
Sunday Musings ~ The Magic of the I AM in action!

Blue Diamon's picture

Beloveds, isn’t LIFE magical? Life really is meant to be magical! We just get so bogged down by ‘what is’ around us that we fail to see the magic inside of us. We fail to see the whole picture because we get stuck in our minds and forget we have hearts…

Beloveds, the heart is where magic lies. Once we fully embrace a heart based way of life we can begin living as we were meant to live, as one big happy family because we are all connected, all of us. We are all made of the same stuff, intricately and wonderfully made with perfection, and JOY is our natural state of being.

If only we could see that, understand that and believe that, life would be so different. The world would be a different place!

Einstein said , ‘If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.’

You want to know why? Because fairy tales are magical, and they bring out the imagination in people and it is through imagination that we create experience.

Life is all about experiencing stuff. Simply experiencing it. If there is some experience you don’t like you can use your imagination to change it. You have that power. You have that choice.

Energy is alive and waiting to be shaped into whichever experience you wish to give it, and give yourself. That is the joy of creation!

Clearing & Healing the Lemurian & Atlantean Trauma

Blue Diamon's picture

atlantis lemuria sinking clearing trauma

Dear Readers,

We are in the midst of a massive shift that is affecting everybody on this Planet whether they are aware of it or not. Most of what is being addressed now has to do with clearing the separation and victim consciousness of humanity, most of which has come from the Atlantean and Lemurian trauma’s suffered over 12000 years ago.

My guides have informed me that ultimately no one is going to be left untouched by this shift and that eventually, once we have moved through this transitional gateway, things will lighten up considerably.

In the meantime, we are guided to do what we can to help speed things up!

It is our wish to re-establish and anchor into the hearts and minds of Humanity the Diamond Code of Prosperity that will serve to restore us to our original DNA blueprint. In order to do this, we have to make way for these high frequency codes to come into alignment with our being.

And so, we are offering a workshop in which we will in effect clear and heal our past records which have stood in the way of Humanity reaching their full potential in this regard. In so doing, we hope to be instrumental in clearing the dross of the huge trauma’s suffered by our forefathers so long ago. In fact most of us guided to do this work are here for this very purpose and feel responsible to take action in its clearing.

Atlantis & Lemuria Latitudes and Longitudes

Tom T. Moore's picture

There has been speculation about the very existence of the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria for literally hundreds of years. Yes, they did exist, but all records of their societies’ existence for over 50,000 years were destroyed, with the exception of the writings of Plato and legends.

The continent of Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean, but most of it perished in an enormous natural disaster when a line of volcanoes, bisecting the continent on top of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, all erupted approximately 31,000 years ago. A few remnants remained—the Bahamas to the south, a few islands off the coast of Maine and New Hampshire, Bermuda and the Canary Islands. These islands were also wiped clean by the tsunamis that followed. There were seven other islands slightly to the west of the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that I’ll cover below.

Before the natural disaster, the continent of Atlantis was in the shape of a parallelogram. To the east, Atlantis came within 30 miles (48 kilometers) of the African Coast, then named the Land of OZ. To the west it ran parallel approximately 100 miles (160 kilometers) off the North American coastline.

Please keep in mind these latitudes and longitudes act as BOUNDARIES for the continent. The Atlantean Continent was contained within these boundaries.

Northern edge: Latitude 47° N

Southern edge: Latitude 30° N

Southern tip: Latitude 26° N, 18° W. Longitude

Western edge: 75° - 80° W. Longitude

Eastern edge: 17°-18° W. Longitude

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete? ~ Part 3 ~ “Are We Descended From Apes”

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

~~Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete?

Part 3

 “Are We Descended From Apes”

This is Part 3 of information shared from Teutilarhon of Atlantis, a Scientific Spiritual Technology Research Analyst and Expert, in charge of the Dimensional Time-Travel Research Program for the 11th Dimension Atlantian Reality System, as it pertains to expanded knowledge of the “Story of Atlantis” relating to our current collective projected Earth time-frame reality.

In Part 1 of this article, which was entitled…

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete? & The 13th Day of Zac

I asked you… What if I told you the “story” we believe to be the “Legend of Atlantis” is incomplete? What would you say?

