
The Only Lightworker-Operated Arts and Entertainment Magazine & Ning Presents: Upcoming 2014 – The year of “Unity, Love and ‘Getting Off’ Creatively”

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The Only Lightworker-Operated Arts and Entertainment Magazine & Ning Presents: Upcoming 2014 – The year of “Unity, Love and ‘Getting Off’ Creatively”
We are the only LIGHTWORKER-OPERATED Arts and Entertainment Magazine! Join our NEW Ning social networking site:
Our Ning social networking site and Magazine are geared towards the Indigo & Crystal Generation's CREATORS, including: musicians, visual artists, D.J.s, dancers, fashion designers, architects, journalists, chefs, creative writers, photographers, entertainers and students of these arts! Haule Haule Magazine globally informs about the arts - including music, media, and dance - plus entertainment today. https://www.haulehaulemagazine.com/


Upcoming 2014 – The year of “Unity, Love and ‘Getting Off’ Creatively” – What Are You Waiting For?


We – the artists, writers, and contributors of Haule Haule Magazine – are Creators. This is what we feel, breathe, think, and eat. We are the visionaries of the future, while creating in the now. Our collective productivity, in digitized print, magnifies self-expression in ourselves and others. This is what we are here for! Our shared imagination inspires productivity, thus creating a seemingly-infinite ripple effect of sharing, reflecting, and generating.


2014 – The year of “Unity, Love and ‘Getting Off’ Creatively” – is about to commence in a billion screaming colors, shapes, movements, and sounds!



annamerkaba's picture

~URGENT -WEALTH AND ABUNDANCE PORTAL -3 DAYS ~ At this very important moment in your earthly history. We call upon you our dearly beloved beautiful earthly masters to comprehend the truth of your mightiness and the truth of your existence. We call upon YOU those standing with their feet on the ground, to utilize all the magical properties of the alchemy that you hold within your physical vessel of being and the thirty 37th parallel to open doors for more magic to come... 


...We the Pleiadian High Council are standing by you at this very important moment in the history of human kind. We bring the message of love and light. We bring the message of enlightenment, and knowledge, knowledge on how to tap into the abundance of the universal truth...~




Reconnection to: Infinite Divine Financial Abundance, Abundance, Prosperity, Plentiful, Wealth, Perfect health, Opportunities, Creativities, Success, Clarity, Guidance, Wisdom, Knowledge, spiritual gifts, Inheritances, Manifestation and more!

lynmarie8's picture

Reconnection to: Infinite Divine Financial Abundance, Abundance, Prosperity, Plentiful, Wealth, Perfect health, Opportunities, Creativities, Success, Clarity, Guidance, Wisdom, Knowledge, spiritual gifts, Inheritances, Manifestation and more!

This has been reconnected with Infinite Matrix, Infinite Crystalline Grid, Infinite Harmonic Universe, Infinite Sacred Geometry, Infinite Rays of Creation, Infinite frequency and vibrations, sounds and colors, connected to the Infinite Heart of Mother/Father of Creation of all that is.

Purified with the Platinum Ray and Charged with it into the Infinite Crystalline Grid and Infinite Matrix Infinite Heart of Mother/Father of Creation of all that is. Then reconnected all crystalline Girds of cosmos, galaxy, universe, solar, planetary, humanity.

All  Counter Acting All opposing the white light, effecting this has been disconnected from this until fully 100% transformed to light. All have been put into Platinum cube containers to be purified.

Enjoy New Energies



Copyright © 2013 LynMarie8. Gives permission to freely copy and share this message. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.  www.lynmarie8.com

Awakening can not be bought or sold

reneesnider's picture

From the Creator Group consciousness melding with the high Hue-man!

Truth in Light - Light Transmission

Spirituality does not need to be "sold", it is innate from within each of us. Filter all through your heart dear ones. We each are students and teachers changing roles in every moment. No One has the key except you within. Karma - is part of the earth experiment and the news is, the experiment is over as soon as one can conceive it and move into love.

auric colorsMastering the four lower bodies (emotional, mental, physical, etheric)  is our journey and connecting within to our expanded self. As this happens we move out of law of attraction (although the like attracts like remains) but we move into resonance of Being. This is a state where we don't need to run the gambit to learn to manifest...we are already doing that at every moment., When we align with our higher aspects,  we give love and receive love fluidly. Karma was part of the path of lesson with the Earth Experiment. This is over...and it is shifting for each of us incrementally with increase awareness, understanding and adapting to our ever increasing energies, new DNA activations that effect how we view our world, our existence, how we relate to all things.

Love then is the centrifugal energy of cycling love in and out. Karma is no longer the path as lesson is balance, we expand our consciousness to move BACK to what we have always been, a being of Light. An innate sentient being, a reflection of the Light of Source Creator.

Yeshua: We Are Creating a Heaven on Earth, One Glowing Step at a Time ~ Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 26, 2013

franheal's picture





Hello my dear ones of eternal bliss. Yes you know, have known, and will know much more deeply the meaning of Bliss, my dear travelers of the dimensions and purveyors of Peace and Love.

I come today to offer my congratulations for a job well done negotiating yet more inundating floods of energy. It has served you well, and thus you serve others with it. And don’t forget yourselves, dear ones. Look into your hearts and see what subtle and not so subtle nuances and evidence of deeper love and transformation you have brought upon yourselves simply with the openness with which you have received the steady barrage of energy.

For you are getting very good at utilizing it to expand your own energy and to fill the world with light and to support the higher vibration for yourselves and others – to fill the world with yet more light in the deepest corners there and in your own hearts. You are getting quite good at this, and as you look back at your energy over the last year, you will see such a gradation and elevation of frequency and purpose.

Lord metatron's "Light My Fire" Activations,with Anita Bist

janetairelle's picture
Archangel Metatron wants lightworkers everywhere to step into the magnificence of their being. Many times lightwokers feel called to serve others but neglect their own God Self by putting themselves last. You were meant to have Divine Abundance for are you not Mother/Father God expressing themselves through you? So claim your Divine Power! Blast through being stuck, feeling unloved and lacking in resources or direction. Lord Metatron's "Light My Fire" Activations specially designed for lightworkers will connect you to your Infinite Source of Wisdom and deep hidden talents creating miracles in your life. For more information, please visit www.chakraoflife.com/productsprograms/metatronslightworkerpackage/


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