Ashtar ~ We Shall Be Empowering
Golden Age Governments!~
"Greetings, Beloved Family! In our upcoming gathering, we shall be further empowering the changes which are taking place in governments around the World! You are by now aware of the stories of Truth which are streaming out so fast as to cause the sinking of the boats of the dark hats who have been ruling Planet Earth for these past eons. Ah yes, those leaky boats which we told you about in the very beginning of our mission of Ashtar on the Road - they are sinking fast. Indeed, some of them have already gone down out of sight, so to speak, and, we are now in the process of offering the lifelines to all who have come up to tread the surface of the waters. Indeed, some are wanting to give up their domineering ways, and now seek the Light of Love with which to empower themselves!
"However, while we shall continue to encourage the dark hats to come to the path of the Light,