~Hilarion's Weekly Message, October 9~16, 2011~

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~Hilarion's Weekly Message, October 9~16, 2011~


Beloved Ones,

As the intense energies pour forth into the Earth’s atmosphere much that has been stubbornly resisting this great Love flooding the Earth shall start dissipating in all areas of your lives. There will come a sense of release from all that previously troubled you in your minds and you will find yourselves feeling empowered in all that you do and all that you are. A greater clarity of purpose and the desires of your heart will suffuse your Being and much that prevented you from moving forward shall be gone from your experience.

~Tell Others But Just Enough~ The Awakening is in Process, aware or unaware~

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Tell Others But Just Enough (Repost)

2011 October 9
by Steve Beckow

What should we be telling others? How should we approach the task of informing friends and relatives what lies ahead? Should we force our views on others or tell them everything we know? A reader asked the question and the galatics and spiritual hierarchy provide the answer.

SaLuSa welcomes our participation in awakening others.

“There is much you can do as individuals. These are confusing times and it helps to Iet others know the greater plan, and more importantly how the heavenly forces are with you. Speak when the opportunity arises, as so many are in a state of utter confusion and despair. If you feel confident of the outcome, your energy will help others and have a calming effect.” (1)

“With your knowledge, you can also help others to get through the remaining months of this cycle.


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~Two Questions on Refusing Ascension~



~with a commentary from the Galactic Free Press~


~Steve has done a brilliant job at sharing that everyone on this planet that has a beating heart, came here by contract to participate in the Grandest Event in earth's history. Everyone came to awaken from out of the illusion~ Everyone is coming Home...Love Mother and Father God with Gaia and all her Angels~


by Steve Beckow

At times I try to answer questions on the discussion group. When I do, I sometimes share the answers here for their possible relevance to other readers. On those occasions I summarize the questions. I apologize if my summaries have not done justice to the original questions.


~Jesus: You Cannot be Happy While Bearing a Grudge~

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~Jesus: You Cannot be Happy While Bearing a Grudge~




~Love Reporter John Smallman~



As you know, God’s infinite Love for all of creation means that no one can ever be lost, abandoned, damned, or discarded, and anyone who suggests otherwise is sorely confused and misguided.  Needless to say, many have engaged in extremely unpleasant and unloving behaviors which they believe is a right or a necessity, and before they can leave the illusion they will need to drastically alter the attitudes that led or encouraged them to behave in those ways.  This is because anyone who maintains such attitudes or beliefs would feel very uncomfortable and out of place in an environment that is completely peaceful and loving – Reality – and would strive with all his strength to avoid it or to change its state so that it agreed with his own chosen state of hostility – and to change Reality is impossible!

~ Activation ~ A Grand Finale of Kundalini Energy

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Did you ever have an "OMG, I should have known that" moment? I had a huge one yesterday (10/08/11)! It was so huge I have to wonder (and chuckle) to myself how I never "got that" before. When I do a reading, I am bearing witness to, and absorbing your activation. Your quantum energy as it is presented to me. Your highest field of energy is quite literally unfolding on my floor 4 feet in-front of me. It then it triggering a series of activation within me (no wonder why my brains just melt during a reading and just lay in the deep end of the pool for the rest of the day...smile) In these condensed sharings, you too are absorbing the quantum energy that I am relaying/releasing back out to the All to absorb, assimilate and process. Those who are not ready for these activation will have a hard time reading what I right. It is their highest energy (soul) pulling them away from what they need time to work up towards. It kind of reminds of me "The Plieadian Agenda" by Barbara Hand Clow, I owned it for 2 years before I could actually sit down and read beyond a few paragraphs and actually understood it. Of course I bought that book like 4 months into my awakening...

~Changing your beliefs can be painful~

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~Changing your beliefs can be painful~


10~09~2011 by Love Reporter John Smallman


Many of you are finding life very trying at present as various issues that need your attention rumble around just below your level of conscious awareness, stirring up your emotions and making you feel sad, depressed, irritable, and plain angry. Maybe you have tried sitting with those feelings in an attempt to identify their underlying cause, and then release them. And it is quite likely that you have had difficulty making any progress because the feelings, the inner discomforts, remain, even though you cannot identify any issues that might be causing them. Just relax as best you can and accept the moods as they flow through you, and intend to release them. They may last a day or two but they will pass, and when they do, you will feel lighter and more buoyant.

~10~8~11~A MESSAGE FROM THE TEAM~ Message 87 ~Be in Joy~

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Message 87

~Be in Joy~



Joy is the elixir for all things. Bring more joy into your tasks. When you radiate a vibration of joy, however mild, there is a shift in response within your body that is reflected in the response of your reality.

It can be an easy as a smile on your face as you do one of your many tasks. This will create a different message to your body and you will shift the usual stress responses to your work and busyness into a more conscious relaxed state of mind/heart.
Become aware of the stages or subtle frequencies of the emotional vibration you label joy. There is ecstasy, rapture, bliss, jubilation, delight, happiness, cheer, gladness, and pleasure. Practice the different frequencies of joy.


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