are many important aspects for us entering the 7th and final day of the of the 9th wave.

~What is NESARA Law?~ REPOST~

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What is NESARA Law?

Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was signed into Law on October 10, 2000 by Bill Clinton. It has been kept secret by members of Congress and the US Supreme Court who are working in collusion with the banks. 


~SaLuSa~10~12~11~WE ARE BRINGING THE DARK ONES, under our control~

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  SaLuSa  10~12~11


There is no doubt that your creative powers are opening up paths to Ascension that are extremely powerful, and that is speeding up the changes. It is happening on more than one level, and bringing forth the first of many preliminary changes that will set things up for the more important ones to go ahead. All is proceeding well and the dark Ones have got the message, that we are no longer prepared to wait for them to move aside. We will remove any person obstructing our efforts, to move the people of Earth into positions where they can start the whole process of Ascension. Much has already been done to lay down the foundation to success, and we are now building upon it.

~10~11~11~~This explosion of love among humans worldwide is remarkable~

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~This explosion of love among humans worldwide is remarkable~

by John Smallman

Your progress toward awakening is accelerating as you approach that momentous event, and almost everyone is feeling restless while at the same time experiencing a strong sense of expectation.  You are feeling the approach of the moment of your awakening.  It does feel strange, uncertain, even uncomfortable, and yet you cannot truly express or understand what it is that you are feeling because it is unfamiliar.  To be moving from the unaware state that has sustained you for eons in the illusion into full conscious awareness is disconcerting because it is unfamiliar.  But that sensation will not last because you are to awaken, and then all doubt, all uncertainty, all discomfiture, and all unfamiliarity will dissipate as you find yourselves once more in your joyous and familiar Home.  It is a state which you have forgotten, and yet, from which you have never departed.


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There is a change, a Shift under way that is affecting every aspect of our third dimensional reality. This Shift is so far-reaching that our limited imagination cannot begin to grasp the transition and change we are now in the midst of experiencing. This Shift is affecting every aspect of life on the planet; political, social and economic structures, the environment, every institution, the wars, how we view our relationships, our work, every thought we think and every feeling we feel. It is altering Time, our memory, our DNA, the wiring of our physical and emotional bodies, our beliefs, our perceptions of good and bad, right and wrong and especially our awareness of what is possible.


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~We are human beings meant for each other, not meant for a ruling party to make decisions about our own futures. We were not meant to be part of a consumerist society, that has been run by political games for centuries, putting everyone at risk and even death. We are locked inside a very old structure called the Pyramid of Power, and the only way out, is to let it crumble and look for the light of our new futures, which is close. A future where we can free the human race from unconsciously destroying its very own planet, for the reason of economics, power, control, deceit, fear and division.

No more is the time we slave our asses off to big corporate greed, police and the justice system. No more will money dominate our lives.


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