CNN: Michio Kaku "Aliens Exist & Alien Invasion Possible" July 19, 2012

Rain's picture

Published on Jul 20, 2012 by JDQuantum

Michio Kaku on CNN

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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/23/12 ‘New Financial System’

Greg_ Giles's picture


No, there have not been large-scale changes to your financial system as of yet that will at least affect the man and woman on the street. Much is still transpiring behind the scenes and moves are being made, but these moves are large and they are slow due to their enormous weight of the effects that they will have on your world. What we see for your people is an entirely new banking, financial and monetary system. We see a new system based on fairness, equality and true earnings for work related duties which include services offered to your communities through your working cooperation with us, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. What we see is a world where funds that are readily available are transferred from their current states of holding back to the people of your world who are its rightful owners and have always been its rightful owners, as money is not created by Gods, or by rich men of affluence, or by governments, or by banking institutions.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/22/12 ‘The Sea Wall Project’

Greg_ Giles's picture

There are mounting issues in your world that need to be resolved before your people may enter the higher realms of this universe through your ascension, which we see as transpiring smoothly and according to the universe’s pre-conceived schedule. We would like to begin with these many different projects with you in the very near days ahead, as we feel these issues are pressing and must be attended to soon. Some of these projects we have discussed with you, but never at great length, and today we would like to take a further look into just what we are talking about in regards to these undertakings.


We would like to work with you to resolve the issue of your shorelines in some areas that are faulty and do not offer adequate protection in the event that sea levels may rise even just a few inches, or in some cases, a few feet. This will not do, as the proper protection for communities and cities alike are seawalls that can withstand many feet of sea surge, as all planets experience their share of tremors and the shifting of tectonic plates from time to time. The events that we foresee in your very near future, just months away, are events that are not particularly above and beyond the norm of what many planets experience quite regularly. You have been quite fortunate in your recent history as you have not experienced a great seismic event by any means, as your tectonic plates have shifted, but have only shifted a few inches or a few feet in their most extreme movements.


What if...

Rain's picture

Published on Jul 19, 2012 by naturegoddesseyeam

Follow me on my Facebook page called EYE AM (all capital letters) as I share my journey from how I went through life like a caterpillar... struggling through life, struggling to keep up with my to-do-list, struggling to see the purpose of my existence. Follow me as I share my experience of being part of a system, a religious system for 28 years and how I took a leap of faith the day I left the church as a Priests wife to find my own truth, my own path, my own voice... and how I have discovered my wings and found my freedom, my bliss, my love, my own song...

The beautiful piece of music is from Mother Medicine, she is awesome!!



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