Wake up Call: Horus

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Channeler: Nancy Tate

Wake up Call: Horus July 18, 11

Dear ones on the surface, I Horus am here today to tell you of an advancing movement that is going to interrupt the ideas that the illuminati have implemented on the moon. It is well known through certain channels that there is life on the moon and that there has been for eons. In fact once it was created from the splitting of Tiamat it has had some form of habitation.

One of the things that are taking place on the moon as I speak is the continuation of the intervention that began 50 years ago by the Galactic Federation and other members of our cosmic family. There has been much intervention in place on the moon that the illuminati from earth have been implementing in order to assure their power place on the planet and to seek control over weather patterns and cosmic affects on earth.

~Uriel's Message ~ Create Your Version of Heaven~

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~Uriel's Message ~ Create Your Version of Heaven~



What do you think heaven is? The place your soul returns to when your body dies? A place where you can finally be at rest, free from the burdens of life? A reward for a life well lived? Heaven is all of those things and more. It is the place where all is at peace, where joy and unconditional love reign, where there is no hatred, anger or fear. It is a place where you live in perfection with the knowledge that you are perfection in body and where you feel safe and secure. But Heaven is not a place where you go, it is something that you carry with you every day of your life. It is here with you and accessible to you right now, at this moment. With your intention and beliefs, you create your own version of Heaven in your life every day.

Multidimensionality ~ GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Peggy Black and the 'team~!

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________ Message from the "team"_________

~ GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Peggy Black and the 'team~!




This transmission from the 'team' is long yet I feel it is a very good one,
may it serve you.



We are here; we greet you with the deepest appreciation and love. It is our honor to connect with you in this manner, acknowledging your magnificence and growing awareness of your own multidimensionality.

We realize that when we express our acknowledgment of your multidimensionality, it might trigger some questions within you. What does it mean to be multidimensional?

How do I know that I am multidimensional? How do I become conscious of the many multidimensional aspects of who I truly am? Multidimensional is not a term commonly used when you introduce yourself. Just the idea that someone could be multidimensional is a real stretch in your beliefs and old programs. The universe is more complex and more expanded than your 3 dimensional realities can embrace.

~Tree Spirit Prayer~

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~Tree Spirit Prayer~



Great Spirit, Mountain Ancestors, All My Relations, Blessings be here today as I come before you Honored One.
You have seen many sunrises and sunsets upon your branches,Your sacred roots have been quenched by life giving rains.

Honored Tree Spirit, I give Thanks to You

...for the singing birds that you shelter
...for the music you sing in the breeze
...for listening to the voices of the creatures
...for echoing the ancestors strength

Respected One, I ask your permission and humbly request your presence for my guided purpose as Great Spirit directs.

All things belong to you, Creator, all things are sacred.
So this day, I honor you, Tree Spirit and humbly Thank You.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Original prayer/poem by Hanoochi ©

The importance of Trees . . .

Trees are a vital and nurturing force.  They benefit our environment, provide us medicines, and inspire myths and stories.  One of the best ways to realize the importance of trees is to imagine our world without them.


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We come to you today dear brothers and sisters of the stars to guide and support in relation to UNITY and heart centred life experience. We are the Arcturians and once more we give love and blessings to this channel for stepping aside so that this message may be brought to all across the planet earth. For many channels a new energy that comes in can be confusing and many channels are not following their heart and putting trust and faith in the messages they are bringing through. Dear ones we guide that if you “usually” channel a certain energy and another steps forward then please check with your heart as to what is happening. We guide strongly that over the coming weeks more energies will step forward through different channels.


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