Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/21/12 ‘How to Communicate with Us’

Greg_ Giles's picture


Do your best to navigate over small bumps in the road that may appear and you will always emerge stronger and wiser for the experience. What has transpired over the last few days with our communication with our channel is nothing but a small and temporary obstacle that we have successfully cleared from our path, and it is nothing to be alarmed about or to carry long-lasting concern for. These minor distractions may appear from time to time as our mission is a greatly vast endeavor and there are many players and participants, allies and foes and those neutral parties as well, and we will persevere to rise to any challenge that presents itself and we will succeed in our mission together with you, as nothing can stop us now.


We would like to discuss with you ways to better communicate with us, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We do see that there are those of you who wish to begin or to improve your communications with us, and we say to you there are methods that you can use to better open up the lines of communication. We would recommend to you to choose a particular time of day or night when you wish to communicate with those assigned to your team or even your guides who may be members of our organization. To do this, simply begin your meditations, or however it is you wish to begin communicating with us, at the same time of day or night so those on the other end of the line with you will know when to ‘pick up the phone’, as it were, and listen for you as you listen for them. This is how it better works for both of us.


Nearby Earth Sized Planet Possibly Discovered | NASA Spitzer Space Telescope HD Video

Rain's picture

Published on Jul 18, 2012 by CoconutScienceLab

Visit my website at http://www.junglejoel.com - astronomers using the Spitzer Space Telescope have detected what may be a planet two-thirds the size of Earth. The exoplanet candidate, called UCF-1.01, is located only 33 light-years away, orbiting the star GJ 436. It is possibly the nearest world to our solar system that is smaller than our home planet. Please rate and comment, thanks!
Credit: NASA/JPL - CalTech


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/20/12 ‘Arrests Continue Peaceably’

Greg_ Giles's picture


‘S and S Bonds’ are security and safety measures that we of the Galactic Federation of Light employ to protect and secure our personnel, our information, our ships, equipment, technologies, and our missions. These security and safety measures were violated over the past few days by members of our personnel who found a means to penetrate this protective system and access equipment and technologies they did not possess the clearance or permission to utilize. They have been reprimanded, and these beings will not be permitted to continue their employment with our organization. This is the justice that has been handed out in this matter, and we feel this is an appropriate means to resolve this situation. Again, we apologize to anyone who has been affected by this breach of security and protocol and again state that nothing like this will ever be permitted to happen again as long as we, the Galactic Federation of Light, can do anything about it.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/19/12 ‘Geithner Message Correction’

Greg_ Giles's picture

Information has been provided to our channel Greg on two dates, 7/14/12 and 7/16/12, by sources that cannot be trusted. These sources are ‘employees’ of the Galactic Federation of Light and who cannot be trusted as they are not bona fide members of the Galactic Federation of Light and therefore do not possess the right to share information with Greg and through Greg to the public at large. What transpired is an obscenity to use our channel in this manner. This has caused much confusion, debate and distrust and we see this as appalling, and we are doing what it is we can do to make amends of this negative situation. What occurred is an offence beyond measure and what occurred will never be permitted to occur again as long as Greg is working as a channel for us. We apologize to Greg and hope that he remains a loyal and faithful channel for us and part of our team, the Galactic Federation of Light.


For a clearer explanation of what transpired we can tell you that what happened was individuals who do not possess the right to write messages out and read them to our channels to share with others got a hold of the methods or technologies that we utilize to send Greg our messages. They sent these messages without our consent, without our permission, without our knowledge. We have rounded up these individuals and have incarcerated them for now until we decide how we wish to deal with these individuals who violated rules and laws that govern certain aspects of our alliance. What consequences they will experience and what justice will be dispensed we at this time do not know, as we are in the early stages of this ongoing investigation. We apologize again to Greg and say that this will never happen again to him.



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