~Soul Transitions Vibe Report October 2011~ LIVE IN LOVE~

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Small Sprite

~Live in Love~


This simple message is being sent deep into the hearts of those who wish to receive and stay in the high vibrational frequencies. To hold the vibration, you bring yourself into the vibration of love. Live in Love. This practice transforms the habitual energies of fear and worry into love. You know you can shift your vibration in an instant. You have been shown this and you have practiced this. So we remind you to keep up the good “play” and no matter what is going on, bring yourself into the frequency of love.

~Sekhmet ~ Co-creating From 5D~Yes I can~

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Free Call October 11, 2011

Sekhmet's "Yes I Can! 101" & Guest Speaker



Sekhmet - Co-creating From 5D

Ascension Energy Tools Teleconference, 9/27/11


"Thank you so much! We are so pleased to be here! This is a very powerful group, and we love it when we get together like this, and have opportunities to share, and to extend our sharing beyond this group as One, and to indeed come into close connection with the entirety of our Planet Earth here, and the Universe beyond.


~A Different Perspective on First Contact~

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~A Different Perspective on First Contact~



I'd like to dispel any preconceptions about what First Contact looks like. Humanity has dreams of enormous Starships flying through the atmosphere, and forever changing the Earth's relationship to the Universe at large. I'm not saying this isn't what it's going to look like, but that's only one aspect. For many people, First Contact has already happened. In fact, for a tiny portion of the population, Contact has been happening for thousands of years.



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From Sirius (Sirius A as some call my home planet) I send you the sign of the head, heart and hand. I am here to teach of the love from our star
families yet how this part of my mission and how I am to do this has
not been fully revealed to me at this juncture in time and space. I
find my heart smiling with much that you share and find homage in the
oneness found within the unconditional cosmic Love that is expanding so
rapidly on Earth now.


~Inside the Wall Street Protests: An Eyewitness Account of Police Crackdown on Peaceful Demonstrators~

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~An Eyewitness Account of Police Crackdown on Peaceful Demonstrators~


Commentary from Steve Beckow~Be sure to watch the Ryan Devereux video. The protestors have no animosity towards the police. They don’t see them as the enemy. The protesters felt the police were serving their cause with each wave of harassment and arrest. I agree. Thanks to Susan.



~Inside the Wall Street Protests: An Eyewitness Account of Police Crackdown on Peaceful Demonstrators~


Protesters from the week-old “occupation” in New York’s financial district were arrested, penned up, and Maced on Saturday when the NYPD showed up to their march.

~From Elsewhere~ ~Being ET in America~

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~From Elsewhere~


~Being ET in America~




Scott Mandelker Ph.D.

Scott Mandelker blends mystic and academic approaches to spiritual teaching. With a B.A. in Buddhist Studies, M.A. Counseling and Ph.D. in East West Psychology, he has lectured widely on metaphysics, personal growth and the spirituality of UFO/ET contact.



Born in 1962 in New York City, Dr. Scott Mandelker completed his doctorate in East West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco, in 1992. His Ph.D. combines traditional Western psychology with Eastern religions, and followed years of training in both US and Asian Buddhist temples.

White House May Have Upped Lower Limit on Disclosure Petition to 25,000

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~White House May Have Upped Lower Limit on Disclosure Petition to 25,000~

2011 October 7
by Steve Beckow


Andre believes that the raised threshold only applies to petitions created after Oct. 3. I quote him:

“I think you made a mistake about posting the update about the signature threshold for the White House petition.

“I don’t think changes in the threshold apply to petitions that are already active. I read that in the beginning on the site. It has since been changed, but it can still be found in the terms section:

”’The White House reserves the right to change the time limits and signature thresholds and apply them to petitions created after the change has been published to this “Current thresholds” section’”

“Bottom of page: https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions#!/how-why/terms-participation

~Archangel Michael: The Key to Ascension is to Be in Love ~ Part 2~2

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~Galactic Love Reporter Lawerence interviews~

Archangel Michael: The Key to Ascension is to Be in Love ~ Part 2~2



 with Commentary from Steve Beckow~

Lawrence continues his interview with Archangel Michael.  Here the Boss tells us what help is available to “borderline” Ascension cases and what is occurring with Disclosure.



Lawrence: Thank you so much, Michael. That was wonderful. I have question number two from Steve. What assistance will be provided to those who are borderline to enable them to ascend.

AAM: There are so many borderlines and boundaries in your world. It is but one planet and one way to think about this is one planet and one heart united. The people who are in that place of indecisiveness will be given help from above and below. And let me explain because I understand that you love explanations.


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