~~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Montague Keen, through Love Reporter Veronica ~Stay connected in the Love Vibration

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~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Montague Keen, through Love Reporter Veronica

Veronica, my dear, it is time for every human being on the Earth to link with David Icke every morning at 9.30am. AWAKENING THE WORLD, the global connection of hearts and minds, sending love and peace into the collective energy field, will expose and remove the corrupt from power.

You, my dear, have a sacred site. It is time to use it. We told you in seance that David would lead the way out of the darkness into the light. By doing this, you will blossom into the Beings of Light that you truly are. In a world of love, the soul-less will not be able to function. They cannot hold their shape when surrounded by love.


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Welcome Beloveds, we are here once more to guide you through the life journey that you came here to experience. We ask that you once more process all our words and guidance through your hearts. We note that many are failing to do this and would ask the question why is it so difficult for many of you to allow yourself to FEEL? Many who read our words are still using their mind to create the life experience and we guide you strongly to detach from this way of BEing.

~ASHTAR~~Claiming Your Freedom to Create Your Abundance~

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Ashtar, Teleconference, 6~28~11

Claiming Your Freedom to Create Your Abundance

"Well, Greetings Everyone, this Family, in this Celebration - coming together is most appropriate.  You have heard so much news, and indeed we could go on by the hour, the day even, with all of the changes that are occurring everywhere on Planet Earth.  And it is most appropriate to focus upon that which you call the 3D changes, the changes in governments and societies, and yes the changes that are being facilitated, not just by us who come, but by you Beloved Ones, by calling forth the Light, by sending out the Love Beams.  This is how the great changes are made.  This is how the consciousness is raised, and this is how the vibrations of the Planet are able to increase!


~Hilarion's Weekly Message July 10~17, 2011~ENERGY INCREASES~

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Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011

July 10~17, 2011





Beloved Ones,

As the frequency of the new energies increases in intensity, many people upon the Planet are feeling various emotions, ranging from great joy to great sorrows, regrets and feelings of loss and pain. These feelings are not only those that have been deeply held within each Soul since early childhood. Beloved Ones, these feelings are all part of the collective consciousness or rather, unconsciousness, that has been gathered as a field of energy that surrounds the Planet. This is held to the Planet as a vibrational field that has kept Humanity imprisoned within this field for millennia.

~7~10~11~Spiritual progress occurs when you allow yourselves to listen to your intuition~

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~Spiritual progress occurs when you allow yourselves to listen to your intuition~


The progress that humanity’s spiritual development has made over the last half-dozen decades is truly phenomenal, as you moved from inflexible self-righteousness to a willingness to question your beliefs and investigate their validity. This has enabled you to understand how limited is your ability to differentiate between truth and untruth using only the power of reasoning. To reason, you have to have a starting point and a set of assumptions from which to develop your argument; if the assumptions you choose are incorrect then the whole exercise becomes meaningless. If further information becomes available, the assumptions can be changed and a new argument developed. Obviously, your scientific knowledge has grown as a result of working in this fashion, as old assumptions found to be incorrect are replaced in ongoing scientific research, but progress is slow and tedious.


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