
Message from the Ashtar Command 8/22/12 ‘Military Disarmament’

Greg_ Giles's picture

Glistening like a pearl on the sands of a sundrenched beach is your new world, birthed from the mouth of an oyster who nurtured your world through love and through the desire for a better life and a better home for all of you. We have monitored your progress for many long eons of time, and we say to you that you have come so very far that to learn of these details will be a tremendous and glorious surprise for so many of you. Not many of you are ‘newcomers to this scene’. So many of you have been on this journey for so long that this is why you have completely forgotten your roots, your ancestry, your history, your family, your friends, your careers and your purpose here, and this is why it is so difficult for some of you to possibly accept these truths about us, about you, and about what is now taking place here in this world.


Not all of you can and will readily accept the information about us. This is how it will be, there is no changing this. There are those of you who will in the days ahead learn of our existence for the first time, in this lifetime anyway, and going back possibly many more. There will be those who suffer or experience signs of mild and even in some cases severe shock and mental fatigue. Fatigue because the mind is like a muscle, and when the mind is worked out beyond its limits it can become damaged or worn out just like the muscles in your human vessel. These beings will need care, they will need love, they will need rehabilitation, they will need services that you are going to provide for them. This is how it works.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/21/12 ‘Gifts & Responsibility’

Greg_ Giles's picture


Sharing the gifts as the ones you are to receive once suitable arrangements can be created and maintained for a proper, safe, productive, cohesive and efficient working environment are gifts that will be presented to you because you have earned them. There is no other way or reason that gifts such as these are presented to a world and its people. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, monitor worlds, their progress and their consciousness and decide if we feel it is time to bear these gifts to them. This decision is based upon several factors, and we shall discuss these now at this time.


Factor one would be if the people of a world are ready for some of these gifts which, in most cases, deal with very advanced technologies. We cannot, of course, offer gifts of advanced technologies to a world that is still in the midst of their agricultural development or any period in their development where they have not yet reached a technological age. Your world, of course, has met this standard, and as a matter of fact you have met this standard some years ago, however, there were certain other standards that your world and your people had not met. One of these is the product of war. A people must demonstrate to us that they have now reached a point in their history where they no longer want war, where they no longer support war, where they no longer feel violence and bloodshed is the means to solve any problem.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/20/12 ‘Charting Your Course’

Greg_ Giles's picture

We see you protesting on the streets and we understand that you want large-scale change and you want it now. We are here to assist you make the changes that you call for and that you make clear it is what you wish for yourselves and your families. We are doing everything that we are permitted to do. We are not neglecting our duties in any way, shape or form. Those of you who see us as either lazy, or cowardice, or too pacifistic, or apathetic, or coldhearted, or mean, or uncaring, or abusive do not understand clearly who it is we are. We are you. We are your family, we are your friends. These are not metaphors. This is who we are. It is up to each and every one of you to decide for yourselves what these descriptions mean to you.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/19/12 ‘The Ultimate Movie Night’

Greg_ Giles's picture



Counter acting so much negativity and ill feeling in your world is the work of those of the light. Those who consciously work for the light for good, for freedom, for prosperity, for peace, for love, for global and universal cooperation, and those who perhaps unknowingly work for the light, but they too play an important role in your affairs and the dawning of your new age of light. Not all of you would be considered Lightworkers, for not all of you have come here for the same reasons and from the same places. There are many of you here, and almost as many different reasons why you are here at this time.


Not everyone plays for the same team, not everyone has the same goals in mind, the same future in mind for your world. Some that are here are here for reasons that concern none of this, and therefore should be left alone to their own devices, left to their own reality, for it is not our right, task or responsibility to come to them and pull them out of the confines of their reality. It is their dream just as much as you are living and experiencing your dream. Let them be. Let them live the way they planned for themselves, for they have different lessons to learn, different outcomes they wish to achieve through all of this and it would not be fair to inhibit them in any way from reaching their own goals, their own destinations, just as it would not be fair for someone to not allow you to reach your goals and your destination.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/18/12 ‘The First Ascenders of Humanity’

Greg_ Giles's picture

Turning another page in your history book we come to a very exciting and well worth waiting for chapter in your story. We have come to the point where it is now the time in your story to meet your friends, your family, your guides and your higher selves, those who have been sharing with you their wisdom, their light and their love for many long eons of time. It is time now for the curtain to rise for some of you, not for all of you, as it is not yet your time, but it will be in many cases your time very soon. You will not have too much longer to wait than the others who will get a ‘head start’, if you will, who will be the pioneers of this grand endeavor to bring together in reunion those from the higher dimensional worlds and you of your lower dimensional world.


