~ ~Divine Craftsmanship, Centering, and Flow~ ~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Marie Mohler ~w a Love Message from El Morya~

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~Divine Craftsmanship, Centering, and Flow~


Dear One,

It is I, El Morya, Keeper of the Golden Flame. There are times when doing lots of things helps one to feel empowered, and actively participating in one’s process. Yet now is a time, an even greater time, of flow. Let us help you see that flow for yourself and your family. For it is in flow – that all good things will come.

July 2011 ~Liberation into Spiritual Abundance~

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July 2011

~Liberation into Spiritual Abundance~

It has been known for decades that there is an abundance of ascended master activity in Mt. Shasta, and other sacred mountainous areas, over the dates surrounding July 4th. This creates a huge influx of spiritual energy. This divine abundance of light begins to flow all over the earth and is absorbed by all those with open hearts.


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Wednesday, 6 July, 2011  

July 2011 opens on the 1st with a partial Solar Eclipse taking place within a Cardinal Cross and a New Moon in the astrological sign of Cancer.  This is also the third eclipse in a row and the third consecutive year where an eclipse has occurred within the sign of Cancer.  A New Moon gifts us with the opportunity to expand our awareness and consciously initiate profound changes.  This New Moon is greatly intensified with the added energy of the eclipse and the Cardinal Cross.

~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Michael Salla: Is Comet Elenin an Incoming Spacecraft Heralding a New Age?

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~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Michael Salla: Is Comet Elenin an Incoming Spacecraft Heralding a New Age?

Is Comet Elenin an incoming spacecraft heralding a New Age?

Michael Salla, Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner, July 3, 2011


Comet Elenin is an incoming spacecraft or intelligently controlled object according to a number of presenters at a recently completed conference hosted online by the popular whistleblower website – Project Camelot. Several presenters agreed that Elenin will approach its closest points near the Sun and Earth at a time of extraordinary planetary and societal changes coinciding with the end of the Mayan Calendar. A number of anonymous whistleblowers were cited in support of the view that Elenin was an artificially controlled object responsible for widespread planetary changes in the solar system.

~Message From Jeshua....It Is Already Done!~

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Conditions, Dear Ones, are what create all the limitations in your reality and if there is one thing in your reality that you would certainly wish to clear, it is that of limitations.


Love has no conditions and thus, no limitations. Where you become confused is that you are so programmed with the idea of limitation and conditions, you have presently no way of understanding a reality without them. This is completely understandable and this is why if left completely on your own, where you exist now, in your present state of mind, you would only create more limitation.


~Bask in the Wonder of Life~

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~Bask in the Wonder of Life~


 A message from Archangel Gabriel channeled By Galactic Love Reporter Shanta Gabriel~

Life is a special gift from God, filled with infinite beauty.  Your appreciation and gratitude for this beauty brings forth a new dimension of love within you.  Take the time to pursue beauty.  Find one flower and look with wondrous eyes upon this divine miracle.  Notice the grace of a tree, the strength of its trunk, the power of the root system diving deep into the ground, and the play of the leaves in the sunlight.  Put your arms around a tree and take a moment to sense the life force pulsing inside.  This slow steady pulse will soothe and calm you in times of upset.  Try sitting with your back against a tree and feel the peace grow within you.  Listen to the songs of birds.  They sing for the pure joy of it.  This is nature in all its glory, and nature will always remind you of the beauty and wonder of Spirit.

~What if Political, Religious and Country Divisions Were Removed?~

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Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Overview of 7/4/11 “Creation Energies” 15-minute, channeled radio show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com: It’s time to fully clean your slate of Old Age beliefs and claim your inner power. Request assistance each night before sleep to clear your beliefs – including grass is green.


Dear Ones,

Let us return to the topic of freedom we addressed during our 4th of July radio show – the day the United States celebrates freedom.


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Beloved Family of Love,


I am so extremely charged, and excited, and feel loved.... that I have to share with my Family this urge..... This Urge is simply a sharing feeling, simple idea that I feel in my whole being.... urge that is escaping my skin through sweet and heat.... Urge that is missing the words in this earthly vocabulary.....


Urge is tremendously gentle, yet so persistent, that make US, my Beloved and me, going almost every day to Syntagma Square here in Athens, and sometimes we bring our doggy Gaia... [not that she is so large, but she is so gentle and loving and forgiving and unconditional.... Almost like our Mother Earth - Gaia...]


Did you consider why some of US do certain things, with such passion?... Why some of US do not care how you are going to 'judge' or 'compare' or 'blame' our actions?....


Why some of US being called 'stupid' by going in to the parliament of Greece?....

Why some of US have being removed from stage, and removed from speakers in the midst of passionate and love speech?....

~To be on Earth at this point in her history is a great honor~ 7~06~2011 ~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER John Smallman~

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~To be on Earth at this point in her history is a great honor~



7~06~2011 ~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER John Smallman~


Humanity’s spiritual evolution is approaching the moment when an upward leap of enormous magnitude will occur. For the last few hundred years you have been questioning your morals and your ethics, and slowly coming to the realization that to judge or condemn the behavior of others is a projection of your own fears and guilt. You were all brought up in a culture that judged some behavior as good, some as acceptable, some as less than acceptable, and some as evil. However, over the last few decades, as more and more of you have become familiar with cultures other than the ones into which you were born, it has become quite obvious that the rigid moral and ethical standards to which your culture demanded adherence were not only frequently invalid, but also led to conflict and unnecessary suffering for many.


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