Kim Jong Un Gets Married

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Published on Jul 25, 2012 by

North Korean state media ended weeks of speculation today, announcing that the mystery woman who has accompanied North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on recent public events is his wife.

Referring to her as Ri Sol Ju, the station reported on the couple's visit to Neung Ra People's Resort during the 8 p.m. broadcast, identifying Ri by name for the first time, and identifying her as "wife" four times during the news report.

"As welcome music played, our Marshal Kim Jong Un and his wife comrade Ri Sol Ju came to the inauguration," the announcer read.

Ri, wearing a black skirt with a burgundy jacket in black heels, was shown walking alongside Kim at the resort followed by Kim's uncle Jang Song-Taek, the Vice Chairman of National Defense Commission and known to be the power behind the new leader. In another scene, she was seen sitting on the right side of Kim while being briefed by officials.

Ri, a short-haired woman who appears to be in her 20s or early 30s, made her first public appearance with Kim on July 5, wearing a yellow polka dot dress and white jacket, during a concert in Pyongyang.

Since then, she's been seen walking next to the new leader on a visit to the mausoleum of his father and late leader Kim Il Sung. On Tuesday, state television aired photos of the woman standing next to Kim during a visit to a kindergarten. She was seen smiling, as Kim hugged and talked to children, with officials standing behind the couple.


Message from the Ashtar Command 7/25/12 ‘Strengthening Your Shorelines’

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We are movers and we are shakers, universal in size and scope. We come to worlds that we feel could benefit from our assistance with big ideas on our minds, big plans, big dreams and big hopes for a better world for those we have come to with offers of our assistance. We have come to your world with a vision for a bright new start for all of you and for your mother planet as well. What we have planned for you is something so spectacular, so beautiful, so enormous that it will indeed take some time to complete, but even in the early stages of all the plans that we have for you we feel you will reap at least a few benefits from our presence here and our willingness to offer you our assistance, our manpower, our technologies and wisdom.


Many of you with eyes that see look around you and see a world that has surely hit a dead end stop, for your eyes have vision, they have clarity, they see what others do not see, others cannot see, others will not see, for some others are not yet prepared to see, do you see? Not everyone has reached the same level of evolution as some of the others. That's all. This is not a war between those awakened, those un-awakened and all those somewhere in between. You are all friends, neighbors and family. You are all in this together, and you have all been in this together for a very, very long time. If you understood how long many of you have indeed been neighbors, family and friends on this long and what seemed a very isolated, dark and dangerous journey, we feel you would all begin to treat each other a little differently, better than some of you are treating others at this time.


Mexico protest: Over 30,000 march against new president

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Published on Jul 23, 2012 by RussiaToday

At least 32,000 protesters marched through Mexico City on Sunday to protest the "imposition" of the new president - READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/dz6a73

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Farmed & Dangerous: Dairy demos vs corporate herd

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Published on Jul 23, 2012 by RussiaToday

Europe's dairy farmers are feeling the squeeze - they say big business is forcing milk prices down to below the cost of production. And they say they're getting nowhere with their EU MPs, who they accuse of following the corporate herd. RT's Tesa Arcilla has more.

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Euro-Contagion: Germany outlook 'negative' over nonstop debt debacle of others

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Published on Jul 24, 2012 by RussiaToday

Rating agency Moody's has set itself on a collision course with German Chancellor Angela Merkel - after changing the country's credit outlook to negative. The agency even hinted at possible downgrades - if the Eurozone gets worse. But Merkel immediately fired back that Germany would remain Europe's financial haven, despite the Eurocrisis.

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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/24/12 ‘Why Do You Assist the Dark Ones?’

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All infinity of space and in time have representatives here in and above your world at this time as we, together with you, the people of Earth, carry out our divine mission in love and in service to our Creator, your Creator, the Creator of all things large and small, dark or light in this universe. We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light and our organization itself stand for love, for peace, for charity, for good deed, for sovereignty, for joy, for freedom forever. We do not come to worlds for any other reason but to offer our gifts, our knowledge, our wisdom, our love, our light, our understandings, our technologies and our assistance to help worlds rise above their current states of existence, of technological advancement, of social, economic and political status.


Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel talks about investigating and debunking UFO sightings

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Published on Jul 20, 2012 by UFOdisclosureGROUP

Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel talks about investigating and debunking UFO sightings


Super-Rich Rabbit Hole: Wealthy stash $21 tn in offshore havens

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Published on Jul 23, 2012 by RussiaToday

Wealthy tax evaders, aided by private banks have exploited loopholes in tax legislation and stashed over $21 tn in offshore funds, says a report - READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/nprjg1

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UFO Evidence - The history of UFOs as seen in Petroglyphs, Cave Paintings, and Artwork

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Published on Jul 20, 2012 by jacquelinedabb

Pictoral evidence that UFOs have existed for over 17,000 years. Starting with cave paintings dated from 17,000 BC, UFOs have been dipicted by man from all four corners of the earth.



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