The time is now upon us where these two worlds will merge, where these two worlds converge into one another. This is the crossroads. This is the next stop on your journey, and it is the stop where some of you will be getting off this ride and will begin a new journey donning a new suit of armor to ride forth into a new day with new challenges, adventures, excitement, fun and learning tools. This is where it has all been heading for many of you, and you have brothers and sisters who will now lead the way by testing the waters of what we have created to allow this merging of yourselves and of your world with those of the higher realms and the worlds that exist here beyond your limits of your site, your sound and your touch, but not beyond the limits of your imagination, and this is the key.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/17/12 ‘The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven’

Greg_ Giles's picture

Saint Peter holding the 'Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven' (Matthew 16:19) . The keys

symbolize frequency, as frequency can be expressed as a musical tone, pitch or 'key'. 


Resurrecting your dreams, your hopes, your accomplishments and your new home will be an achievement beyond any that you have ever made. What you have to look forward to is something that not many beings, if any at all, throughout this entire universe are blessed so to experience. We have planned for you and see for you so many wonderful things that so many of you who today may feel tied down to an unrewarding, un-pleasurable, unexciting, un-wondrous and unloved existence will, like a springboard, catapult into an entirely new reality, fresh in its grand tapestries of excitement, adventure, mystery, beauty, wonder, reward and surprise.


This is what so many of you have in store for yourselves just up ahead beyond the next-door that you will successfully step through. Do not allow yourselves to feel glum now, to allow yourselves to deflate, as it is this air of expectation, of childlike excitement and anticipation that is the air that fills your balloon that will lift you up and out of your current fairground of reality. Do you understand this, that it is your attitude, your inner emotions that are such an important factor in helping deliver you to where it is you want to be and what you want to experience? Your mindsets are preciously important factors at this and all times. It is entirely necessary for each and every one of you who wants more for yourselves, who wants something different and better for yourselves to safeguard and cater to your mindset, your attitudes, your demeanor, your outlook, your expectations, your mood as well as your physical health at all times, for all of these things factor in to your journey.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/16/12 ‘New Banking and Financial System’

Greg_ Giles's picture

Everlasting changes are changes that are made carefully and meticulously, based on well conceived plans that are made and that have the ability to develop systems and governance that can withstand many long years and many changes that may test the integrity and strength of these systems. Here in your world today are many examples of systems that have not survived tests of their integrity, their strength and their design. Here you have systems that have in many cases completely collapsed under just their own weight and not any outside force or influence. You have here systems of banking, of finance, of politics, of government, of education, of medicine and hospitalization that had never any chance to survive the long run, as they were weak and flawed in their original conception. They had no chance, none of them, to serve the people for any great length of time, and most of these systems were not even well enough designed to serve the people beneficially, adequately, efficiently or fairly for even a short length of time.


Message from the Ashtar Command 8/15/12 ‘All Remains Possible for You’

Greg_ Giles's picture


Hold on to your dreams and to the desires and the visions that you have had for your new lives and your new world, for they are just as possible as they have always been. They have gone nowhere. All and everything that has been discussed with you is still possible for you, you just have to make it happen, that is all. There is no reason to give up now. There is no call to see gloom on your horizon, for nothing has changed. Why are there those of you who believe anything at all has changed about your prospects, your outlook, your timelines, anything? We would like to know this today. We would like for those of you who believe that something has changed for you, that suddenly something is not possible for you, to share with us and explain to us what that is and why you feel some kind of rules have changed or that some kind of promise has been broken or that you can no longer have something that you thought you could.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/14/12 ‘The Perfect Destination’

Greg_ Giles's picture

In all this time that you have been working on and preparing for all that it is you wish for yourselves you have made great strides, you have made grand accomplishments, for you have all come so far in so many different ways and areas of your development. Not one day has been a waste of time or effort for any of you, as much has been achieved through your efforts and through your working cooperation with us, your family of the higher realms of this universe. Try to see this all in this way. Do your best to remain in a positive flow at all times, as it is this positive flow that will continue to carry you towards the goals and the futures that you have in mind and in heart, for this is how it is done.


It is not done through doubt, through fear, through suspicion, by quitting or through a defeatist attitude. Your goals are only achieved through the power of positive thought and action. This is how things get done, and we wish you to always keep this in mind, our dear loved ones, for the power of positive thought is boundless, is limitless and can take you to the farthest reaches of this universe and even back here, if that is what you wish for yourselves.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/13/12 ‘Ascension Science’

Greg_ Giles's picture

Holding you back in some ways is your resistance to change in some areas. There are for some of you new concepts and new ideas that are foreign to you, strange to you. You do not resonate with them, for you have never experienced anything like this before in any of your previous or recent incarnations. We of the Galactic Federation of Light wish to assist you smooth this transition for yourselves and assimilate these changes more efficiently and effectively, more positively, more securely and more confidently.


At this time, some of you are demonstrating great difficulties when reading our messages to you. These individuals are displaying behaviors not suitable for higher dimensional existence in many ways. These individuals are demonstrating for all to see that they are not yet prepared, they have not yet enabled themselves to rise above the frequency levels of a 3rd third dimensional existence. This is their choice and we, as we always do, honor and respect the choice that all will make, however, these beings may wish to understand that they will not, because they cannot, ascend into the higher dimensions until these deficiencies in their personality constructs are purified, are corrected, are brought into alignment with higher dimensional consciousness.



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