GFP Newsletter - 9/29/2020

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Know -- know life in its totality, know its mysteries, explore. Go from the known to the unknown, from the unknown to the unknowable -- go on a long pilgrimage. Nothing should be left unknown. You should become part of the whole mystery of the universe.


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Contraction Or Expansion

As a human being, you are either in a state of contraction or expansion; think black hole versus nova. A black hole contracts, pulling everything near it to its center leaving nothing but darkness. A nova, even as a by-product of destruction, creates light beyond measure. This contraction or expansion of the spirit within is your doing, your creation, your choice. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 29, 2020

Dear Ones, you always know if you are settling. Settling will never give you long term satisfaction because you will be trying to thrive in energies you already know are not a match to who you really are and how you truly wish to live. Love yourselves enough to wait until you align with what excites and delights you. You will save yourselves much time, trouble, and discomfort if you simply have the faith and the patience to hold the space until your heart gives you a resounding yes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/28/2020

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Just think of a world where people are blissful, ecstatic, where people are living moment-to-moment with a dance and with a song... How much of your old religion will remain? How many of your temples and churches and synagogues will be able to survive? They will start disappearing like smoke.

As your suffering disappears, your so-called religions will disappear. They ARE opium for the people; they have been keeping you in a subtle unconscious state. They are giving you great hopes. Those hopes are nothing but drugs, far more dangerous than any chemical drug can be. They have drugged the whole of humanity.


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The Decision Is Yours

Your world is on the cusp of a massive change.  Over the past few weeks, humanity has moved closer and closer to proverbial line in the sand, the place where thought and action meet.  Some may be viewing this with trepidation, others with anticipation.  Regardless of how you are feeling, The Universe is caring for and supporting you.  The decision is now yours and your alone…continue to stand in one place or take the next step and fly. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 28, 2020

People begin to seek miracles when they come to the realization that the mind has taken them as far as it can go. It is the profound act of shifting out of the mind into your faith with a willingness to both be moved and receive that makes miracles possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/27/2020

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You live thousands of years back. It is very rare to find a contemporary man. Somebody is one thousand years old, somebody two thousand, somebody three thousand... And the older they are, the more valuable they think they are. Hindus try to prove that their Vedas are the oldest scriptures, as if this is something creditable. The oldest scriptures simply means that you have not moved since then, you are still carrying the burden. Historians say that the scriptures of the Hindus, the Vedas, are five thousand years old. But Hindus are not ready to accept it -- they say they are at least ninety thousand years old. The older they are the better.

The same is true about other religions, as if all that is old is gold. In fact, life is always new, fresh, as fresh as dewdrops in the early morning sun on the lotus leaf, as fresh as the stars, as fresh as the eyes of a newly-born baby, as fresh as the song of the birds right now.

Life knows only one time, that is now.


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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 27, 2020

The difference between boredom and peacefulness is how much resistance you have to the time and space your soul has created for you for your highest good. You can shift the former into the latter by the use of presence, gratitude, and creative exploration. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/26/2020

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The first and the only worthwhile inquiry is to know: "Who am I within this body-mind mechanism? What is this consciousness, this miracle of consciousness?" This miracle of awareness has to be discovered. You have to peel your being as one peels an onion. Go on peeling... You will find layers within layers. And finally, when all the layers are discarded, eliminated, you will find in your hands pure nothingness, emptiness, SHUNYATA. That is your essential core, the center of the cyclone.

Discarding the layers of the onion you have discarded the bottle that was created by you, by the society, by the culture, by the past, by the tradition, and when you have discarded the bottle, the goose is out. Then you are as infinite as the universe itself, as eternal as timelessness itself.

You can call it godliness -- it IS godliness. It is the highest, the greatest flowering of being.

But it is not a God somewhere outside you. You cannot pray to it. You can be it, but you cannot pray to it, because it is not separate.



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