~Ascension Related Symptoms & Improvements~

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~Ascension Related Symptoms & Improvements~


Someone asked me recently about if and when there will be any physical body improvements concerning the ongoing Ascension pressures, aches and pains. The situation is that when something physically hurts due to the ongoing transformational Ascension Process, it’s because there are improvements happening to us and our bodies and brains!

~ Compassion and Mercy with Lady Quan Yin~

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~Compassion and Mercy with Lady Quan Yin~

~July 06, 2011~

From the Collins on-line dictionary

Compassion: a feeling of distress and pity for the suffering or misfortune of another
Mercy: 1. compassionate treatment of or attitude towards an offender or enemy who is in one’s power. 2. the power to show mercy, they threw themselves on the King’s mercy. 3. a relieving or welcome occurrence or act, it was a mercy you turned up when you did. 4. at the mercy of in the power of,

Dearest Children of the Light it pleases me so to be here today with this beautiful child. I had her define these two 'words' from a trusted source and include them with the message I am relating today.

I am the Ascended Master, Lady Quan Yin. It is I, who you call out for when asking for some compassion or "show me some mercy". I am there dear ones, holding you, comforting you.

~AA Michael: Looking Through the Peephole Into Eternity~

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AA Michael: Looking Through the Peephole Into Eternity


Friday, 1 July, 2011  (posted 6 July, 2011) 

Welcome! & Greetings! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Once again the moments have dashed by so quickly that you could have missed them had you blinked.

My Beloveds what time is telling you is, that it really isn’t a meter of measurement but only a point or mile marker helping you remember your lines within your scripts. Time might even be described as a page number within those contracted scripts that you drafted with  your advisors before coming to the Earth Plane. Time, just like your age, is nothing more than a point of reference, nothing more. 


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When you first meet me on the street you may not know my name....I am your reflection in the ~Grand scheme of things"~...you are me.....Just a reflection of what Grand is becoming to mean...A light, A truth,of Un-conditional love in action.....for what I give to you in those moments is me....Naked and Free, Gentle and Kind, honest as can be....Just A reflection of the miracles to come, the future we have all been dreaming of...this beautiful Love..connecting like notes of a beautifully written song....and its true we are heading for magical times....you and I.....Just a reflection to heal and to love...to leave all hearts open....and truth to flood the walls....We are a reflection no need to hide....its time to reveal all of our colors for we are all the light....Healing each other as we look into the eyes...the Windows of our souls is now being realized...we have chosen Love over fear...Just a reflection of the abundance beginning to flow..like giant rivers flooding into eternity...together and free....We see the Truth you and I of the brightest light from above....I see the God in You...I must see it in Me...


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Welcome beloveds we are the high council of orion and we come to support and guide you as you move through this your life journey. We note that many are struggling with emotions that are coming to the surface to be released and that many are holding on when the emotions surface. We guide dear ones that emotion is to be experienced then let go of. At no point in your journey was it stated that you were a vessel to store these emotions and that you must harbour them.

Illusion will teach that emotions are to be held onto. Illusion is strongest around negative emotions, we watch as many use fear and negativity disguised as love to preserve an event that in reality needs healed and transmuted. We acknowledge that negative emotion such as grief is an emotion that can feel overwhelming for humans and we fully appreciate how difficult our words and guidance may be to many. Grief is the emotion that is experienced when a human feels the disconnection from another or from a place that holds memories. Again we counsel that places are also not vessels for emotions to be stored but fully acknowledge the depth of illusion around this.


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The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies

July 6, 2011



Greetings from the Federation:

The path to Disclosure has been a long and arduous one filled with set backs and disappointments for everyone concerned. We feel your disappointment because it is our disappointment as well. Just as desperately as you want Disclosure, we want to connect with you on a personal level so that we can share those things which we can give to each other in Love and understanding. In this respect, you must stay ever vigilant, as the time draws so much closer than you can imagine. 


~The Pegasians, You Are All Creation~

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Greetings in kind,
in the kindest of ways we meet you, we meet you in loving kindness to yourself.

Honor yourself, allow yourself to be honored deeply. For you are an empowered being, a being in resonance with all creation, with the universal rhythms of all.

We greet you in loving-kindness with yourself for you are ALL. All creation is in you, fully residing within your being, for you are it!
You are all creation, all beingness, all knowingness is you…

7~5~11~~Why the Truth? A Conversation with Ascended Master Hilarion~

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~Why the Truth? A Conversation with Ascended Master Hilarion~


July 05, 2011

Dear Children of the Light it is wonderful to be able to speak through this vessel today. Truth! What is Truth? What is truth for her, for you, for him for your neighbour and for another is easily and possibly different.

I come today to speak on truth. For the past few years, more and more have awakened to what they perceive as a new truth of their existance and where they possibly are going. This is wonderful to see. So many questions. So much eagerness!


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