Message from Paua'Alowa and The Galactic Federation Of Light~ ~ August 1st, 2011
Too often you are mislead, lied to, deceived, and have information withheld from you by the ‘powers that be’. It is impossible for them to quiet your inner knowledge, you intuitive powers, and your connection to all that is divine. All of the knowledge and wisdom you require is nestled safely in the seat of your soul, at your very heart centre, and you can call on it at any time. You do not need others to tell you the truth, for it is only one version of the truth, their version of the truth, and is filtered directly through their own consciousness with varying degrees of bias based upon their experiences, ego and their soul’s journey in this incarnation. It is not up to others to provide you with your wisdom, it is up to you to seek and therefore discover your own truths.