~Full Moon July 15TH Energy Scope-Dance In The Quantum Rainbow~

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~Full Moon July 15TH Energy Scope-Dance In The Quantum Rainbow~

We are under the first full moon free eclipse In many weeks. Do we rejoice? Yes. The eclipse triad has left us with a bang. A cosmic wake up call to what needs to be worked on within at the heart and ego and with those in our lives letting go of that which no serves purpose in our lives on a connection level and for many habitual level. We have an awakening that is leading us to dance in a quantum rainbow as we are now being taken to the deepest areas of our being and being opened to the wisdom of that of the deepest space time continuem of which we are one.

A song of unconditional love hath been playing at bio-photonic frequency hoping we would have heard. This is its outcome. it burst into a depth calling all rainbow warriors july1st.


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I’m saddened by some of the things I’m seeing around me and I feel the need to share about it.

I recall that, when I and three friends began a discussion group several years ago, I was filled with hope.

That group was going to be a training ground for those destined to be leaders in the New Age fast approaching. It would be a “safe and sacred” space in which people could speak their truth and emerge from their cocoon of suppression, hesitancy, and ambivalence.

And we did. Some spoke their truth so compellingly that we all sizzled. And we did emerge. And we found our strength.

~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER STEVE BECKOW~Analysis of Matthew’s Message, July 12, 2011 ~ Part 1/2

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Analysis of Matthew’s Message, July 12, 2011 ~ Part 1/2

I’m going to go over Matthew Ward’s recent message to make sure we have a chance to digest what he’s said. I’ll do so in two bite-sized parts for those with little time to spare, the first today and the second tomorrow.

Matthew gives a history of the United States which spans its divine conception and the undermining of that conception by the Illuminati. He tells us that:

“The United States was to be the country where the combined skills, talents, resourcefulness and innovative ideas of all its residents would prove to the rest of the world that under wise and fair governance, free peoples live in harmony and prosperity.”

~Kundalini Signs and Symptoms~

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~Kundalini Signs and Symptoms~






Many individuals whose Kundalini has been unexpectedly unleashed DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING, and the prevailing social ignorance about this multidimensional transformative process makes it hard to find medical or alternative health practitioners or spiritual advisors who recognize the symptoms, particularly when they are strongly physical. Many people know that the risen Kundalini flings open gates to all sorts of mystical, paranormal and magical vistas but few realize it can also dramatically impact the body. A large percentage of our old Shared Transformation newsletter subscribers reported long bouts of strange illness as well as radical mental, emotional, interpersonal, psychic, spiritual and lifestyle changes. Over and again we hear stories of frustrating, sometimes desperate visits to doctors, healers, counselors, etc. who neither understood nor were able to help with the myriad pains and problems catalyzed by raging Kundalini.

Click here — This letter is typical of the hundreds we receive from people struggling with strange symptoms and Kundalini illnesses:

~ A LIGHTWORKERS PRAYER TO AA MICHAEL~ ~Asking Archangel Michael and the Angels for Assistance~

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~Asking Archangel Michael and the Angels for Assistance~



Archangel Michael, we call to you and the Angels of the realm of truth who are pure creations of the infinite creator. We ask you in your selflessness and power of unconditional love to assist us. We seek to be pure of heart, mind and body as you are. We seek to return to the original god nature that we were created in. We understand that we accepted to lower our vibration and experience for the creator and all of creation. We acknowledge through our god given free will that it is our responsibility to return to perfection. And so it is!



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Introduction to Night 4 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld




You Tube Video http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek
Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm
From July 13th to July 30th, we enter into Night 4 of the Universal Underworld with a focus on the Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness, accelerated through the Full Moon on July 15th. This beautiful golden flame is the energy that will embrace Mother Earth and all her Life from 2012 from a ray perspective, and over the next eighteen days in particular, we have the opportunity to truly experience the essence of our God Selves, our I Am Presence, as we integrate and transcend the dualities within ourselves and lift the vibration of all Life on this Earth plane into Christ Consciousness while bringing together the perfect balance of our own Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes of Light.


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