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October 10, 2011 




With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  When my mother was participating in a fall equinox global meditation and visualizing Earth radiant in golden-white Christed light, she heard, “Please record my words.”  It is with joy that we share the following with you.  


~The Fall of the Illuminati Appears Near~

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~The Fall of the Illuminati Appears Near~


by Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Typical Deep Underground Military Bunker (DUMB)

Our knowledge of what happened at the deep underground military bunkers in late August 2011 continues to expand and suggests that this was a watershed event in the defeat of the Illuminati on this planet.


Long ago in a video whose URL is now lost to me, George Green described how various elected officials and other Illuminati hangers-on vied for tickets to the bunkers as their guarantee that they would survive the expected events designed to bring the world’s population down from 7 billion to 500 million.


~Disclosure is it Imminent!~

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formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - Disclosure.

Disclosure Petition - Paradigm Research Group

"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."


Hundreds of military and government agency witnesses have come forward with testimony confirming this extraterrestrial presence. Opinion polls now indicate more than 50% of the American people believe there is an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about this phenomenon. The people have a right to know. The people can handle the truth.

Relevant Websites: www.disclosurepetition.info, www.paradigmresearchgroup.org

~Invocation to Day Seven~

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~Invocation to Day Seven~

I align with Mother~Father God, my mighty I Am Presence,
and all the Beings of Light that I personally acknowledge,
as I call upon the Overlighting of Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos,
and the Brotherhood of the Light,
to take me into the Crystalline City of Light within the etheric of Machu Picchu.


~History Of The Galactic Federation & The Ashtar Command ~

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History Of The Galactic Federation & The Ashtar Command
Before the earth ever discovered fire there existed a race of advanced humans who existed within the realm of the 7 sisters also known as the Pleiadies. These beings were not only technologically advanced but also spiritually. They had no government, no monetary system and telepathy was a normal every day thing. This civilization always kept a watch on developing worlds. Eventually they saw that earth needed to have constant monitoring and protection as earth was young and recently inhabited which also meant vulnerable. They went through a series of protocols on what was considered violation of free will and universal laws as told to them by the most high the Archangel Gabriel which was given directly from source.

~We, the 99 Percent, Demand the End of the Wars Now~

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~We, the 99 Percent, Demand the End of the Wars Now~

Robert Naiman, Truthout, 10-8-11


Demonstrators march near St. Andrews Plaza as part of the protest movement against big business called “Occupy Wall Street,” in New York, Sept. 30, 2011. (Photo: Ozier Muhammad / The New York Times

After ten years of war, now is a perfect time to act to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Friends Committee on National Legislation has set up a toll-free number for us to call Congress:

1-877-429-0678. A Congressional “supercommittee” is charged with coming up with $1.5 trillion in reduced debt over ten years, and the wars and the bloated Pentagon budget dangle before the supercommittee like overripe fruit.

A recent CBS poll shows how far out of step with the 99 percent the Pentagon’s plans are. Sixty-two percent want US troops out within two years.

But the Pentagon wants to stay for at least 13 more years.

totally unacceptable.” More protests and more phone calls will get more members of Congress talking like that.


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The Council of Twelve via Radio Ann: Do one thing today that gets you closer to your goals.
We are aware that there is much discussion in the lightworker cadre having to do with this or that interpretation of prophecies, predictions and what may come. There is no reason for anyone to be alarmed by the disparity of messages. There is an infinite number of possible outcomes and scenarios, and many of these outcomes will manifest because each person's reality is different. So the answer to "Is this an accurate prediction?" is Yes! Maybe. For you, or if not for you, then for someone else.


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