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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 23, 2020

Release being on high alert for what is wrong with you for that is an old system of judgement that simply cannot support you in moving into your highest expression of self. Such an approach will only create more resistance within yourself, which will perpetuate energetic contraction and discomfort. Dear Ones, please hear us when we say self love combined with self acceptance is the healing balm you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/22/2020

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Foolish things are being done by thousands of others, so you never become aware that they are foolish. When the crowd is with you, when the multitudes are with you, you feel on safe ground. You feel shaky only when you are alone. Meditation is the experience of aloneness. Only very courageous people can enter into that dimension.


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 22, 2020

Some of you have a concern that if you practice self love and acceptance you will lull yourself into a space of complacency and because of that fall into ego or stall your growth.

Let us reassure you that quite the opposite will happen. When you feel safe, balanced, and loved you are supported and encouraged to embrace the unfoldment of your journey.

Your soul will always, always seek expansion and growth. Trust that your self love can only provide healing and serve your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/21/2020

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I don't see that there is any God who created the world. I certainly experience a quality of godliness in existence, but it is a quality, not a person. It is more like love, more like silence, more like joy, less like a person. You are never going to meet God and say "Hello" to him, "How are you?" and "I have been looking for you for thousands of years. Where have you been hiding?"

God is not a person but only a presence. And when I say "presence", be very attentive, because you can go on listening according to your own conditioning. You can even make "presence" something objective -- you have again fallen into the same trap. God is a presence at the innermost core of your being: it is your OWN presence. It is not a meeting with somebody else.


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Just a reminder: you control your narrative.  If you choose to allow someone else to do so, then it is not yours.  During this time of immense change, you are being given the opportunity to branch out in unimaginable ways and forge new paths for yourselves.  You have a very short amount of time on your Earth plane, live your life with conviction and on your own terms. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 21, 2020

Acceptance is the demonstration of your unshakeable faith and trust. It allows you to flow forward into your best solutions and highest outcomes even if you have no idea what they might be or how to get there. It embraces the unfoldment of accelerated change with the greatest amount of comfort. It is essential for empowered forward movement as well as knowing yourself in a deeper way than ever before. It is the key that unlocks the door that leads you away from the futility of resistance into the discovery of what is truly possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/20/2020

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Resurrection is possible only after crucifixion. There is no other way. Death is the way for life to come back, so don't be afraid of death! In fact, life and death are not opposites, they are not contradictions to each other. They are like two wings -- they help each other, they are complementaries.

I teach you to live totally, and I also teach you to die totally. Totality has to be the taste of a really religious person. And when I say "a really religious person" I don't mean anything supernatural, anything higher, holier -- I simply mean the innocent life, the ordinary life. I exalt the ordinary, I praise the ordinary, I worship the ordinary.


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You Deserve It

The Universe knows many of you are very tired.  Standing in your truth, staying grounded and being the best version of yourself can be tiring, especially in today’s world.  Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. (Smiling)  Today, you are being invited to take a break, breathe and experience some peace.  You deserve it and you are very loved! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 20, 2020

Many of you are feeling frustrated that certain things are not coming together for you. This can make you start to doubt, to have anxiety, or to think you are doing things wrong or are blocked.

What you are trying to manifest for the next phase of your incarnation is not stalled. In many cases, those dreams are simply waiting until you integrate an energetic shift that moves you into alignment with them. We wish to remind you that energetic shifts cannot be rushed, they must occur in their own timing, one divinely guided step at a time.

2020 is a year of flux, of moving between the old and the new. It also contains a series of profound energetic shifts that are designed to prepare you for the creation of the new. You have been receiving these energies throughout the year and they will continue to ramp up until you step into 2021.

Trust there is divine intelligence behind it all. Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the elements that help you move with and integrate energy with the most efficiency. The transformational process you are part of simply cannot be done all at once. It must be done in a series of steps in order to make it sustainable for you.

As you integrate the rest of the energies that will be made available to you throughout the remainder of 2020, you will start to receive inspirations and discover the seeds of new potentials that give you an idea of where you are going. Hold the core essence of your hopes and dreams and let them bloom and grow from there.


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