What if I told you the story of the “Legend of Atlantis” that we believe to be what happened, is not really what happened at all? What would you say?


In Part 2 of this article I shared more information on what transpired after “The Fall” of Atlantis, where Atlantis moved to, and more detailed information about the different dimensions in which Atlantis exists, as well as some of the “Why’s” we are receiving this information now.

If you have not read Parts 1 and 2, or you would like to refresh your memory of the information contained in them, you may find them at the links provided here.

Part 1

Part 2


Continuing from Part 2

I would like to share how “We are Descended from APES” came to me.

Is the Legend of Atlantis Incomplete? & The 13th Day of Zac

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

~~Back on October 1st of 2014 I asked the questions…

What if I told you the “story” we believe to be the “Legend of Atlantis” is incomplete? What would you say?

What if I told you the story of the “Legend of Atlantis” that we believe to be what happened, is not really what happened at all? What would you say?

Which of these possibilities would be easier for you to accept and believe? That the story is incomplete? Or that the story is an Illusion?

I asked you… What if the Legend of Atlantis as we know it was intentionally implanted into the psyche of the Human Collective Consciousness?

How would that make you feel? Would it make you wonder Why and by Whom, and for what purpose?

Today, March 11, 2015, is the perfect day to share the information I had promised would be forthcoming surrounding these questions. Let me explain why.


In the Mayan Calendar system, the Haab Year, also known as the Vague Year, is the day count most like our current calendar. It has a 365 day count, so it is obviously based on solar observation. It’s called “Vague” because it does not include leap years.

The Haab is used in conjunction with the Tzolk’in calendar, and together they create the larger 52 year cycle called the Calendar Round.

The Haab is made up of 18 months of 20 days each with a final short nineteenth month consisting of only 5 days.

We are currently in the 11th Haab month; the month known as Zac. The dates on our current calendar that correspond to the 11th Haab month of Zac are February 27th through March 17th. (note: to achieve this count February always has 29 days)

With that information we know that tomorrow, March 12, is the 13th day of the 11th Haab month known as Zac.

Why is this information significant? What might it have to do with information related to Atlantis?

It is significant because according to some beliefs Atlantis sank on the 13th day of Zac.

Hidden Italy: The Forbidden Cyclopean Ruins (Of Giants From Atlantis?)

Eddie1177's picture

Hidden Italy: The Forbidden Cyclopean Ruins (Of Giants From Atlantis?)

Was the ancient land of Italy once inhabited by giants? Miles of prehistoric polygonal stone walls still survive scattered across Italy―ancient ruins so stunningly unique, bizarre, and futuristic that scholars, historians, and philosophers once believed they were built by a now-extinct race of giant human beings called the “Cyclopes.” Very little is known about these prehistoric builders and their strange megalithic masterpieces. Their building technique resembles that of the Incas/pre-Incas of Peru: enormous stones cut into interlocking angles, placed without mortar. As in Peru, the stones have withstood centuries of abandonment and quarrying by later civilizations like the Etruscans and Romans. Sadly, modern scholars ignore these ruins while the wider world is oblivious to their existence. We’ll see why some Victorians believed they were built by survivors from Atlantis.

Scattered throughout ancient Latium (the region in Italy where Rome was later founded) are the megalithic ruins of strangely built polygonal stone walls so stunningly unique, bizarre, and futuristic that for thousands of years it was believed they were constructed by a prehistoric race of giants, now forgotten.

This lost race of giants―said to have been taller, stronger, more clever, and generally superior to modern man―has been known in all eras as the “Cyclopes,” with the constructions they created termed “Cyclopean.”


Dazholmes's picture

Evidence For Its' Existence

The Atlanteans used crystals quite extensively, and misused them to such a degree that they eventually led to the catastrophe which caused Atlantis to disappear into the ocean.

The Atlanteans used the knowledge of the crystal refraction, amplification and storage. It is known that a beam of light directed intensely and focused specifically on certain series of facets in a gem will, when it exits from the reflective plane of the gem, be amplified rather than diminished. And further, these amplified energies were broken down into a wide and sophisticated spectrum. The Atlanteans used the spectrum of this energy so as to be more useable, and for a specific purpose, much as one would use petroleum in terms of its various spectrum limitations for specific purposes.


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