~SaLuSa on the Galactics’ Methods of Communicating with Us~ 7~17~11 ~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER ~ Steve Beckow

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~SaLuSa on the Galactics’ Methods of Communicating with Us~


I’d like to look at SaLuSa’s views of the way the galactics have been preparing us through channeled messages. I think we’ve all suspected that there is method to their messages. Let’s look at what that method has been.

First of all, the galactics have planned their messages to be gradual so as not to overload us with new information. SaLuSa tells us:

~The most important step you have ever taken to intensify your spiritual evolution~ 7~17~11

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~LOVE REPORTER  John Smallman with Saul~
~The most important step you have ever taken to intensify your spiritual evolution~








The barriers to humanity’s awakening are being demolished as more and more of you allow God’s Love for you to suffuse you, and you then share that Love widely with everyone you know. This opening of yourselves to allow God’s Love to fill your hearts is the most important step you have ever taken to intensify your spiritual evolution, and its effect is felt throughout creation, bringing peace and joy to all.


~JESUS~!~Prepare yourselves for ecstasy because it is inevitable!

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!~Prepare yourselves for ecstasy because it is inevitable!~



7~17~11 ~LOVE REPORTER John Smallman with a message from Jesus~


These are exciting and inspiring times as the moment for your awakening draws ever closer. It is with great joy that we in the spiritual realms observe the fundamental change in attitudes occurring all over the world in preparation for this grand divine event. When it occurs, it will astound and delight you, as all sense of fear, danger, or insecurity falls away, and you find yourselves reaching out in love and acceptance to embrace one another indiscriminately, as you recognize your brotherhood, your oneness, and indulge in the joy of that knowledge.

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council~

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A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council~





Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We are with you and we are around. Some of you know us well even though you may not recognize us completely you can feel our energy. We are making our presence even more known.

We appear to look a lot like you. We are humans. We are larger than you in physical size. Our energy is different but we have learned to fit in. We find astonishing things happening on the Earth. We are a part of the solution and so are you. We expect a lot of our ground crew. We work with you and you work with us. We are finding cooperative ways to do things even if we can’t make our appearance visual quite yet in your dimension. We are with you.

~The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home July 15 2011 ~ Don't Wait ~

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The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home

July 15 2011

~ Don't Wait ~


~ Re-minders from Home ~

Steve RotherFrom Steve:

This was an impassioned message from the group on where we are right now and that we can do about it.  Feeling stuck, get ready to move. Here they say that we can develop new energetic habits that will make this evolutionary process much easier for each of us.

Simple and powerful.

Have a great month and be present.

Big hugs



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