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This has been a tough Mercury retrograde period and it ends this week, although the shadow period extends to September 9. This is something that happens at least three times a year so it's not an unusual phenomenon but our heightened awareness and greater sensitivity to energy is making this one more difficult because we are more aware of the changes that are happening, more attuned to the shifts that are happening around us and more involved in them because we are more connected to everything that is happening, beyond the small part that is our involvement.

8~22~11~Uriel's Message ~~ Be Your Self~

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8~22~11~Uriel's Message ~~ Be Your Self~




A message to be your self may be quite obvious. Of course you are your self, what else can you be? But there are many aspects to your self and you can be or become any of them that you choose. In your lifetime you will embody many different aspects of your self, some of which you like, others which you do not like at all. The self is embodied in the physical body, and is no more than an expression of a particular energy. So as your energy shifts so does the aspect of the self that can be expressed through you.

~Heart Awakening by Master Kuthumi, Master El Morya and Master Saint Germain~

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~Heart Awakening by Master Kuthumi, Master El Morya and Master Saint Germain~



Channelled through Love Reporter Natalie Glassson 8~22~11


Beloved and delightful light beings upon the Earth we call upon your attention now as we allow our energies to merge with you as we express our consciousness of light and wisdom. We come forward to you as one voice but we are the energies of Master Kuthumi, Master El Morya and Master Saint Germain. We have special information that we wish to share with you as it is essential that you are aware of a transition that is occurring. The Creator has asked that humanity at this special time of tremendous growth, experience an awakening of their heart chakra. This awakening will be more intense for those who are aware of the process but all will experience the ascended masters working with their heart chakras especially during their sleep states.

~August message from inner Earth ..~

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~Through Galactic Love Reporter Diane Robbins~

"Why did our lifespan shorten after the Firmament was destroyed in the Atlantean and Lemurian war?

Greetings, I am Mikos, speaking to you from the Library of Porthologos, inside the Hollow Earth, awaiting your call to begin. So here we are again together as One. One soul and one heart, intertwined in the melody of Love that we permeate the Universe with when we connect like this at your computer.


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