~Even Ascension is an Evolutionary Process~

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I remember when I first “woke up” to the reality that my reality was not real. That is to say, when I started to discover the world of spirit within myself via meditation. I kept asking God to show me how everything became created. In my innocence, I really meant show me how this earth began, I never thought beyond earth. I asked many times over the course of several years, then out of the clear blue, in a wonderful meditation in 2004… I was shown. It wasn’t until this week, did I really even understand what it all meant to us. Actually, I didn’t think it had any meaning what so ever. Man was I wrong!


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Owen Waters

July 3, 2011, at http://clevelandohiousa.tripod.com/leftbehind/

Last week, we asked the question, “What if some people simply don’t want to go through The Shift and leave their old lifestyle behind?” What if they prefer to stay immersed in “them against us” dramas or even “me against the world” dramas?

Humanity was created so that we can find our way back home to the source from which we originally came. God didn’t just create humanity and leave us to fend for ourselves. There is a cosmic plan for the enlightenment of humanity and, true to our gift of self-determination, no one is forced to progress any faster than they choose.

The Shift isn’t just about the planet Earth. Our planet, our solar system, and our section of the universe are about to make a quantum jump in frequency. There will come a mass ascension day when the Earth will rise in vibration and take with her all who are ready to function in heart-centered consciousness.


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Welcome beloveds we are the high council of orion and we are here to guide and support you at this time. Many of you are struggling with the new energies as you try to work out how to live with a higher vibration whilst being surrounded by many who are still asleep and at a lower vibration. Many of you swing between various vibrations and the result is that many of you feel awful and have various symptoms whilst it is possible to maintain a high vibration at all times.


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June certainly turned out to be an action packed month. With two eclipses and the Solstice, everyone was affected by some aspect of June's energies. Whether it was a necessary ending, a forced realization or a life change whose time had come, there was a finality to the shifts that occurred which did not leave any question as to the need to take a different path, to change a belief or to consider other options. We all learned lessons about expectations, release and closure that came in many forms, often from those we least expected. And to have closure and start on a new path we learned that we should release the teacher so we could embrace the lesson.

The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective ~~What will happen on December 21st, 2012?~

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The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective ~~What will happen on December 21st, 2012?~



Ah yes, hello dears. This is the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, and as always it is a pleasure and an honor to have the opportunity to connect. What we would like to discuss with you is 2012. December 21st, 2012 to be specific, as we were asked to give our perspective on what would transpire as you reach that time. And to be perfectly honest with you… we don’t know.


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