Lia's picture



Welcome dear ones and we come to guide and support ALL at this time. Many of you are now experiencing many different symptoms and we guide you to detach from them. Many are falling into fear with regard to symptoms and we guide you that this is the teaching of illusion. If you listen to your body then it will respond to you, if you listen to its message and then take action then you will move through these symptoms. The human body is a finely tuned instrument, as the energies heighten dear ones it is akin to you tuning into them, your body is receiving the frequencies needed to heighten your vibration, you need to listen to be able to fine tune them and anchor them.

Jesus ~And so your eons-long struggle for survival began~ 7~31~11

Lia's picture



~And so your eons-long struggle for survival began~





7~31~11 with Galactic Lovw Reporter John Smallman with a Message From Jesus~



God’s Love for His children will overwhelm you with joy when you awaken from the illusion and experience It once more. Your moment of awakening has been divinely planned and orchestrated to bring you maximal joy, and so of course it will. What God plans, what God promises, what God wills always occurs precisely as He intends; no other outcome is possible as there is no other will but His. And for this all creation gives thanks.

~Sleep is a transitory and insubstantial state~ ~07~31~2011

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~Sleep is a transitory and insubstantial state~

~07~31~2011 Love Reporter John Smallman~



Naturally, many of you are experiencing frustration and impatience as the moment for your awakening seems to get no closer. But this is not the case! Remember, where you are currently experiencing life is in an illusory environment that has no substance; it is evanescent and will dissipate completely when you awaken, and yet while you remain asleep within it, its apparent material presence is extremely convincing. And you will awaken, because sleep is a transitory and insubstantial state that cannot possibly contain the vastness that you are – it can only hide it from you momentarily. It is so insubstantial that on waking, all sense or memory of it will be gone, and there will be nothing to disturb the utter joy into which you will emerge.

~Animal Consciousness: The Benevolent Nature of Cats & Dogs~

Lia's picture


~Animal Consciousness: The Benevolent Nature of Cats & Dogs~

The Sacred Felidae

[Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn]



Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I embrace you in this moment. With me are the energies and presence of the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light, and those benevolent Beings of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. We welcome you, each of you here, in a 'Now' moment of unconditional love.


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